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[Contrib] [RFC Index] [RFC 1300 - 1399]    RFC 1340: Assigned Numbers
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RFC 1340:
Assigned Numbers


Network	Working	Group					     J.	Reynolds
Request	for Comments: 1340				       J. Postel
Obsoletes RFCs:	1060, 1010, 990, 960,				     ISI
943, 923, 900, 870, 820, 790, 776, 770,			       July 1992
762, 758,755, 750, 739,	604, 503, 433, 349
Obsoletes IENs:	127, 117, 93


Status of this Memo

   This	memo is	a status report	on the parameters (i.e., numbers and
   keywords) used in protocols in the Internet community.  Distribution
   of this memo	is unlimited.

Table of Contents

   INTRODUCTION...................................................  2
   Data	Notations.................................................  3
   Special Addresses..............................................  4
   VERSION NUMBERS................................................  6
   PROTOCOL NUMBERS...............................................  7
   WELL	KNOWN PORT NUMBERS........................................  9
   REGISTERED PORT NUMBERS........................................ 23
   INTERNET MULTICAST ADDRESSES................................... 27
   IANA	ETHERNET ADDRESS BLOCK.................................... 29
   IP TOS PARAMETERS.............................................. 30
   IP TIME TO LIVE PARAMETER...................................... 32
   DOMAIN SYSTEM PARAMETERS....................................... 33
   BOOTP PARAMETERS............................................... 35
   NETWORK MANAGEMENT PARAMETERS.................................. 36
   MILNET LOGICAL ADDRESSES....................................... 49
   MILNET LINK NUMBERS............................................ 50
   MILNET X.25 ADDRESS MAPPINGS................................... 51
   IEEE	802 NUMBERS OF INTEREST................................... 53
   ETHERNET NUMBERS OF INTEREST................................... 54
   ETHERNET VENDOR ADDRESS COMPONENTS............................. 57
   ETHERNET MULTICAST ADDRESSES................................... 60
   XNS PROTOCOL	TYPES............................................. 62
   PROTOCOL/TYPE FIELD ASSIGNMENTS................................ 63
   PRONET 80 TYPE NUMBERS......................................... 64
   DYNAMIC REVERSE ARP............................................ 70
   INVERSE ADDRESS RESOULUTION PROTOCOL........................... 70
   X.25	TYPE NUMBERS.............................................. 71

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   PUBLIC DATA NETWORK NUMBERS.................................... 72
   TELNET OPTIONS................................................. 75
   MAIL	ENCRYPTION TYPES.......................................... 76
   MIME	TYPES..................................................... 77
   CHARACTER SETS................................................. 79
   MACHINE NAMES.................................................. 83
   SYSTEM NAMES................................................... 87
   PROTOCOL AND	SERVICE	NAMES..................................... 88
   TERMINAL TYPE NAMES............................................ 92
   DOCUMENTS...................................................... 96
   Security Considerations........................................139
   Authors' Addresses.............................................139


   This	Network	Working	Group Request for Comments documents the
   currently assigned values from several series of numbers used in
   network protocol implementations.  This RFC will be updated
   periodically, and in	any case current information can be obtained from
   the Internet	Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).  If you are developing
   a protocol or application that will require the use of a link, socket,
   port, protocol, etc., please	contact	the IANA to receive a number

   Joyce K. Reynolds
   Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
   USC - Information Sciences Institute
   4676	Admiralty Way
   Marina del Rey, California  90292-6695

   Phone: (310)	822-1511

   Electronic mail: IANA@ISI.EDU

   Most	of the protocols mentioned here	are documented in the RFC series
   of notes.  Some of the items	listed are undocumented.  Further
   information on protocols can	be found in the	memo "IAB Official
   Protocol Standards" [62].

   In the entries below, the name and mailbox of the responsible
   individual is indicated.  The bracketed entry, e.g.,	[nn,iii], at the
   right hand margin of	the page indicates a reference for the listed
   protocol, where the number ("nn") cites the document	and the	letters
   ("iii") cites the person.  Whenever possible, the letters are a NIC
   Ident as used in the	WhoIs (NICNAME)	service.

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

Data Notations

   The convention in the documentation of Internet Protocols is	to
   express numbers in decimal and to picture data in "big-endian" order
   [21].  That is, fields are described	left to	right, with the	most
   significant octet on	the left and the least significant octet on the

   The order of	transmission of	the header and data described in this
   document is resolved	to the octet level.  Whenever a	diagram	shows a
   group of octets, the	order of transmission of those octets is the
   normal order	in which they are read in English.  For	example, in the
   following diagram the octets	are transmitted	in the order they are

       0		   1		       2		   3
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
      |	      1	      |	      2	      |	      3	      |	      4	      |
      |	      5	      |	      6	      |	      7	      |	      8	      |
      |	      9	      |	     10	      |	     11	      |	     12	      |

			Transmission Order of Bytes

   Whenever an octet represents	a numeric quantity the left most bit in
   the diagram is the high order or most significant bit.  That	is, the
   bit labeled 0 is the	most significant bit.  For example, the
   following diagram represents	the value 170 (decimal).

			     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
			    |1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0|

			   Significance	of Bits

   Similarly, whenever a multi-octet field represents a	numeric	quantity
   the left most bit of	the whole field	is the most significant	bit.
   When	a multi-octet quantity is transmitted the most significant octet
   is transmitted first.

Reynolds & Postel					        [Page 3]

RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

Special	Addresses:

   There are five classes of IP	addresses: Class A through Class E
   [119].  Of these, Class E addresses are reserved for	experimental
   use.	 A gateway which is not	participating in these experiments must
   ignore all datagrams	with a Class E destination IP address.	ICMP
   Destination Unreachable or ICMP Redirect messages must not result
   from	receiving such datagrams.

   There are certain special cases for IP addresses [11].  These special
   cases can be	concisely summarized using the earlier notation	for an
   IP address:

	 IP-address ::=	 { <Network-number>, <Host-number> }


	 IP-address ::=	 { <Network-number>, <Subnet-number>,
							 <Host-number> }

   if we also use the notation "-1" to mean the	field contains all 1
   bits.  Some common special cases are	as follows:

	 (a)   {0, 0}

	    This host on this network.	Can only be used as a source
	    address (see note later).

	 (b)   {0, <Host-number>}

	    Specified host on this network.  Can only be used as a
	    source address.

	 (c)   { -1, -1}

	    Limited broadcast.	Can only be used as a destination
	    address, and a datagram with this address must never be
	    forwarded outside the (sub-)net of the source.

	 (d)   {<Network-number>, -1}

	    Directed broadcast to specified network.  Can only be used
	    as a destination address.

	 (e)   {<Network-number>, <Subnet-number>, -1}

	    Directed broadcast to specified subnet.  Can only be used as
	    a destination address.

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

	 (f)   {<Network-number>, -1, -1}

	    Directed broadcast to all subnets of specified subnetted
	    network.  Can only be used as a destination	address.

	 (g)   {127, <any>}

	    Internal host loopback address.  Should never appear outside
	    a host.

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992


   In the Internet Protocol (IP) [45,105] there	is a field to identify
   the version of the internetwork general protocol.  This field is 4
   bits	in size.

   Assigned Internet Version Numbers

      Decimal	Keyword	   Version			      References
      -------	-------	   -------			      ----------
	  0		   Reserved				   [JBP]
	1-3		   Unassigned				   [JBP]
	  4	  IP	   Internet Protocol		       [105,JBP]
	  5	  ST	   ST Datagram Mode			[49,JWF]
	6-14		   Unassigned				   [JBP]
	  15		   Reserved				   [JBP]

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992


   In the Internet Protocol (IP) [45,105] there	is a field, called
   Protocol, to	identify the the next level protocol.  This is an 8 bit

   Assigned Internet Protocol Numbers

      Decimal	 Keyword     Protocol			      References
      -------	 -------     --------			      ----------
	   0		     Reserved				   [JBP]
	   1	 ICMP	     Internet Control Message		[97,JBP]
	   2	 IGMP	     Internet Group Management		[43,JBP]
	   3	 GGP	     Gateway-to-Gateway			 [60,MB]
	   4	 IP	     IP	in IP (encasulation)		   [JBP]
	   5	 ST	     Stream				[49,JWF]
	   6	 TCP	     Transmission Control	       [106,JBP]
	   7	 UCL	     UCL				    [PK]
	   8	 EGP	     Exterior Gateway Protocol	      [123,DLM1]
	   9	 IGP	     any private interior gateway	   [JBP]
	  10	 BBN-RCC-MON BBN RCC Monitoring			   [SGC]
	  11	 NVP-II	     Network Voice Protocol		[22,SC3]
	  12	 PUP	     PUP			       [8,XEROX]
	  13	 ARGUS	     ARGUS				  [RWS4]
	  14	 EMCON	     EMCON				   [BN7]
	  15	 XNET	     Cross Net Debugger		       [56,JFH2]
	  16	 CHAOS	     Chaos				   [NC3]
	  17	 UDP	     User Datagram		       [104,JBP]
	  18	 MUX	     Multiplexing			[23,JBP]
	  19	 DCN-MEAS    DCN Measurement Subsystems		  [DLM1]
	  20	 HMP	     Host Monitoring			[59,RH6]
	  21	 PRM	     Packet Radio Measurement		   [ZSU]
	  22	 XNS-IDP     XEROX NS IDP		     [133,XEROX]
	  23	 TRUNK-1     Trunk-1				  [BWB6]
	  24	 TRUNK-2     Trunk-2				  [BWB6]
	  25	 LEAF-1	     Leaf-1				  [BWB6]
	  26	 LEAF-2	     Leaf-2				  [BWB6]
	  27	 RDP	     Reliable Data Protocol	       [138,RH6]
	  28	 IRTP	     Internet Reliable Transaction	[79,TXM]
	  29	 ISO-TP4     ISO Transport Protocol Class 4    [63,RC77]
	  30	 NETBLT	     Bulk Data Transfer	Protocol       [20,DDC1]
	  31	 MFE-NSP     MFE Network Services Protocol    [124,BCH2]
	  32	 MERIT-INP   MERIT Internodal Protocol		   [HWB]
	  33	 SEP	     Sequential	Exchange Protocol	 [JC120]
	  34	 3PC	     Third Party Connect Protocol	  [SAF3]
	  35	 IDPR	     Inter-Domain Policy Routing Protocol [MXS1]
	  36	 XTP	     XTP				   [GXC]
	  37	 DDP	     Datagram Delivery Protocol		   [WXC]

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

	  38	 IDPR-CMTP   IDPR Control Message Transport Proto [MXS1]
	  39	 TP++	     TP++ Transport Protocol		   [DXF]
	  40	 IL	     IL	Transport Protocol		  [DXP2]
       41-60		     Unassigned				   [JBP]
	  61		     any host internal protocol		   [JBP]
	  62	 CFTP	     CFTP			       [50,HCF2]
	  63		     any local network			   [JBP]
	  64	 SAT-EXPAK   SATNET and	Backroom EXPAK		   [SHB]
	  65	 KRYPTOLAN   Kryptolan				  [PXL1]
	  66	 RVD	     MIT Remote	Virtual	Disk Protocol	   [MBG]
	  67	 IPPC	     Internet Pluribus Packet Core	   [SHB]
	  68		     any distributed file system	   [JBP]
	  69	 SAT-MON     SATNET Monitoring			   [SHB]
	  70	 VISA	     VISA Protocol			  [GXT1]
	  71	 IPCV	     Internet Packet Core Utility	   [SHB]
	  72	 CPNX	     Computer Protocol Network Executive  [DXM2]
	  73	 CPHB	     Computer Protocol Heart Beat	  [DXM2]
	  74	 WSN	     Wang Span Network			   [VXD]
	  75	 PVP	     Packet Video Protocol		   [SC3]
	  76	 BR-SAT-MON  Backroom SATNET Monitoring		   [SHB]
	  77	 SUN-ND	     SUN ND PROTOCOL-Temporary		   [WM3]
	  78	 WB-MON	     WIDEBAND Monitoring		   [SHB]
	  80	 ISO-IP	     ISO Internet Protocol		   [MTR]
	  81	 VMTP	     VMTP				  [DRC3]
	  83	 VINES	     VINES				   [BXH]
	  84	 TTP	     TTP				   [JXS]
	  86	 DGP	     Dissimilar	Gateway	Protocol      [74,ML109]
	  87	 TCF	     TCF				  [GAL5]
	  88	 IGRP	     IGRP				[18,GXS]
	  89	 OSPFIGP     OSPFIGP			       [83,JTM4]
	  90	 Sprite-RPC  Sprite RPC	Protocol	       [143,BXW]
	  91	 LARP	     Locus Address Resolution Protocol	   [BXH]
	  92	 MTP	     Multicast Transport Protocol	   [SXA]
	  93	 AX.25	     AX.25 Frames			  [BK29]
	  94	 IPIP	     IP-within-IP Encapsulation	Protocol  [JXI1]
	  95	 MICP	     Mobile Internetworking Control Pro.  [JXI1]
	  96	 AES-SP3-D   AES Security Protocol 3-D		   [HXH]
	  97	 ETHERIP     Ethernet-within-IP	Encapsulation	  [RXH1]
	  98	 ENCAP	     Encapsulation Header	      [148,RXB3]
       99-254		     Unassigned				   [JBP]
	  255		     Reserved				   [JBP]

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992


The Well Known Ports are controlled and	assigned by the	IANA and on most
systems	can only be used by system (or root) processes or by programs
executed by privileged users.

Ports are used in the TCP [45,106] to name the ends of logical
connections which carry	long term conversations.  For the purpose of
providing services to unknown callers, a service contact port is
defined.  This list specifies the port used by the server process as its
contact	port.  The contact port	is sometimes called the	"well-known

To the extent possible,	these same port	assignments are	used with the
UDP [46,104].

The assigned ports use a small portion of the possible port numbers.
For many years the assigned ports were in the range 0-255.  Recently,
the range for assigned ports managed by	the IANA has been expanded to
the range 0-1023.

Port Assignments:

   Keyword	   Decimal    Description		      References
   -------	   -------    -----------		      ----------
		     0/tcp    Reserved				   [JBP]
		     0/udp    Reserved				   [JBP]
   tcpmux	     1/tcp    TCP Port Service Multiplexer	   [MKL]
   tcpmux	     1/udp    TCP Port Service Multiplexer	   [MKL]
   compressnet	     2/tcp    Management Utility		  [BV15]
   compressnet	     2/udp    Management Utility		  [BV15]
   compressnet	     3/tcp    Compression Process		  [BV15]
   compressnet	     3/udp    Compression Process		  [BV15]
		     4/tcp    Unassigned			   [JBP]
		     4/udp    Unassigned			   [JBP]
   rje		     5/tcp    Remote Job Entry			[12,JBP]
   rje		     5/udp    Remote Job Entry			[12,JBP]
		     6/tcp    Unassigned			   [JBP]
		     6/udp    Unassigned			   [JBP]
   echo		     7/tcp    Echo				[95,JBP]
   echo		     7/udp    Echo				[95,JBP]
		     8/tcp    Unassigned			   [JBP]
		     8/udp    Unassigned			   [JBP]
   discard	     9/tcp    Discard				[94,JBP]
   discard	     9/udp    Discard				[94,JBP]
		    10/tcp    Unassigned			   [JBP]
		    10/udp    Unassigned			   [JBP]
   systat	    11/tcp    Active Users			[89,JBP]

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   systat	    11/udp    Active Users			[89,JBP]
		    12/tcp    Unassigned			   [JBP]
		    12/udp    Unassigned			   [JBP]
   daytime	    13/tcp    Daytime				[93,JBP]
   daytime	    13/udp    Daytime				[93,JBP]
		    14/tcp    Unassigned			   [JBP]
		    14/udp    Unassigned			   [JBP]
		    15/tcp    Unassigned [was netstat]		   [JBP]
		    15/udp    Unassigned			   [JBP]
		    16/tcp    Unassigned			   [JBP]
		    16/udp    Unassigned			   [JBP]
   qotd		    17/tcp    Quote of the Day		       [100,JBP]
   qotd		    17/udp    Quote of the Day		       [100,JBP]
   msp		    18/tcp    Message Send Protocol		   [RXN]
   msp		    18/udp    Message Send Protocol		   [RXN]
   chargen	    19/tcp    Character	Generator		[92,JBP]
   chargen	    19/udp    Character	Generator		[92,JBP]
   ftp-data	    20/tcp    File Transfer [Default Data]	[96,JBP]
   ftp-data	    20/udp    File Transfer [Default Data]	[96,JBP]
   ftp		    21/tcp    File Transfer [Control]		[96,JBP]
   ftp		    21/udp    File Transfer [Control]		[96,JBP]
		    22/tcp    Unassigned			   [JBP]
		    22/udp    Unassigned			   [JBP]
   telnet	    23/tcp    Telnet			       [112,JBP]
   telnet	    23/udp    Telnet			       [112,JBP]
		    24/tcp    any private mail system		  [RA11]
		    24/udp    any private mail system		  [RA11]
   smtp		    25/tcp    Simple Mail Transfer	       [102,JBP]
   smtp		    25/udp    Simple Mail Transfer	       [102,JBP]
		    26/tcp    Unassigned			   [JBP]
		    26/udp    Unassigned			   [JBP]
   nsw-fe	    27/tcp    NSW User System FE		[24,RHT]
   nsw-fe	    27/udp    NSW User System FE		[24,RHT]
		    28/tcp    Unassigned			   [JBP]
		    28/udp    Unassigned			   [JBP]
   msg-icp	    29/tcp    MSG ICP				[85,RHT]
   msg-icp	    29/udp    MSG ICP				[85,RHT]
		    30/tcp    Unassigned			   [JBP]
		    30/udp    Unassigned			   [JBP]
   msg-auth	    31/tcp    MSG Authentication		[85,RHT]
   msg-auth	    31/udp    MSG Authentication		[85,RHT]
		    32/tcp    Unassigned			   [JBP]
		    32/udp    Unassigned			   [JBP]
   dsp		    33/tcp    Display Support Protocol		   [EXC]
   dsp		    33/udp    Display Support Protocol		   [EXC]
		    34/tcp    Unassigned			   [JBP]
		    34/udp    Unassigned			   [JBP]
		    35/tcp    any private printer server	   [JBP]

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

		    35/udp    any private printer server	   [JBP]
		    36/tcp    Unassigned			   [JBP]
		    36/udp    Unassigned			   [JBP]
   time		    37/tcp    Time			       [108,JBP]
   time		    37/udp    Time			       [108,JBP]
		    38/tcp    Unassigned			   [JBP]
		    38/udp    Unassigned			   [JBP]
   rlp		    39/tcp    Resource Location	Protocol	    [MA]
   rlp		    39/udp    Resource Location	Protocol	    [MA]
		    40/tcp    Unassigned			   [JBP]
		    40/udp    Unassigned			   [JBP]
   graphics	    41/tcp    Graphics			       [129,JBP]
   graphics	    41/udp    Graphics			       [129,JBP]
   nameserver	    42/tcp    Host Name	Server			[99,JBP]
   nameserver	    42/udp    Host Name	Server			[99,JBP]
   nicname	    43/tcp    Who Is			       [55,ANM2]
   nicname	    43/udp    Who Is			       [55,ANM2]
   mpm-flags	    44/tcp    MPM FLAGS	Protocol		   [JBP]
   mpm-flags	    44/udp    MPM FLAGS	Protocol		   [JBP]
   mpm		    45/tcp    Message Processing Module	[recv]	[98,JBP]
   mpm		    45/udp    Message Processing Module	[recv]	[98,JBP]
   mpm-snd	    46/tcp    MPM [default send]		[98,JBP]
   mpm-snd	    46/udp    MPM [default send]		[98,JBP]
   ni-ftp	    47/tcp    NI FTP			       [134,SK8]
   ni-ftp	    47/udp    NI FTP			       [134,SK8]
		    48/tcp    Unassigned			   [JBP]
		    48/udp    Unassigned			   [JBP]
   login	    49/tcp    Login Host Protocol		  [PHD1]
   login	    49/udp    Login Host Protocol		  [PHD1]
   re-mail-ck	    50/tcp    Remote Mail Checking Protocol   [171,SXD1]
   re-mail-ck	    50/udp    Remote Mail Checking Protocol   [171,SXD1]
   la-maint	    51/tcp    IMP Logical Address Maintenance	[76,AGM]
   la-maint	    51/udp    IMP Logical Address Maintenance	[76,AGM]
   xns-time	    52/tcp    XNS Time Protocol			   [SXA]
   xns-time	    52/udp    XNS Time Protocol			   [SXA]
   domain	    53/tcp    Domain Name Server	     [81,95,PM1]
   domain	    53/udp    Domain Name Server	     [81,95,PM1]
   xns-ch	    54/tcp    XNS Clearinghouse			   [SXA]
   xns-ch	    54/udp    XNS Clearinghouse			   [SXA]
   isi-gl	    55/tcp    ISI Graphics Language		 [7,RB9]
   isi-gl	    55/udp    ISI Graphics Language		 [7,RB9]
   xns-auth	    56/tcp    XNS Authentication		   [SXA]
   xns-auth	    56/udp    XNS Authentication		   [SXA]
		    57/tcp    any private terminal access	   [JBP]
		    57/udp    any private terminal access	   [JBP]
   xns-mail	    58/tcp    XNS Mail				   [SXA]
   xns-mail	    58/udp    XNS Mail				   [SXA]
		    59/tcp    any private file service		   [JBP]

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

		    59/udp    any private file service		   [JBP]
		    60/tcp    Unassigned			   [JBP]
		    60/udp    Unassigned			   [JBP]
   ni-mail	    61/tcp    NI MAIL				 [5,SK8]
   ni-mail	    61/udp    NI MAIL				 [5,SK8]
   acas		    62/tcp    ACA Services			   [EXW]
   acas		    62/udp    ACA Services			   [EXW]
   via-ftp	    63/tcp    VIA Systems - FTP			   [DXD]
   via-ftp	    63/udp    VIA Systems - FTP			   [DXD]
   covia	    64/tcp    Communications Integrator	(CI)	   [TXD]
   covia	    64/udp    Communications Integrator	(CI)	   [TXD]
   tacacs-ds	    65/tcp    TACACS-Database Service		[3,KH43]
   tacacs-ds	    65/udp    TACACS-Database Service		[3,KH43]
   sql*net	    66/tcp    Oracle SQL*NET			  [JFH2]
   sql*net	    66/udp    Oracle SQL*NET			  [JFH2]
   bootps	    67/tcp    Bootstrap	Protocol Server	       [36,WJC2]
   bootps	    67/udp    Bootstrap	Protocol Server	       [36,WJC2]
   bootpc	    68/tcp    Bootstrap	Protocol Client	       [36,WJC2]
   bootpc	    68/udp    Bootstrap	Protocol Client	       [36,WJC2]
   tftp		    69/tcp    Trivial File Transfer	      [126,DDC1]
   tftp		    69/udp    Trivial File Transfer	      [126,DDC1]
   gopher	    70/tcp    Gopher				  [MXC1]
   gopher	    70/udp    Gopher				  [MXC1]
   netrjs-1	    71/tcp    Remote Job Service	       [10,RTB3]
   netrjs-1	    71/udp    Remote Job Service	       [10,RTB3]
   netrjs-2	    72/tcp    Remote Job Service	       [10,RTB3]
   netrjs-2	    72/udp    Remote Job Service	       [10,RTB3]
   netrjs-3	    73/tcp    Remote Job Service	       [10,RTB3]
   netrjs-3	    73/udp    Remote Job Service	       [10,RTB3]
   netrjs-4	    74/tcp    Remote Job Service	       [10,RTB3]
   netrjs-4	    74/udp    Remote Job Service	       [10,RTB3]
		    75/tcp    any private dial out service	   [JBP]
		    75/udp    any private dial out service	   [JBP]
		    76/tcp    Unassigned			   [JBP]
		    76/udp    Unassigned			   [JBP]
		    77/tcp    any private RJE service		   [JBP]
		    77/udp    any private RJE service		   [JBP]
   vettcp	    78/tcp    vettcp				  [CXL1]
   vettcp	    78/udp    vettcp				  [CXL1]
   finger	    79/tcp    Finger				[52,KLH]
   finger	    79/udp    Finger				[52,KLH]
   www		    80/tcp    World Wide Web HTTP		   [TXL]
   www		    80/udp    World Wide Web HTTP		   [TXL]
   hosts2-ns	    81/tcp    HOSTS2 Name Server		  [EAK1]
   hosts2-ns	    81/udp    HOSTS2 Name Server		  [EAK1]
   xfer		    82/tcp    XFER Utility			  [TXS2]
   xfer		    82/udp    XFER Utility			  [TXS2]
   mit-ml-dev	    83/tcp    MIT ML Device			  [DXR3]

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   mit-ml-dev	    83/udp    MIT ML Device			  [DXR3]
   ctf		    84/tcp    Common Trace Facility		   [HXT]
   ctf		    84/udp    Common Trace Facility		   [HXT]
   mit-ml-dev	    85/tcp    MIT ML Device			  [DXR3]
   mit-ml-dev	    85/udp    MIT ML Device			  [DXR3]
   mfcobol	    86/tcp    Micro Focus Cobol			   [SXE]
   mfcobol	    86/udp    Micro Focus Cobol			   [SXE]
		    87/tcp    any private terminal link		   [JBP]
		    87/udp    any private terminal link		   [JBP]
   kerberos	    88/tcp    Kerberos				   [BCN]
   kerberos	    88/udp    Kerberos				   [BCN]
   su-mit-tg	    89/tcp    SU/MIT Telnet Gateway		   [MRC]
   su-mit-tg	    89/udp    SU/MIT Telnet Gateway		   [MRC]
   dnsix	    90/tcp    DNSIX Securit Attribute Token Map	  [CXW1]
   dnsix	    90/udp    DNSIX Securit Attribute Token Map	  [CXW1]
   mit-dov	    91/tcp    MIT Dover	Spooler			   [EBM]
   mit-dov	    91/udp    MIT Dover	Spooler			   [EBM]
   npp		    92/tcp    Network Printing Protocol		   [LXM]
   npp		    92/udp    Network Printing Protocol		   [LXM]
   dcp		    93/tcp    Device Control Protocol		  [DT15]
   dcp		    93/udp    Device Control Protocol		  [DT15]
   objcall	    94/tcp    Tivoli Object Dispatcher		  [TXB1]
   objcall	    94/udp    Tivoli Object Dispatcher		  [TXB1]
   supdup	    95/tcp    SUPDUP				[27,MRC]
   supdup	    95/udp    SUPDUP				[27,MRC]
   dixie	    96/tcp    DIXIE Protocol Specification	  [TXH1]
   dixie	    96/udp    DIXIE Protocol Specification	  [TXH1]
   swift-rvf	    97/tcp    Swift Remote Vitural File	Protocol   [MXR]
   swift-rvf	    97/udp    Swift Remote Vitural File	Protocol   [MXR]
   tacnews	    98/tcp    TAC News				  [ANM2]
   tacnews	    98/udp    TAC News				  [ANM2]
   metagram	    99/tcp    Metagram Relay			  [GEOF]
   metagram	    99/udp    Metagram Relay			  [GEOF]
   newacct	   100/tcp    [unauthorized use]
   hostname	   101/tcp    NIC Host Name Server	       [54,ANM2]
   hostname	   101/udp    NIC Host Name Server	       [54,ANM2]
   iso-tsap	   102/tcp    ISO-TSAP				[16,MTR]
   iso-tsap	   102/udp    ISO-TSAP				[16,MTR]
   gppitnp	   103/tcp    Genesis Point-to-Point Trans Net	  [PXM1]
   gppitnp	   103/udp    Genesis Point-to-Point Trans Net	  [PXM1]
   acr-nema	   104/tcp    ACR-NEMA Digital Imag. & Comm. 300  [PXM1]
   acr-nema	   104/udp    ACR-NEMA Digital Imag. & Comm. 300  [PXM1]
   csnet-ns	   105/tcp    Mailbox Name Nameserver	      [127,MS56]
   csnet-ns	   105/udp    Mailbox Name Nameserver	      [127,MS56]
   3com-tsmux	   106/tcp    3COM-TSMUX			  [JXS5]
   3com-tsmux	   106/udp    3COM-TSMUX			  [JXS5]
   rtelnet	   107/tcp    Remote Telnet Service	       [101,JBP]
   rtelnet	   107/udp    Remote Telnet Service	       [101,JBP]

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   snagas	   108/tcp    SNA Gateway Access Server		   [KXM]
   snagas	   108/udp    SNA Gateway Access Server		   [KXM]
   pop2		   109/tcp    Post Office Protocol - Version 2 [14,JKR1]
   pop2		   109/udp    Post Office Protocol - Version 2 [14,JKR1]
   pop3		   110/tcp    Post Office Protocol - Version 3 [122,MTR]
   pop3		   110/udp    Post Office Protocol - Version 3 [122,MTR]
   sunrpc	   111/tcp    SUN Remote Procedure Call		   [DXG]
   sunrpc	   111/udp    SUN Remote Procedure Call		   [DXG]
   mcidas	   112/tcp    McIDAS Data Transmission Protocol	   [GXD]
   mcidas	   112/udp    McIDAS Data Transmission Protocol	   [GXD]
   auth		   113/tcp    Authentication Service	      [130,MCSJ]
   auth		   113/udp    Authentication Service	      [130,MCSJ]
   audionews	   114/tcp    Audio News Multicast		  [MXF2]
   audionews	   114/udp    Audio News Multicast		  [MXF2]
   sftp		   115/tcp    Simple File Transfer Protocol    [73,MKL1]
   sftp		   115/udp    Simple File Transfer Protocol    [73,MKL1]
   ansanotify	   116/tcp    ANSA REX Notify			   [NXH]
   ansanotify	   116/udp    ANSA REX Notify			   [NXH]
   uucp-path	   117/tcp    UUCP Path	Service			[44,MAE]
   uucp-path	   117/udp    UUCP Path	Service			[44,MAE]
   sqlserv	   118/tcp    SQL Services			  [LXB3]
   sqlserv	   118/udp    SQL Services			  [LXB3]
   nntp		   119/tcp    Network News Transfer Protocol	[65,PL4]
   nntp		   119/udp    Network News Transfer Protocol	[65,PL4]
   cfdptkt	   120/tcp    CFDPTKT				  [JXO3]
   cfdptkt	   120/udp    CFDPTKT				  [JXO3]
   erpc		   121/tcp    Encore Expedited Remote Pro.Call [132,JXO]
   erpc		   121/udp    Encore Expedited Remote Pro.Call [132,JXO]
   smakynet	   122/tcp    SMAKYNET				   [MXO]
   smakynet	   122/udp    SMAKYNET				   [MXO]
   ntp		   123/tcp    Network Time Protocol	       [80,DLM1]
   ntp		   123/udp    Network Time Protocol	       [80,DLM1]
   ansatrader	   124/tcp    ANSA REX Trader			   [NXH]
   ansatrader	   124/udp    ANSA REX Trader			   [NXH]
   locus-map	   125/tcp    Locus PC-Interface Net Map Ser  [137,EP53]
   locus-map	   125/udp    Locus PC-Interface Net Map Ser  [137,EP53]
   unitary	   126/tcp    Unisys Unitary Login		  [FEIL]
   unitary	   126/udp    Unisys Unitary Login		  [FEIL]
   locus-con	   127/tcp    Locus PC-Interface Conn Server  [137,EP53]
   locus-con	   127/udp    Locus PC-Interface Conn Server  [137,EP53]
   gss-xlicen	   128/tcp    GSS X License Verification	   [JXL]
   gss-xlicen	   128/udp    GSS X License Verification	   [JXL]
   pwdgen	   129/tcp    Password Generator Protocol      [141,FJW]
   pwdgen	   129/udp    Password Generator Protocol      [141,FJW]
   cisco-fna	   130/tcp    cisco FNATIVE			   [WXB]
   cisco-fna	   130/udp    cisco FNATIVE			   [WXB]
   cisco-tna	   131/tcp    cisco TNATIVE			   [WXB]
   cisco-tna	   131/udp    cisco TNATIVE			   [WXB]

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   cisco-sys	   132/tcp    cisco SYSMAINT			   [WXB]
   cisco-sys	   132/udp    cisco SYSMAINT			   [WXB]
   statsrv	   133/tcp    Statistics Service		  [DLM1]
   statsrv	   133/udp    Statistics Service		  [DLM1]
   ingres-net	   134/tcp    INGRES-NET Service		   [MXB]
   ingres-net	   134/udp    INGRES-NET Service		   [MXB]
   loc-srv	   135/tcp    Location Service			   [JXP]
   loc-srv	   135/udp    Location Service			   [JXP]
   profile	   136/tcp    PROFILE Naming System		   [LLP]
   profile	   136/udp    PROFILE Naming System		   [LLP]
   netbios-ns	   137/tcp    NETBIOS Name Service		   [JBP]
   netbios-ns	   137/udp    NETBIOS Name Service		   [JBP]
   netbios-dgm	   138/tcp    NETBIOS Datagram Service		   [JBP]
   netbios-dgm	   138/udp    NETBIOS Datagram Service		   [JBP]
   netbios-ssn	   139/tcp    NETBIOS Session Service		   [JBP]
   netbios-ssn	   139/udp    NETBIOS Session Service		   [JBP]
   emfis-data	   140/tcp    EMFIS Data Service		   [GB7]
   emfis-data	   140/udp    EMFIS Data Service		   [GB7]
   emfis-cntl	   141/tcp    EMFIS Control Service		   [GB7]
   emfis-cntl	   141/udp    EMFIS Control Service		   [GB7]
   bl-idm	   142/tcp    Britton-Lee IDM			  [SXS1]
   bl-idm	   142/udp    Britton-Lee IDM			  [SXS1]
   imap2	   143/tcp    Interim Mail Access Protocol v2	   [MRC]
   imap2	   143/udp    Interim Mail Access Protocol v2	   [MRC]
   news		   144/tcp    NewS				   [JAG]
   news		   144/udp    NewS				   [JAG]
   uaac		   145/tcp    UAAC Protocol			  [DAG4]
   uaac		   145/udp    UAAC Protocol			  [DAG4]
   iso-tp0	   146/tcp    ISO-IP0				[86,MTR]
   iso-tp0	   146/udp    ISO-IP0				[86,MTR]
   iso-ip	   147/tcp    ISO-IP				   [MTR]
   iso-ip	   147/udp    ISO-IP				   [MTR]
   cronus	   148/tcp    CRONUS-SUPPORT		       [135,JXB]
   cronus	   148/udp    CRONUS-SUPPORT		       [135,JXB]
   aed-512	   149/tcp    AED 512 Emulation	Service		   [AXB]
   aed-512	   149/udp    AED 512 Emulation	Service		   [AXB]
   sql-net	   150/tcp    SQL-NET				   [MXP]
   sql-net	   150/udp    SQL-NET				   [MXP]
   hems		   151/tcp    HEMS				[87,CXT]
   hems		   151/udp    HEMS				[87,CXT]
   bftp		   152/tcp    Background File Transfer Program	  [AD14]
   bftp		   152/udp    Background File Transfer Program	  [AD14]
   sgmp		   153/tcp    SGMP				[37,MS9]
   sgmp		   153/udp    SGMP				[37,MS9]
   netsc-prod	   154/tcp    NETSC				  [SH37]
   netsc-prod	   154/udp    NETSC				  [SH37]
   netsc-dev	   155/tcp    NETSC				  [SH37]
   netsc-dev	   155/udp    NETSC				  [SH37]

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   sqlsrv	   156/tcp    SQL Service			   [CMR]
   sqlsrv	   156/udp    SQL Service			   [CMR]
   knet-cmp	   157/tcp    KNET/VM Command/Message Protocol[77,GSM11]
   knet-cmp	   157/udp    KNET/VM Command/Message Protocol[77,GSM11]
   pcmail-srv	   158/tcp    PCMail Server			[19,MXL]
   pcmail-srv	   158/udp    PCMail Server			[19,MXL]
   nss-routing	   159/tcp   NSS-Routing			   [JXR]
   nss-routing	   159/udp   NSS-Routing			   [JXR]
   sgmp-traps	   160/tcp    SGMP-TRAPS			[37,MS9]
   sgmp-traps	   160/udp    SGMP-TRAPS			[37,MS9]
   snmp		   161/tcp    SNMP				[15,MTR]
   snmp		   161/udp    SNMP				[15,MTR]
   snmptrap	   162/tcp    SNMPTRAP				[15,MTR]
   snmptrap	   162/udp    SNMPTRAP				[15,MTR]
   cmip-man	   163/tcp    CMIP/TCP Manager			[4,AXB1]
   cmip-man	   163/udp    CMIP/TCP Manager			[4,AXB1]
   cmip-agent	   164/tcp    CMIP/TCP Agent			[4,AXB1]
   smip-agent	   164/udp    CMIP/TCP Agent			[4,AXB1]
   xns-courier	   165/tcp   Xerox				144,SXA]
   xns-courier	   165/udp   Xerox			       [144,SXA]
   s-net	   166/tcp    Sirius Systems			   [BXL]
   s-net	   166/udp    Sirius Systems			   [BXL]
   namp		   167/tcp    NAMP				   [MS9]
   namp		   167/udp    NAMP				   [MS9]
   rsvd		   168/tcp    RSVD				  [NT12]
   rsvd		   168/udp    RSVD				  [NT12]
   send		   169/tcp    SEND				 [WDW11]
   send		   169/udp    SEND				 [WDW11]
   print-srv	   170/tcp    Network PostScript		   [BKR]
   print-srv	   170/udp    Network PostScript		   [BKR]
   multiplex	   171/tcp    Network Innovations Multiplex	   [KXD]
   multiplex	   171/udp    Network Innovations Multiplex	   [KXD]
   cl/1		   172/tcp    Network Innovations CL/1		   [KXD]
   cl/1		   172/udp    Network Innovations CL/1		   [KXD]
   xyplex-mux	   173/tcp    Xyplex				   [BXS]
   xyplex-mux	   173/udp    Xyplex				   [BXS]
   mailq	   174/tcp    MAILQ				   [RXZ]
   mailq	   174/udp    MAILQ				   [RXZ]
   vmnet	   175/tcp    VMNET				   [CXT]
   vmnet	   175/udp    VMNET				   [CXT]
   genrad-mux	   176/tcp    GENRAD-MUX			   [RXT]
   genrad-mux	   176/udp    GENRAD-MUX			   [RXT]
   xdmcp	   177/tcp    X	Display	Manager	Control	Protocol  [RWS4]
   xdmcp	   177/udp    X	Display	Manager	Control	Protocol  [RWS4]
   nextstep	   178/tcp    NextStep Window Server		   [LXH]
   NextStep	   178/udp    NextStep Window Server		   [LXH]
   bgp		   179/tcp    Border Gateway Protocol		   [KSL]
   bgp		   179/udp    Border Gateway Protocol		   [KSL]

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   ris		   180/tcp    Intergraph			   [DXB]
   ris		   180/udp    Intergraph			   [DXB]
   unify	   181/tcp    Unify				   [VXS]
   unify	   181/udp    Unify				   [VXS]
   audit	   182/tcp    Unisys Audit SITP			   [GXG]
   audit	   182/udp    Unisys Audit SITP			   [GXG]
   ocbinder	   183/tcp    OCBinder				  [JXO1]
   ocbinder	   183/udp    OCBinder				  [JXO1]
   ocserver	   184/tcp    OCServer				  [JXO1]
   ocserver	   184/udp    OCServer				  [JXO1]
   remote-kis	   185/tcp    Remote-KIS			  [RXD1]
   remote-kis	   185/udp    Remote-KIS			  [RXD1]
   kis		   186/tcp    KIS Protocol			  [RXD1]
   kis		   186/udp    KIS Protocol			  [RXD1]
   aci		   187/tcp    Application Communication	Interface [RXC1]
   aci		   187/udp    Application Communication	Interface [RXC1]
   mumps	   188/tcp    Plus Five's MUMPS			  [HS23]
   mumps	   188/udp    Plus Five's MUMPS			  [HS23]
   qft		   189/tcp    Queued File Transport		   [WXS]
   qft		   189/udp    Queued File Transport		   [WXS]
   gacp		   190/tcp    Gateway Access Control Protocol	   [PCW]
   cacp		   190/udp    Gateway Access Control Protocol	   [PCW]
   prospero	   191/tcp    Prospero				   [BCN]
   prospero	   191/udp    Prospero				   [BCN]
   osu-nms	   192/tcp    OSU Network Monitoring System	   [DXK]
   osu-nms	   192/udp    OSU Network Monitoring System	   [DXK]
   srmp		   193/tcp    Spider Remote Monitoring Protocol	   [TXS]
   srmp		   193/udp    Spider Remote Monitoring Protocol	   [TXS]
   irc		   194/tcp    Internet Relay Chat Protocol	  [JXO2]
   irc		   194/udp    Internet Relay Chat Protocol	  [JXO2]
   dn6-nlm-aud	   195/tcp    DNSIX Network Level Module Audit	  [LL69]
   dn6-nlm-aud	   195/udp    DNSIX Network Level Module Audit	  [LL69]
   dn6-smm-red	   196/tcp    DNSIX Session Mgt	Module Audit Redir[LL69]
   dn6-smm-red	   196/udp    DNSIX Session Mgt	Module Audit Redir[LL69]
   dls		   197/tcp    Directory	Location Service	   [SXB]
   dls		   197/udp    Directory	Location Service	   [SXB]
   dls-mon	   198/tcp    Directory	Location Service Monitor   [SXB]
   dls-mon	   198/udp    Directory	Location Service Monitor   [SXB]
   smux		   199/tcp    SMUX				   [MTR]
   smux		   199/udp    SMUX				   [MTR]
   src		   200/tcp    IBM System Resource Controller	   [GXM]
   src		   200/udp    IBM System Resource Controller	   [GXM]
   at-rtmp	   201/tcp    AppleTalk	Routing	Maintenance	   [RXC]
   at-rtmp	   201/udp    AppleTalk	Routing	Maintenance	   [RXC]
   at-nbp	   202/tcp    AppleTalk	Name Binding		   [RXC]
   at-nbp	   202/udp    AppleTalk	Name Binding		   [RXC]
   at-3		   203/tcp    AppleTalk	Unused			   [RXC]
   at-3		   203/udp    AppleTalk	Unused			   [RXC]

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   at-echo	   204/tcp    AppleTalk	Echo			   [RXC]
   at-echo	   204/udp    AppleTalk	Echo			   [RXC]
   at-5		   205/tcp    AppleTalk	Unused			   [RXC]
   at-5		   205/udp    AppleTalk	Unused			   [RXC]
   at-zis	   206/tcp    AppleTalk	Zone Information	   [RXC]
   at-zis	   206/udp    AppleTalk	Zone Information	   [RXC]
   at-7		   207/tcp    AppleTalk	Unused			   [RXC]
   at-7		   207/udp    AppleTalk	Unused			   [RXC]
   at-8		   208/tcp    AppleTalk	Unused			   [RXC]
   at-8		   208/udp    AppleTalk	Unused			   [RXC]
   tam		   209/tcp    Trivial Authenticated Mail Protocol [DXB1]
   tam		   209/udp    Trivial Authenticated Mail Protocol [DXB1]
   z39.50	   210/tcp    ANSI Z39.50			   [MXN]
   z39.50	   210/udp    ANSI Z39.50			   [MXN]
   914c/g	   211/tcp    Texas Instruments	914C/G Terminal	  [BXH1]
   914c/g	   211/udp    Texas Instruments	914C/G Terminal	  [BXH1]
   anet		   212/tcp    ATEXSSTR				   [JXT]
   anet		   212/udp    ATEXSSTR				   [JXT]
   ipx		   213/tcp    IPX				 [DP666]
   ipx		   213/udp    IPX				 [DP666]
   vmpwscs	   214/tcp    VM PWSCS				   [DXS]
   vmpwscs	   214/udp    VM PWSCS				   [DXS]
   softpc	   215/tcp    Insignia Solutions		   [MXT]
   softpc	   215/udp    Insignia Solutions		   [MXT]
   atls		   216/tcp    Access Technology	License	Server	   [LXD]
   atls		   216/udp    Access Technology	License	Server	   [LXD]
   dbase	   217/tcp    dBASE Unix			  [DXG1]
   dbase	   217/udp    dBASE Unix			  [DXG1]
   mpp		   218/tcp    Netix Message Posting Protocol	   [STY]
   mpp		   218/udp    Netix Message Posting Protocol	   [STY]
   uarps	   219/tcp    Unisys ARPs			  [AXM1]
   uarps	   219/udp    Unisys ARPs			  [AXM1]
   imap3	   220/tcp    Interactive Mail Access Protocol v3 [JXR2]
   imap3	   220/udp    Interactive Mail Access Protocol v3 [JXR2]
   fln-spx	   221/tcp    Berkeley rlogind with SPX	auth	   [KXA]
   fln-spx	   221/udp    Berkeley rlogind with SPX	auth	   [KXA]
   fsh-spx	   222/tcp    Berkeley rshd with SPX auth	   [KXA]
   fsh-spx	   222/udp    Berkeley rshd with SPX auth	   [KXA]
   cdc		   223/tcp    Certificate Distribution Center	   [KXA]
   cdc		   223/udp    Certificate Distribution Center	   [KXA]

		   224-241    Reserved				   [JBP]

   sur-meas	   243/tcp    Survey Measurement		[6,DDC1]
   sur-meas	   243/udp    Survey Measurement		[6,DDC1]
   link		   245/tcp    LINK				[1,RDB2]
   link		   245/udp    LINK				[1,RDB2]
   dsp3270	   246/tcp    Display Systems Protocol	       [39,WJS1]

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   dsp3270	   246/udp    Display Systems Protocol	       [39,WJS1]

		   247-255    Reserved				   [JBP]

   pawserv	   345/tcp    Perf Analysis Workbench
   pawserv	   345/udp    Perf Analysis Workbench
   zserv	   346/tcp    Zebra server
   zserv	   346/udp    Zebra server
   fatserv	   347/tcp    Fatmen Server
   fatserv	   347/udp    Fatmen Server
   clearcase	   371/tcp    Clearcase				  [DXL1]
   clearcase	   371/udp    Clearcase				  [DXL1]
   ulistserv	   372/tcp    Unix Listserv			   [AXK]
   ulistserv	   372/udp    Unix Listserv			   [AXK]
   legent-1	   373/tcp    Legent Corporation		   [KXB]
   legent-1	   373/udp    Legent Corporation		   [KXB]
   legent-2	   374/tcp    Legent Corporation		   [KXB]
   legent-2	   374/udp    Legent Corporation		   [KXB]
   exec		   512/tcp    remote process execution;
			      authentication performed using
			      passwords	and UNIX loppgin names
   biff		   512/udp    used by mail system to notify users
			      of new mail received; currently
			      receives messages	only from
			      processes	on the same machine
   login	   513/tcp    remote login a la	telnet;
			      automatic	authentication performed
			      based on priviledged port	numbers
			      and distributed data bases which
			      identify "authentication domains"
   who		   513/udp    maintains	data bases showing who's
			      logged in	to machines on a local
			      net and the load average of the
   cmd		   514/tcp    like exec, but automatic
			      authentication is	performed as for
			      login server
   syslog	   514/udp
   printer	   515/tcp    spooler
   printer	   515/udp    spooler
   talk		   517/tcp    like tenex link, but across
			      machine -	unfortunately, doesn't
			      use link protocol	(this is actually
			      just a rendezvous	port from which	a
			      tcp connection is	established)
   talk		   517/udp    like tenex link, but across
			      machine -	unfortunately, doesn't
			      use link protocol	(this is actually

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			      just a rendezvous	port from which	a
			      tcp connection is	established)
   ntalk	   518/tcp
   ntalk	   518/udp
   utime	   519/tcp    unixtime
   utime	   519/udp    unixtime
   efs		   520/tcp    extended file name server
   router	   520/udp    local routing process (on	site);
			      uses variant of Xerox NS routing
			      information protocol
   timed	   525/tcp    timeserver
   timed	   525/udp    timeserver
   tempo	   526/tcp    newdate
   tempo	   526/udp    newdate
   courier	   530/tcp    rpc
   courier	   530/udp    rpc
   conference	   531/tcp    chat
   conference	   531/udp    chat
   netnews	   532/tcp    readnews
   netnews	   532/udp    readnews
   netwall	   533/tcp    for emergency broadcasts
   netwall	   533/udp    for emergency broadcasts
   uucp		   540/tcp    uucpd
   uucp		   540/udp    uucpd
   klogin	   543/tcp
   klogin	   543/udp
   kshell	   544/tcp    krcmd
   kshell	   544/udp    krcmd
   new-rwho	   550/tcp    new-who
   new-rwho	   550/udp    new-who
   dsf		   555/tcp
   dsf		   555/udp
   remotefs	   556/tcp    rfs server
   remotefs	   556/udp    rfs server
   rmonitor	   560/tcp    rmonitord
   rmonitor	   560/udp    rmonitord
   monitor	   561/tcp
   monitor	   561/udp
   chshell	   562/tcp    chcmd
   chshell	   562/udp    chcmd
   9pfs		   564/tcp    plan 9 file service
   9pfs		   564/udp    plan 9 file service
   whoami	   565/tcp    whoami
   whoami	   565/udp    whoami
   meter	   570/tcp    demon
   meter	   570/udp    demon
   meter	   571/tcp    udemon
   meter	   571/udp    udemon

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   ipcserver	   600/tcp    Sun IPC server
   ipcserver	   600/udp    Sun IPC server
   nqs		   607/tcp    nqs
   nqs		   607/udp    nqs
   mdqs		   666/tcp
   mdqs		   666/udp
   elcsd	   704/tcp    errlog copy/server daemon
   elcsd	   704/udp    errlog copy/server daemon
   netcp	   740/tcp    NETscout Control Protocol		  [AXS2]
   netcp	   740/udp    NETscout Control Protocol		  [AXS2]
   netgw	   741/tcp    netGW				   [OXK]
   netgw	   741/udp    netGW				   [OXK]
   netrcs	   742/tcp    Network based Rev. Cont. Sys.	  [GXC2]
   netrcs	   742/udp    Network based Rev. Cont. Sys.	  [GXC2]
   flexlm	   744/tcp    Flexible License Manager		  [MXC2]
   flexlm	   744/udp    Flexible License Manager		  [MXC2]
   fujitsu-dev	   747/tcp    Fujitsu Device Control
   fujitsu-dev	   747/udp    Fujitsu Device Control
   ris-cm	   748/tcp    Russell Info Sci Calendar	Manager
   ris-cm	   748/udp    Russell Info Sci Calendar	Manager
   kerberos-adm	   749/tcp    kerberos administration
   kerberos-adm	   749/udp    kerberos administration
   rfile	   750/tcp
   loadav	   750/udp
   pump		   751/tcp
   pump		   751/udp
   qrh		   752/tcp
   qrh		   752/udp
   rrh		   753/tcp
   rrh		   753/udp
   tell		   754/tcp     send
   tell		   754/udp     send
   nlogin	   758/tcp
   nlogin	   758/udp
   con		   759/tcp
   con		   759/udp
   ns		   760/tcp
   ns		   760/udp
   rxe		   761/tcp
   rxe		   761/udp
   quotad	   762/tcp
   quotad	   762/udp
   cycleserv	   763/tcp
   cycleserv	   763/udp
   omserv	   764/tcp
   omserv	   764/udp
   webster	   765/tcp
   webster	   765/udp

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   phonebook	   767/tcp    phone
   phonebook	   767/udp    phone
   vid		   769/tcp
   vid		   769/udp
   cadlock	   770/tcp
   cadlock	   770/udp
   rtip		   771/tcp
   rtip		   771/udp
   cycleserv2	   772/tcp
   cycleserv2	   772/udp
   submit	   773/tcp
   notify	   773/udp
   rpasswd	   774/tcp
   acmaint_dbd	   774/udp
   entomb	   775/tcp
   acmaint_transd  775/udp
   wpages	   776/tcp
   wpages	   776/udp
   wpgs		   780/tcp
   wpgs		   780/udp
   hp-collector	   781/tcp	  hp performance data collector
   hp-collector	   781/udp	  hp performance data collector
   hp-managed-node 782/tcp	  hp performance data managed node
   hp-managed-node 782/udp	  hp performance data managed node
   hp-alarm-mgr	   783/tcp	  hp performance data alarm manager
   hp-alarm-mgr	   783/udp	  hp performance data alarm manager
   mdbs_daemon	   800/tcp
   mdbs_daemon	   800/udp
   device	   801/tcp
   device	   801/udp
   xtreelic	   996/tcp	  XTREE	License	Server
   xtreelic	   996/udp	  XTREE	License	Server
   maitrd	   997/tcp
   maitrd	   997/udp
   busboy	   998/tcp
   puparp	   998/udp
   garcon	   999/tcp
   applix	   999/udp	  Applix ac
   puprouter	   999/tcp
   puprouter	   999/udp
   cadlock	   1000/tcp
   ock		   1000/udp

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992


The Registered Ports are not controlled	by the IANA and	on most	systems
can be used by ordinary	user processes or programs executed by ordinary

Ports are used in the TCP [45,106] to name the ends of logical
connections which carry	long term conversations.  For the purpose of
providing services to unknown callers, a service contact port is
defined.  This list specifies the port used by the server process as its
contact	port.  While the IANA can not control uses of these ports it
does register or list uses of these ports as a convienence to the

To the extent possible,	these same port	assignments are	used with the
UDP [46,104].

The Registered Ports are in the	range 1024-65535.

Port Assignments:

   Keyword	   Decimal    Description		      References
   -------	   -------    -----------		      ----------
   blackjack	   1025/tcp   network blackjack
   blackjack	   1025/udp   network blackjack
   hermes	   1248/tcp
   hermes	   1248/udp
   bbn-mmc	   1347/tcp   multi media conferencing
   bbn-mmc	   1347/udp   multi media conferencing
   bbn-mmx	   1348/tcp   multi media conferencing
   bbn-mmx	   1348/udp   multi media conferencing
   sbook	   1349/tcp   Registration Network Protocol	  [SXS4]
   sbook	   1349/udp   Registration Network Protocol	  [SXS4]
   editbench	   1350/tcp   Registration Network Protocol	  [SXS4]
   editbench	   1350/udp   Registration Network Protocol	  [SXS4]
   equationbuilder 1351/tcp   Digital Tool Works (MIT)		  [TXT1]
   equationbuilder 1351/udp   Digital Tool Works (MIT)		  [TXT1]
   lotusnote	   1352/tcp   Lotus Note			  [GXP1]
   lotusnote	   1352/udp   Lotus Note			  [GXP1]
   ingreslock	   1524/tcp   ingres
   ingreslock	   1524/udp   ingres
   orasrv	   1525/tcp   oracle
   orasrv	   1525/udp   oracle
   prospero-np	   1525/tcp   prospero non-privileged
   prospero-np	   1525/udp   prospero non-privileged
   tlisrv	   1527/tcp   oracle
   tlisrv	   1527/udp   oracle
   coauthor	   1529/tcp   oracle

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   coauthor	   1529/udp   oracle
   issd		   1600/tcp
   issd		   1600/udp
   nkd		   1650/tcp
   nkd		   1650/udp
   callbook	   2000/tcp
   callbook	   2000/udp
   dc		   2001/tcp
   wizard	   2001/udp    curry
   globe	   2002/tcp
   globe	   2002/udp
   mailbox	   2004/tcp
   emce		   2004/udp    CCWS mm conf
   berknet	   2005/tcp
   oracle	   2005/udp
   invokator	   2006/tcp
   raid-cc	   2006/udp    raid
   dectalk	   2007/tcp
   raid-am	   2007/udp
   conf		   2008/tcp
   terminaldb	   2008/udp
   news		   2009/tcp
   whosockami	   2009/udp
   search	   2010/tcp
   pipe_server	   2010/udp
   raid-cc	   2011/tcp    raid
   servserv	   2011/udp
   ttyinfo	   2012/tcp
   raid-ac	   2012/udp
   raid-am	   2013/tcp
   raid-cd	   2013/udp
   troff	   2014/tcp
   raid-sf	   2014/udp
   cypress	   2015/tcp
   raid-cs	   2015/udp
   bootserver	   2016/tcp
   bootserver	   2016/udp
   cypress-stat	   2017/tcp
   bootclient	   2017/udp
   terminaldb	   2018/tcp
   rellpack	   2018/udp
   whosockami	   2019/tcp
   about	   2019/udp
   xinupageserver  2020/tcp
   xinupageserver  2020/udp
   servexec	   2021/tcp
   xinuexpansion1  2021/udp
   down		   2022/tcp

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   xinuexpansion2  2022/udp
   xinuexpansion3  2023/tcp
   xinuexpansion3  2023/udp
   xinuexpansion4  2024/tcp
   xinuexpansion4  2024/udp
   ellpack	   2025/tcp
   xribs	   2025/udp
   scrabble	   2026/tcp
   scrabble	   2026/udp
   shadowserver	   2027/tcp
   shadowserver	   2027/udp
   submitserver	   2028/tcp
   submitserver	   2028/udp
   device2	   2030/tcp
   device2	   2030/udp
   blackboard	   2032/tcp
   blackboard	   2032/udp
   glogger	   2033/tcp
   glogger	   2033/udp
   scoremgr	   2034/tcp
   scoremgr	   2034/udp
   imsldoc	   2035/tcp
   imsldoc	   2035/udp
   objectmanager   2038/tcp
   objectmanager   2038/udp
   lam		   2040/tcp
   lam		   2040/udp
   interbase	   2041/tcp
   interbase	   2041/udp
   isis		   2042/tcp
   isis		   2042/udp
   isis-bcast	   2043/tcp
   isis-bcast	   2043/udp
   rimsl	   2044/tcp
   rimsl	   2044/udp
   cdfunc	   2045/tcp
   cdfunc	   2045/udp
   sdfunc	   2046/tcp
   sdfunc	   2046/udp
   dls		   2047/tcp
   dls		   2047/udp
   dls-monitor	   2048/tcp
   dls-monitor	   2048/udp
   shilp	   2049/tcp
   shilp	   2049/udp
   www-dev	   2784/tcp   world wide web - development
   www-dev	   2784/udp   world wide web - development
   NSWS		   3049/tcp

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   NSWS		   3049/ddddp
   rfa		   4672/tcp   remote file access server
   rfa		   4672/udp   remote file access server
   commplex-main   5000/tcp
   commplex-main   5000/udp
   commplex-link   5001/tcp
   commplex-link   5001/udp
   rfe		   5002/tcp   radio free ethernet
   rfe		   5002/udp   radio free ethernet
   rmonitor_secure 5145/tcp
   rmonitor_secure 5145/udp
   padl2sim	   5236/tcp
   padl2sim	   5236/udp
   sub-process	   6111/tcp   HP SoftBench Sub-Process Control
   sub-process	   6111/udp   HP SoftBench Sub-Process Control
   xdsxdm	   6558/udp
   xdsxdm	   6558/tcp
   afs3-fileserver 7000/tcp   file server itself
   afs3-fileserver 7000/udp   file server itself
   afs3-callback   7001/tcp   callbacks	to cache managers
   afs3-callback   7001/udp   callbacks	to cache managers
   afs3-prserver   7002/tcp   users & groups database
   afs3-prserver   7002/udp   users & groups database
   afs3-vlserver   7003/tcp   volume location database
   afs3-vlserver   7003/udp   volume location database
   afs3-kaserver   7004/tcp   AFS/Kerberos authentication service
   afs3-kaserver   7004/udp   AFS/Kerberos authentication service
   afs3-volser	   7005/tcp   volume managment server
   afs3-volser	   7005/udp   volume managment server
   afs3-errors	   7006/tcp   error interpretation service
   afs3-errors	   7006/udp   error interpretation service
   afs3-bos	   7007/tcp   basic overseer process
   afs3-bos	   7007/udp   basic overseer process
   afs3-update	   7008/tcp   server-to-server updater
   afs3-update	   7008/udp   server-to-server updater
   afs3-rmtsys	   7009/tcp   remote cache manager service
   afs3-rmtsys	   7009/udp   remote cache manager service
   man		   9535/tcp
   man		   9535/udp
   isode-dua	   17007/tcp
   isode-dua	   17007/udp

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992


   Host	Extensions for IP Multicasting (RFC-1112) [43] specifies the
   extensions required of a host implementation	of the Internet	Protocol
   (IP)	to support multicasting.  Current addresses are	listed below.	 Reserved					[43,JBP]	 All Systems on	this Subnet			[43,JBP]	 All Routers on	this Subnet			   [JBP]	 Unassigned					   [JBP]	 DVMRP	  Routers			       [140,JBP]	 OSPFIGP  OSPFIGP All Routers		       [83,JXM1]	 OSPFIGP  OSPFIGP Designated Routers	       [83,JXM1]	 ST Routers					  [KS14]	 ST Hosts					  [KS14]	 RIP2 Routers					 [GSM11] Unassigned				   [JBP]	 VMTP Managers Group			       [17,DRC3]	 NTP	  Network Time Protocol		       [80,DLM1]	 SGI-Dogfight					   [AXC]	 Rwhod						   [SXD]	 VNP						  [DRC3]	 Artificial Horizons - Aviator			   [BXF]	 NSS - Name Service Server			  [BXS2]	 AUDIONEWS - Audio News	Multicast		  [MXF2]	 SUN NIS+ Information Service			  [CXM3]	 MTP Multicast Transport Protocol		   [SXA]  Unassigned			   [JBP]	 "rwho"	Group (BSD) (unofficial)		   [JBP]	 SUN RPC PMAPPROC_CALLIT			  [BXE1] RFE	Generic	Service			  [DXS3] RFE	Individual Conferences		  [DXS3]  ST Multicast Groups		  [KS14]  Multimedia Conference Calls	   [SC3]

      232.x.x.x	 VMTP transient	groups			       [17,DRC3]

      These addresses are listed in the	Domain Name Service under
      MCAST.NET	and 224.IN-ADDR.ARPA.

      Note that	when used on an	Ethernet or IEEE 802 network, the 23
      low-order	bits of	the IP Multicast address are placed in the low-
      order 23 bits of the Ethernet or IEEE 802	net multicast address

Reynolds & Postel				               [Page 27]

RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992  See the next section on "IANA ETHERNET ADDRESS

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992


   The IANA owns an Ethernet address block which may be	used for
   multicast address asignments	or other special purposes.

   The address block in	IEEE binary is (which is in bit	transmission

		       0000 0000 0000 0000 0111	1010

   In the normal Internet dotted decimal notation this is 0.0.94 since
   the bytes are transmitted higher order first	and bits within	bytes
   are transmitted lower order first (see "Data	Notation" in the

   IEEE	CSMA/CD	and Token Bus bit transmission order: 00 00 5E

   IEEE	Token Ring bit transmission order: 00 00 7A

   Appearance on the wire (bits	transmitted from left to right):

       0			   23				 47
       |			   |				 |
       1000 0000 0000 0000 0111	1010 xxxx xxx0 xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
       |				     |
       Multicast Bit			     0 = Internet Multicast
					     1 = Assigned by IANA for
						 other uses

   Appearance in memory	(bits transmitted right-to-left	within octets,
   octets transmitted left-to-right):

       0			   23				 47
       |			   |				 |
       0000 0001 0000 0000 0101	1110 0xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
	       |		     |
	       Multicast Bit	     0 = Internet Multicast
				     1 = Assigned by IANA for other uses

   The latter representation corresponds to the	Internet standard bit-
   order, and is the format that most programmers have to deal with.
   Using this representation, the range	of Internet Multicast addresses

	  01-00-5E-00-00-00  to	 01-00-5E-7F-FF-FF  in hex, or	to	in dotted decimal

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992


   This	documents the default Type-of-Service values that are currently
   recommended for the most important Internet protocols.

   There are four assigned TOS values: low delay, high throughput, high
   reliability,	and low	cost; in each case, the	TOS value is used to
   indicate "better".  Only one	TOS value or property can be requested
   in any one IP datagram.

   Generally, protocols	which are involved in direct interaction with a
   human should	select low delay, while	data transfers which may involve
   large blocks	of data	are need high throughput.  Finally, high
   reliability is most important for datagram-based Internet management

   Application protocols not included in these tables should be	able to
   make	appropriate choice of low delay	(8 decimal, 1000 binary) or high
   throughput (4 decimail, 0100	binary).

   The following are recommended values	for TOS:

		  -----	Type-of-Service	Value -----

      Protocol		 TOS Value

      TELNET (1)	 1000		      (minimize	delay)

	Control		 1000		      (minimize	delay)
	Data (2)	 0100		      (maximize	throughput)

      TFTP		 1000		      (minimize	delay)

      SMTP (3)
	Command	phase	 1000		      (minimize	delay)
	DATA phase	 0100		      (maximize	throughput)

      Domain Name Service
	UDP Query	 1000		      (minimize	delay)
	TCP Query	 0000
	Zone Transfer	 0100		      (maximize	throughput)

      NNTP		 0001		      (minimize	monetary cost)

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

	Errors		 0000
	Requests	 0000 (4)
	Responses	 <same as request> (4)

      Any IGP		 0010		      (maximize	reliability)

      EGP		 0000

      SNMP		 0010		      (maximize	reliability)

      BOOTP		 0000


      (1) Includes all interactive user	protocols (e.g., rlogin).

      (2) Includes all bulk data transfer protocols (e.g., rcp).

      (3) If the implementation	does not support changing the TOS during
      the lifetime of the connection, then the recommended TOS on
      opening the connection is	the default TOS	(0000).

      (4) Although ICMP	request	messages are normally sent with	the
      default TOS, there are sometimes good reasons why	they would be
      sent with	some other TOS value.  An ICMP response	always uses the
      same TOS value as	was used in the	corresponding ICMP request

   An application may (at the request of the user) substitute 0001
   (minimize monetary cost) for	any of the above values.

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992


   The current recommended default time	to live	(TTL) for the Internet
   Protocol (IP) [45,105] is 64.

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992


   The Internet	Domain Naming System (DOMAIN) includes several
   parameters.	These are documented in	RFC-1034, [81] and RFC-1035
   [82].  The CLASS parameter is listed	here.  The per CLASS parameters
   are defined in separate RFCs	as indicated.

   Domain System Parameters:

      Decimal	Name					      References
      --------	----					      ----------
	     0	Reserved					   [PM1]
	     1	Internet (IN)					[81,PM1]
	     2	Unassigned					   [PM1]
	     3	Chaos (CH)					   [PM1]
	     4	Hessoid	(HS)					   [PM1]
       5-65534	Unassigned					   [PM1]
	 65535	Reserved					   [PM1]

   In the Internet (IN)	class the following TYPEs and QTYPEs are

      TYPE	      value and	meaning

      A		      1	a host address				    [82]
      NS	      2	an authoritative name server		    [82]
      MD	      3	a mail destination (Obsolete - use MX)	    [82]
      MF	      4	a mail forwarder (Obsolete - use MX)	    [82]
      CNAME	      5	the canonical name for an alias		    [82]
      SOA	      6	marks the start	of a zone of authority	    [82]
      MB	      7	a mailbox domain name (EXPERIMENTAL)	    [82]
      MG	      8	a mail group member (EXPERIMENTAL)	    [82]
      MR	      9	a mail rename domain name (EXPERIMENTAL)    [82]
      NULL	      10 a null	RR (EXPERIMENTAL)		    [82]
      WKS	      11 a well	known service description	    [82]
      PTR	      12 a domain name pointer			    [82]
      HINFO	      13 host information			    [82]
      MINFO	      14 mailbox or mail list information	    [82]
      MX	      15 mail exchange				    [82]
      TXT	      16 text strings				    [82]

      RP	      17 for Responsible Person			   [172]
      AFSDB	      18 for AFS Data Base location		   [172]
      X25	      19 for X.25 PSDN address			   [172]
      ISDN	      20 for ISDN address			   [172]
      RT	      21 for Route Through			   [172]

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

      NSAP	      22 for NSAP address, NSAP	style A	record	   [174]
      NSAP-PTR	      23 for domain name pointer, NSAP style	   [174]

      AXFR	      252 transfer of an entire	zone		    [82]
      MAILB	      253 mailbox-related RRs (MB, MG or MR)	    [82]
      MAILA	      254 mail agent RRs (Obsolete - see MX)	    [82]
      *		      255 A request for	all records		    [82]

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992


   The Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) RFC-951 [36] describes an IP/UDP
   bootstrap protocol (BOOTP) which allows a diskless client machine to
   discover its	own IP address,	the address of a server	host, and the
   name	of a file to be	loaded into memory and executed.  The BOOTP
   Vendor Information Extensions RFC-1084 [117]	describes an addition to
   the Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP).

   Vendor Extensions are listed	below:

      Tag     Name	    Data Length	   Meaning
      ---     ----	    -----------	   -------
       0      Pad		0	   None
       1      Subnet Mask	4	   Subnet Mask Value
       2      Time Zone		4	   Time	Offset in
					   Seconds from	UTC
       3      Gateways		N	   N/4 Gateway addresses
       4      Time Server	N	   N/4 Timeserver addresses
       5      Name Server	N	   N/4 IEN-116 Server addresses
       6      Domain Server	N	   N/4 DNS Server addresses
       7      Log Server	N	   N/4 Logging Server addresses
       8      Quotes Server	N	   N/4 Quotes Server addresses
       9      LPR Server	N	   N/4 Printer Server addresses
      10      Impress Server	N	   N/4 Impress Server addresses
      11      RLP Server	N	   N/4 RLP Server addresses
      12      Hostname		N	   Hostname string
      13      Boot File	Size	2	   Size	of boot	file in	512 byte
      14      Merit Dump File		   Client to dump and name
					   the file to dump it to
      15-127  Unassigned
      128-154 Reserved
      255     End		0	   None

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992


   For the management of hosts and gateways on the Internet a data
   structure for the information has been defined.  This data structure
   should be used with any of several possible management protocols, such
   as the "Simple Network Management Protocol" (SNMP) RFC-1157 [15], or
   the "Common Management Information Protocol over TCP" (CMOT)	[142].

   The data structure is the "Structure	and Indentification of Management
   Information for TCP/IP-based	Internets" (SMI) RFC-1155 [120], and the
   "Management Information Base	for Network Management of TCP/IP-based
   Internets" (MIB-II) [121].

   The SMI includes the	provision for panrameters or codes to indicate
   experimental	or private data	structures.  These parameter assignments
   are listed here.

   The older "Simple Gateway Monitoring	Protocol" (SGMP) RFC-1028 [37]
   also	defined	a data structure.  The parameter assignments used with
   SGMP	are included here for hist orical completeness.

   The network management object identifiers are under the iso (1), org
   (3),	dod (6), internet (1), or, branch of the name space.

   SMI Network Management Directory Codes:


      Decimal	Name	      Description		      References
      -------	----	      -----------		      ----------
	  all	Reserved      Reserved for future use		  [IANA]

   SMI Network Management MGMT Codes:


      Decimal	Name	      Description		      References
      -------	----	      -----------		      ----------
	    0	Reserved					  [IANA]
	    1	MIB					       [149,KZM]

      Prefix: (mib-2)

      Decimal	Name	      Description		      References
      -------	----	      -----------		      ----------
	    0	Reserved      Reserved				  [IANA]
	    1	system	      System			       [150,KZM]
	    2	interfaces    Interfaces		       [150,KZM]

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

	    3	at	      Address Translation	       [150,KZM]
	    4	ip	      Internet Protocol		       [150,KZM]
	    5	icmp	      Internet Control Message	       [150,KZM]
	    6	tcp	      Transmission Control Protocol    [150,KZM]
	    7	udp	      User Datagram Protocol	       [150,KZM]
	    8	egp	      Exterior Gateway Protocol	       [150,KZM]
	    9	cmot	      CMIP over	TCP		       [150,KZM]
	   10	transmission  Transmission		       [150,KZM]
	   11	snmp	      Simple Network Management	       [150,KZM]
	   12	GenericIF     Generic Interface	Extensions [151,163,KZM]
	   13	Appletalk     Appletalk	Networking	       [152,SXW]
	   14	ospf	      Open Shortest Path First	      [153,FB77]
	   15	bgp	      Border Gateway Protocol	     [154,SW159]
	   16	rmon	      Remote Network Monitoring	       [155,SXW]
	   17	bridge	      Bridge Objects		       [156,EXD]
	   18	DecnetP4      Decnet Phase 4
	   19	Character     Character	Streams		     [165,BS221]
	   20	snmpParties   SNMP Parties		       [177,KZM]
	   21	snmpSecrets   SNMP Secrets		       [177,KZM]

      Prefix:  (transmission)

      Decimal	Name	      Description
      -------	----	      -----------
	    7	IEEE802.3     CSMACD--like Objects	       [157,JXC]
	    8	IEEE802.4     Token Bus-like Objects	   [158,163,KZM]
	    9	IEEE802.5     Token Ring-like Objects	   [159,163,KZM]
	   15	FDDI	      FDDI Objects		     [160,JDC20]
	   18	DS1	      T1 Carrier Objects	  [161,163,FB77]
	   30	DS3	      DS3 Interface Objects	   [162,163,TXC]
	   31	SIP	      SMDS Interface Objects	       [164,TXC]
	   32	FRAME-RELAY   Frame Relay Objects	       [168,CXB]
	   33	RS-232	      RS-232 Objects		     [166,BS221]
	   34	Parallel      Parallel Printer Objects	     [167,BS221]

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   SMI Network Management Experimental Codes:


      Decimal	Name	      Description		      References
      -------	----	      -----------		      ----------
	    0	Reserved					  [JKR1]
	    1	CLNS	      ISO CLNS Objects			   [GS2]
	*   2	T1-Carrier    T1 Carrier Objects		  [FB77]
	*   3	IEEE802.3     Ethernet-like Objects		   [JXC]
	*   4	IEEE802.5     Token Ring-like Objects		   [EXD]
	*   5	DECNet-PHIV   DECNet Phase IV			  [JXS2]
	*   6	Interface     Generic Interface	Objects		   [KZM]
	*   7	IEEE802.4     Token Bus-like Objects		   [KZM]
	*   8	FDDI	      FDDI Objects			 [JDC20]
	    9	LANMGR-1      LAN Manager V1 Objects		  [JXG1]
	   10	LANMGR-TRAPS  LAN Manager Trap Objects		  [JXG1]
	   11	Views	      SNMP View	Objects			   [CXD]
	   12	SNMP-AUTH     SNMP Authentication Objects	   [KZM]
	*  13	BGP	      Border Gateway Protocol		 [SW159]
	*  14	Bridge	      Bridge MIB			  [FB77]
	*  15	DS3	      DS3 Interface Type		   [TXC]
	*  16	SIP	      SMDS Interface Protocol		   [TXC]
	*  17	Appletalk     Appletalk	Networking		   [SXW]
	   18	PPP	      PPP Objects			  [FJK2]
	*  19	Character MIB Character	MIB			 [BS221]
	*  20	RS-232 MIB    RS-232 MIB			 [BS221]
	*  21	Parallel MIB  Parallel MIB			 [BS221]
	   22	atsign-proxy  Proxy via	Community		   [RXF]
	*  23	OSPF	      OSPF MIB				  [FB77]
	   24	Alert-Man     Alert-Man				   [LS8]
	   25	FDDI-Synoptics FDDI-Synoptics			  [DXP1]
	*  26	Frame Relay   Frame Relay MIB			   [CXB]
	*  27	rmon	      Remote Network Management	MIB	   [SXW]
	   28	IDPR	      IDPR MIB				 [RAW44]
	   29	HUBMIB	      IEEE 802.3 Hub MIB		  [DXM5]
	   30	IPFWDTBLMIB   IP Forwarding Table MIB		  [FB77]
	   31	LATM MIB					   [TXC]
	   32	SONET MIB					   [TXC]
	   33	IDENT						   [MTR]
	   34	MIME-MHS					   [MTR]

	* = obsoleted

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   SMI Network Management Private Enterprise Codes:


      Decimal	Name					      References
      -------	----					      ----------
	    0	Reserved					  [JKR1]
	    1	Proteon						  [JS28]
	    2	IBM						   [VXC]
	    3	CMU						   [SXW]
	    4	Unix						   [KXS]
	    5	ACC						  [AB20]
	    6	TWG						   [KZM]
	    7	CAYMAN						  [BP52]
	    8	PSI						   [MS9]
	    9	cisco						   [GXS]
	   10	NSC						 [GS123]
	   11	HP						  [RDXS]
	   12	Epilogue					   [KA4]
	   13	U of Tennessee					 [JDC20]
	   14	BBN						   [RH6]
	   15	Xylogics, Inc.					  [JRL3]
	   16	Timeplex					  [LXB1]
	   17	Canstar						   [SXP]
	   18	Wellfleet					  [JCB1]
	   19	TRW						   [HXL]
	   20	MIT						  [JR35]
	   21	EON						   [MXW]
	   22	Spartacus					   [YXK]
	   23	Excelan						   [RXB]
	   24	Spider Systems					   [VXW]
	   25	NSFNET						   [HWB]
	   26	Hughes LAN Systems				   [KZM]
	   27	Intergraph					  [GS91]
	   28	Interlan					   [BXT]
	   29	Vitalink Communications				   [FXB]
	   30	Ulana						   [BXA]
	   31	NSWC						  [SRN1]
	   32	Santa Cruz Operation				  [KR35]
	   33	Xyplex						   [BXS]
	   34	Cray						   [HXE]
	   35	Bell Northern Research				   [GXW]
	   36	DEC						  [RXB1]
	   37	Touch						   [BXB]
	   38	Network	Research Corp.				   [BXV]
	   39	Baylor College of Medicine			  [SB98]
	   40	NMFECC-LLNL					   [SXH]
	   41	SRI						 [DW181]

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

	   42	Sun Microsystems				   [DXY]
	   43	3Com						   [TB6]
	   44	CMC						   [DXP]
	   45	SynOptics					  [DXP1]
	   46	Cheyenne Software				   [RXH]
	   47	Prime Computer					   [MXS]
	   48	MCNC/North Carolina Data Network		   [KXW]
	   49	Chipcom						   [JXC]
	   50	Optical	Data Systems				   [JXF]
	   51	gated						   [JXH]
	   52	Cabletron Systems				   [RXD]
	   53	Apollo Computers				   [JXB]
	   54	DeskTalk Systems, Inc.				   [DXK]
	   55	SSDS						   [RXS]
	   56	Castle Rock Computing				  [JXS1]
	   57	MIPS Computer Systems				   [CXM]
	   58	TGV, Inc.					   [KAA]
	   59	Silicon	Graphics, Inc.				   [RXJ]
	   60	University of British Columbia			[DXM354]
	   61	Merit						   [BXN]
	   62	FiberCom					   [EXR]
	   63	Apple Computer Inc				  [JXH1]
	   64	Gandalf						   [HXK]
	   65	Dartmouth					   [PXK]
	   66	David Systems					  [KXD1]
	   67	Reuter						   [BXZ]
	   68	Cornell						 [DC126]
	   69	LMS						 [MLS34]
	   70	Locus Computing	Corp.				   [AXS]
	   71	NASA						  [SS92]
	   72	Retix						   [AXM]
	   73	Boeing						   [JXG]
	   74	AT&T						  [RXB2]
	   75	Ungermann-Bass					   [DXM]
	   76	Digital	Analysis Corp.				   [SXK]
	   77	LAN Manager					   [DXK]
	   78	Netlabs						 [JB478]
	   79	ICL						   [JXI]
	   80	Auspex Systems					   [BXE]
	   81	Lannet Company					   [EXR]
	   82	Network	Computing Devices			 [DM280]
	   83	Raycom Systems					  [BXW1]
	   84	Pirelli	Focom Ltd.				   [SXL]
	   85	Datability Software Systems			   [LXF]
	   86	Network	Application Technology			   [YXW]
	   87	LINK (Lokales Informatik-Netz Karlsruhe)	   [GXS]
	   88	NYU						  [BJR2]
	   89	RND						   [RXN]

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

	   90	InterCon Systems Corporation			  [AW90]
	   91	LearningTree Systems				  [JXG2]
	   92	Webster	Computer Corporation			   [RXE]
	   93	Frontier Technologies Corporation		   [PXA]
	   94	Nokia Data Communications			   [DXE]
	   95	Allen-Bradely Company				   [BXK]
	   96	CERN						   [JXR]
	   97	Sigma Network Systems, Inc.			   [KXV]
	   98	Emerging Technologies, Inc.			  [DXB2]
	   99	SNMP Research					 [JDC20]
	  100	Ohio State University				  [SXA1]
	  101	Ultra Network Technologies			   [JXD]
	  102	Microcom					   [AXF]
	  103	Martin Marietta	Astronautic Group		 [DR137]
	  104	Micro Technology				   [MXE]
	  105	Process	Software Corporation			  [BV15]
	  106	Data General Corporation			   [JXK]
	  107	Bull Company					   [AXB]
	  108	Emulex Corporation				  [JXF1]
	  109	Warwick	University Computing Services		   [IXD]
	  110	Network	General	Corporation			  [JXD1]
	  111	Oracle						 [JPH17]
	  112	Control	Data Corporation			   [NXR]
	  113	Hughes Aircraft	Company				   [KZM]
	  114	Synernetics, Inc.				  [JXP1]
	  115	Mitre						  [BM60]
	  116	Hitachi, Ltd.					   [HXU]
	  117	Telebit						  [MXL2]
	  118	Salomon	Technology Services			   [PXM]
	  119	NEC Corporation					   [YXA]
	  120	Fibermux					 [KH157]
	  121	FTP Software Inc.				  [SXK1]
	  122	Sony						   [TXH]
	  123	Newbridge Networks Corporation			   [JXW]
	  124	Racal-Milgo Information	Systems			   [MXR]
	  125	CR SYSTEMS					  [SXS2]
	  126	DSET Corporation				   [DXS]
	  127	Computone					   [BXV]
	  128	Tektronix, Inc.					 [DT167]
	  129	Interactive Systems Corporation			  [SXA2]
	  130	Banyan Systems Inc.				   [DXT]
	  131	Sintrom	Datanet	Limited				   [SXW]
	  132	Bell Canada					   [MXF]
	  133	Crosscomm Corporation				  [RXS1]
	  134	Rice University					   [CXF]
	  135	T3Plus Networking, Inc.				   [HXF]
	  136	Concurrent Computer Corporation			  [JRL3]
	  137	Basser						   [PXO]

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

	  138	Luxcom						   [RXB]
	  139	Artel						   [JXZ]
	  140	Independence Technologies, Inc.	(ITI)		   [GXB]
	  141	Frontier Software Development			   [NXP]
	  142	Digital	Computer Limited			   [OXF]
	  143	Eyring,	Inc.					 [RH227]
	  144	Case Communications				   [PXK]
	  145	Penril DataComm, Inc.				  [KXH1]
	  146	American Airlines				  [BXK1]
	  147	Sequent	Computer Systems			  [SXH1]
	  148	Bellcore					   [KXT]
	  149	Konkord	Communications				   [KXJ]
	  150	University of Washington			   [CXW]
	  151	Develcon					   [SXM]
	  152	Solarix	Systems					  [PXA1]
	  153	Unifi Communications Corp.			   [YXH]
	  154	Roadnet						   [DXS]
	  155	Network	Systems	Corp.				   [NXE]
	  156	ENE (European Network Engineering)		   [PXC]
	  157	Dansk Data Elektronik A/S			   [PXH]
	  158	Morning	Star Technologies			   [KXF]
	  159	Dupont EOP					   [OXR]
	  160	Legato Systems,	Inc.				  [JXK1]
	  161	Motorola SPS					   [VXE]
	  162	European Space Agency (ESA)			   [EXX]
	  163	BIM						  [BXL2]
	  164	Rad Data Communications	Ltd.			   [OXI]
	  165	Intellicom					   [PXS]
	  166	Shiva Corporation				   [NXL]
	  167	Fujikura America				   [DXR]
	  168	Xlnt Designs INC (XDI)				 [MA108]
	  169	Tandem Computers				  [RXD3]
	  170	BICC						  [DXB3]
	  171	D-Link Systems,	Inc.				   [HXN]
	  172	AMP, Inc.					  [RXD4]
	  173	Netlink						   [MXZ]
	  174	C. Itoh	Electronics				  [LXD1]
	  175	Sumitomo Electric Industries (SEI)		  [KXT1]
	  176	DHL Systems, Inc.				  [DXG2]
	  177	Network	Equipment Technologies			  [MXT1]
	  178	APTEC Computer Systems				   [LXB]
	  179	Schneider & Koch & Co.,	Datensysteme GmbH	  [TXR1]
	  180	Hill Air Force Base				   [RXW]
	  181	ADC Kentrox					  [BXK2]
	  182	Japan Radio Co.					   [NXK]
	  183	Versitron					   [MXH]
	  184	Telecommunication Systems			  [HXL1]
	  185	Interphase					  [GXW1]

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

	  186	Toshiba	Corporation				   [MXA]
	  187	Clearpoint Research Corp.			  [FJK2]
	  188	Ascom Gfeller Ltd.				  [AXS1]
	  189	Fujitsu	America					   [CXL]
	  190	NetCom Solutions, Inc.				   [DXC]
	  191	NCR						   [CXK]
	  192	Dr. Materna GmbH				   [TXB]
	  193	Ericsson Business Communications		   [GXN]
	  194	Metaphor Computer Systems			   [PXR]
	  195	Patriot	Partners				   [PXR]
	  196	The Software Group Limited (TSG)		 [RP211]
	  197	Kalpana, Inc.					  [AXB3]
	  198	University of Waterloo				  [RXW1]
	  199	CCL/ITRI					   [MXC]
	  200	Coeur Postel					  [PXK2]
	  201	Mitsubish Cable	Industries, Ltd.		  [MXH1]
	  202	SMC						   [LXS]
	  203	Crescendo Communication, Inc.			   [PXJ]
	  204	Goodall	Software Engineering			 [DG223]
	  205	Intecom						   [BXP]
	  206	Victoria University of Wellington		  [JXS3]
	  207	Allied Telesis,	Inc.				  [SXH2]
	  208	Dowty Network Systems A/S			  [HXE1]
	  209	Protools					   [GXA]
	  210	Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp.		  [TXS1]
	  211	Fujitsu	Limited					   [IXH]
	  212	Network	Peripherals Inc.			   [CXC]
	  213	Netronix, Inc.					  [JXR3]
	  214	University of Wisconsin	- Madison		 [DW328]
	  215	NetWorth, Inc.					   [CXS]
	  216	Tandberg Data A/S				   [HXH]
	  217	Technically Elite Concepts, Inc.		  [RXD5]
	  218	Labtam Australia Pty. Ltd.			  [MXP1]
	  219	Republic Telcom	Systems, Inc.			  [SXH3]
	  220	ADI Systems, Inc.				   [PXL]
	  221	Microwave Bypass Systems, Inc.			   [TXA]
	  222	Pyramid	Technology Corp.			   [RXR]
	  223	Unisys_Corp					  [LXB2]
	  224	LANOPTICS LTD. Israel				  [IXD1]
	  225	NKK Corporation					   [JXY]
	  226	MTrade UK Ltd.					   [PXD]
	  227	Acals						  [PXC1]
	  228	ASTEC, Inc.					  [HXF1]
	  229	Delmarva Power					  [JXS4]
	  230	Telematics International, Inc.			  [KXS1]
	  231	Siemens	Nixdorf	Informations Syteme AG		   [GXK]
	  232	Compaq						   [SXB]
	  233	NetManage, Inc.					   [WXD]

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

	  234	NCSU Computing Center				   [DXJ]
	  235	Empirical Tools	and Technologies		   [KA4]
	  236	Samsung	Group					   [HXP]
	  237	Takaoka	Electric Mfg. Co., Ltd.			  [HXH2]
	  238	Netrix Systems Corporation			   [EXM]
	  239	WINDATA						   [BXR]
	  240	RC International A/S				  [CXD1]
	  241	Netexp Research					   [HXB]
	  242	Internode Systems Pty Ltd			  [SXH4]
	  243	netCS Informationstechnik GmbH			   [OXK]
	  244	Lantronix					   [RXL]
	  245	Avatar Consultants				 [KH157]
	  246	Furukawa Electoric Co. Ltd.			   [SXF]
	  247	AEG Electrcom					  [RXN2]
	  248	Richard	Hirschmann GmbH	& Co.			  [HXN1]
	  249	G2R Inc.					   [KXH]
	  250	University of Michigan				  [TXH1]
	  251	Netcomm, Ltd.					  [WXS2]
	  252	Sable Technology Corporation			   [RXT]
	  253	Xerox						  [EXR3]
	  254	Conware	Computer Consulting GmbH		  [MXS2]
	  255	Compatible Systems Corp.			 [JG423]
	  256	Scitec Communications Systems Ltd.		  [SXL1]
	  257	Transarc Corporation				   [PXB]
	  258	Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.	   [NXM]
	  259	ACCTON Technology				  [DXR1]
	  260	Star-Tek, Inc.					  [CXM1]
	  261	Codenoll Tech. Corp.				   [DXW]
	  262	Formation, Inc.					  [CXM2]
	  263	Seiko Instruments, Inc.	(SII)			  [YXW1]
	  264	RCE (Reseaux de	Communication d'Entreprise S.A.)   [EXB]
	  265	Xenocom, Inc.					  [SXW2]
	  266	AEG KABEL					  [HXT1]
	  267	Systech	Computer Corporation			  [BXP1]
	  268	Visual						   [BXO]
	  269	SDD (Scandinavian Airlines Data	Denmark	A/S)	   [PXF]
	  270	Zenith Electronics Corporation			   [DXL]
	  271	TELECOM	FINLAND					  [PXJ1]
	  272	BinTec Computersystems				  [MXS3]
	  273	EUnet Germany					  [MXS4]
	  274	PictureTel Corporation				   [OXJ]
	  275	Michigan State University			   [LXW]
	  276	GTE Telecom Incorporated			   [LXO]
	  277	Cascade	Communications Corp.			   [CS1]
	  278	Hitachi	Cable, Ltd.				  [TXA1]
	  279	Olivetti					  [MXF1]
	  280	Vitacom	Corporation				  [PXR1]
	  281	INMOS						   [GXH]

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

	  282	AIC Systems Laboratories Ltd.			  [GXM1]
	  283	Cameo Communications, Inc.			  [AXB4]
	  284	Diab Data AB					  [MXL1]
	  285	Olicom A/S					   [LXP]
	  286	Digital-Kienzle	Computersystems			   [HXD]
	  287	CSELT(Centro Studi E Laboratori	Telecomunicazioni)[PXC2]
	  288	Electronic Data	Systems				  [MXH2]
	  289	McData Corporation				   [GXL]
	  290	Harris Computer	Systems	Division (HCSD)		  [DXR2]
	  291	Technology Dynamics, Inc.			  [CXS1]
	  292	DATAHOUSE Information Systems Ltd.		   [KXL]
	  293	DSIR Network Group				   [TXP]
	  294	Texas Instruments				  [BXS1]
	  295	PlainTree Systems Inc.				  [PXC3]
	  296	Hedemann Software Development			  [SXH5]
	  297	Fuji Xerox Co.,	Ltd.				  [HXK1]
	  298	Asante Technology				   [HXM]
	  299	Stanford University				   [BXM]
	  300	Digital	Link					  [JXT1]
	  301	Raylan Corporation				  [MXL2]
	  302	Datacraft					   [AXL]
	  303	Hughes						   [KZM]
	  304	Farallon Computing, Inc.			  [SXS3]
	  305	GE Information Services				  [SXB2]
	  306	Gambit Computer	Communications			   [ZXS]
	  307	Livingston Enterprises,	Inc.			  [SXW3]
	  308	Star Technologies				  [JXM1]
	  309	Micronics Computers Inc.			  [DXC1]
	  310	Basis, Inc.					   [HXS]
	  311	Microsoft					  [JXB1]
	  312	US West	Advance	Technologies			   [DXH]
	  313	University College London			   [SXC]
	  314	Eastman	Kodak Company				  [WXC1]
	  315	Network	Resources Corporation			  [KXW1]
	  316	Atlas Telecom					  [BXK2]
	  317	Bridgeway					   [UXV]
	  318	American Power Conversion Corp.			   [PXY]
	  319	DOE Atmospheric	Radiation Measurement Project	  [PXK3]
	  320	VerSteeg CodeWorks				   [BXV]
	  321	Verilink Corp					   [BXV]
	  322	Sybus Corportation				  [MXB2]
	  323	Tekelec						   [BXG]
	  324	NASA Ames Research Center			   [NXC]
	  325	Simon Fraser University				   [RXU]
	  326	Fore Systems, Inc.				  [EXC1]
	  327	Centrum	Communications,	Inc.			   [VXL]
	  328	NeXT Computer, Inc.				   [LXL]
	  329	Netcore, Inc.					  [SXM1]

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

	  330	Northwest Digital Systems			   [BXD]
	  331	Andrew Corporation				   [TXT]
	  332	DigiBoard					  [DXK2]
	  333	Computer Network Technology Corp.		  [BXM1]
	  334	Lotus Development Corp.				  [BXF1]
	  335	MICOM Communication Corporation			  [DXB4]
	  336	ASCII Corporation				   [TXO]
	  337	PUREDATA Research/USA				  [BXF2]
	  338	NTT DATA					  [YXK1]
	  339	Empros Systems International			  [DXT1]
	  340	Kendall	Square Research	(KSR)			  [DXH1]
	  341	Martin Marietta	Energy Systems			  [GXH1]
	  342	Network	Innovations				   [PXG]
	  343	Intel Corporation				  [CXT1]
	  344	Proxar						   [CXH]
	  345	Epson Research Center				  [RXS2]
	  346	Fibernet					  [GXS1]
	  347	Box Hill Systems Corporation			   [TXJ]
	  348	American Express Travel	Related	Services	  [JXC1]
	  349	Compu-Shack					   [TXV]
	  350	Parallan Computer, Inc.				  [CXD2]
	  351	Stratacom					   [CXI]
	  352	Open Networks Engineering, Inc.			  [RXB4]
	  353	ATM Forum					   [KZM]
	  354	SSD Management,	Inc.				  [BXR1]
	  355	Automated Network Management, Inc.		   [CXV]
	  356	Magnalink Communications Corporation		  [DXK3]
	  357	TIL Systems, Ltd.				  [GXM2]
	  358	Skyline	Technology, Inc.			  [DXW1]
	  359	Nu-Mega	Technologies, Inc.			  [DXS4]
	  360	Morgan Stanley & Co. Inc.			   [VXK]
	  361	Integrated Business Network			  [MXB3]
	  362	L & N Technologies, Ltd.			  [SXL2]
	  363	Cincinnati Bell	Information Systems, Inc.	  [DXM4]
	  364	OSCOM International				   [FXF]
	  365	MICROGNOSIS					  [PXA2]
	  366	Datapoint Corporation				  [LZ15]
	  367	RICOH Co. Ltd.					   [TXW]
	  368	Axis Communications AB				 [MG277]
	  369	Pacer Software					   [WXT]
	  370	Axon Networks Inc.				   [RXI]
	  371	Brixton	Systems, Inc.				   [PXE]
	  372	GSI						  [PXB1]
	  373	Tatung Co., Ltd.				  [CXC1]
	  374	DIS Research LTD				  [RXC2]
	  375	Quotron	Systems, Inc.				  [RXS3]
	  376	Dassault Electronique				   [OXC]
	  377	Corollary, Inc.					  [JXG3]

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

	  378	SEEL, Ltd.					   [KXR]
	  379	Lexcel						   [MXE]
	  380	W.J. Parducci &	Associates, Inc.		   [WXP]
	  381	OST						  [AXP1]
	  382	Megadata Pty Ltd.				  [AXM2]
	  383	LLNL Livermore Computer	Center			   [DXN]
	  384	Dynatech Communications				  [GXW2]
	  385	Symplex	Communications Corp.			   [CXA]
	  386	Tribe Computer Works				  [KXF1]
	  387	Taligent, Inc.					   [LXA]
	  388	Symbol Technology, Inc.				  [JXC2]
	  389	Lancert						  [MXH3]
	  390	Alantec						   [PXV]
	  391	Ridgeback Solutions				   [EXG]
	  392	Metrix,	Inc.					   [DXV]
	  393	Excutive Systems/XTree Company			  [DXC2]
	  394	NRL Communication Systems Branch		  [RXR1]
	  395	I.D.E. Corporation				  [RXS4]
	  396	Matsushita Electric Works, Ltd.			  [CXH1]
	  397	MegaPAC						   [IXG]
	  398	Pilkington Communication Systems		   [DXA]
	  440	Amnet, Inc.					   [RM1]
	  441	Chase Research					   [KXG]
	  442	PEER Networks					 [TS566]
	  443	Gateway	Communications,	Inc.			   [EXF]
	  444	Peregrine Systems				   [EXO]
	  445	Daewoo Telecom					   [SXO]
	  446	Norwegian Telecom Research			  [PXY1]
	  447	WilTel						   [AXP]
	  448	Ericsson-Camtec					  [SXP1]
	  449	Codex						  [TXM1]
	  450	Basis						   [HXS]
	  451	AGE Logic					  [SXL3]
	  452	INDE Electronics				  [GXD1]
	  453	ISODE Consortium				 [SH284]
	  454	J.I. Case					  [MXO1]
	  455	Trillium Digital Systems			  [CXC2]
	  456	Bacchus	Inc.					   [EXG]
	  457	MCC						  [DR48]
	  458	Stratus	Computer				   [KXC]
	  459	Quotron						  [RXS3]
	  460	Beame &	Whiteside				  [CXB1]
	  461	Cellular Technical Servuces			  [GXH2]

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   SGMP	Vendor Specific	Codes: [obsolete]

      Prefix: 1,255,

      Decimal	Name					      References
      -------	----					      ----------
	    0	Reserved					  [JKR1]
	    1	Proteon						  [JS18]
	    2	IBM						   [JXR]
	    3	CMU						   [SXW]
	    4	Unix						   [MS9]
	    5	ACC						  [AB20]
	    6	TWG						   [MTR]
	    7	CAYMAN						  [BP52]
	    8	NYSERNET					   [MS9]
	    9	cisco						   [GS2]
	   10	BBN						   [RH6]
	   11	Unassigned					  [JKR1]
	   12	MIT						  [JR35]
       13-254	Unassigned					  [JKR1]
	  255	Reserved					  [JKR1]

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992


   The MILNET facility for "logical addressing"	is described in	RFC-878
   [57]	and RFC-1005 [109].  A portion of the possible logical addresses
   are reserved	for standard uses.

   There are 49,152 possible logical host addresses.  Of these,	256 are
   reserved for	assignment to well-known functions.  Assignments for
   well-known functions	are made by the	IANA.  Assignments for other
   logical host	addresses are made by the NIC.

   Logical Address Assignments:

      Decimal	 Description				      References
      -------	 -----------				      ----------
      0		 Reserved					   [JBP]
      1		 The BBN Core Gateways				    [MB]
      2-254	 Unassigned					   [JBP]
      255	 Reserved					   [JBP]

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992


   The word "link" here	refers to a field in the original MILNET
   Host/IMP interface leader.  The link	was originally defined as an 8-
   bit field.  Later specifications defined this field as the "message-
   id" with a length of	12 bits.  The name link	now refers to the high
   order 8 bits	of this	12-bit message-id field.  The Host/IMP interface
   is defined in BBN Report 1822 [2].

   The low-order 4 bits	of the message-id field	are called the sub-link.
   Unless explicitly specified otherwise for a particular protocol,
   there is no sender to receiver significance to the sub-link.	 The
   sender may use the sub-link in any way he chooses (it is returned in
   the RFNM by the destination IMP), the receiver should ignore	the

   Link	Assignments:

      Decimal	Description				      References
      -------	-----------				      ----------
      0-63	BBNCC Monitoring				    [MB]
      64-149	Unassigned					   [JBP]
      150	Xerox NS IDP				     [133,XEROX]
      151	Unassigned					   [JBP]
      152	PARC Universal Protocol			       [8,XEROX]
      153	TIP Status Reporting				   [JGH]
      154	TIP Accounting					   [JGH]
      155	Internet Protocol [regular]		       [105,JBP]
      156-158	Internet Protocol [experimental]	       [105,JBP]
      159	Figleaf	Link					  [JBW1]
      160	Blacker	Local Network Protocol			  [DM28]
      161-194	Unassigned					   [JBP]
      195	ISO-IP						[64,RXM]
      196-247	Experimental Protocols				   [JBP]
      248-255	Network	Maintenance				   [JGH]

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992


   All MILNET hosts are	assigned addresses by the Defense Data Network
   (DDN).  The address of a MILNET host	may be obtained	from the Network
   Information Center (NIC), represented as an ASCII text string in what
   is called "host table format".  This	section	describes the process by
   which MILNET	X.25 addresses may be derived from addresses in	the NIC
   host	table format.

   A NIC host table address consists of	the ASCII text string
   representations of four decimal numbers separated by	periods,
   corresponding to the	four octeted of	a thirty-two bit Internet
   address.  The four decimal numbers are referred to in this section as
   "n",	"h' "l", and "i".  Thus, a host	table address may be represented
   as: "n.h.l.i".  Each	of these four numbers will have	either one, two,
   or three decimal digits and will never have a value greater than 255.
   For example,	in the host table, address: "", n=10,	h=2,
   l=0,	and i=124.  To convert a host table address to a MILNET	X.25

      1.  If h < 64, the host table address corresponds	to the X.25
      physical address:



	   ZZZZ	= 0000	  as required

	   F = 0	  because the address is a physical address;

	   III		  is a three decimal digit respresentation of
			  "i", right-adjusted and padded with leading
			  zeros	if required;

	   HH		  is a two decimal digit representation	of "h",
			  right-adjusted and padded with leading zeros
			  if required;

	   ZZ =	00	  and

	   (SS)		  is optional

      In the example given above, the host table address
      corresponds to the X.25 physical address 000001240200.

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   2.  If h > 64 or h =	64, the	host table address corresponds to the
   X.25	logical	address



	ZZZZ = 0000    as required

	F = 1	       because the address is a	logical	address;

	RRRRR	       is a five decimal digit representation of
		       the result "r" of the calculation

				r = h *	256 + i

		       (Note that the decimal representation of
		       "r" will	always require five digits);

	ZZ = 00	       and

	(SS)	       is optional

      Thus, the	host table address corresponds to the X.25
      logical address 000012145500.

   In both cases, the "n" and "l" fields of the	host table address are
   not used.

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992


   Some	of the networks	of all classes are IEEE	802 Networks.  These
   systems may use a Link Service Access Point (LSAP) field in much the
   same	way the	MILNET uses the	"link" field.  Further,	there is an
   extension of	the LSAP header	called the Sub-Network Access Protocol

   The IEEE likes to describe numbers in binary	in bit transmission
   order, which	is the opposite	of the big-endian order	used throughout
   the Internet	protocol documentation.


      Link Service Access Point	  Description		     References
      -------------------------	  -----------		     ----------
      IEEE     Internet
      binary   binary	 decimal
      00000000 00000000	       0   Null	LSAP			  [IEEE]
      01000000 00000010	       2   Indiv LLC Sublayer Mgt	  [IEEE]
      11000000 00000011	       3   Group LLC Sublayer Mgt	  [IEEE]
      00100000 00000100	       4   SNA Path Control		  [IEEE]
      01100000 00000110	       6   Reserved (DOD IP)	       [104,JBP]
      01110000 00001110	      14   PROWAY-LAN			  [IEEE]
      01110010 01001110	      78   EIA-RS 511			  [IEEE]
      01111010 01011110	      94   ISI IP			   [JBP]
      01110001 10001110	     142   PROWAY-LAN			  [IEEE]
      01010101 10101010	     170   SNAP				  [IEEE]
      01111111 11111110	     254   ISO CLNS IS 8473		[64,JXJ]
      11111111 11111111	     255   Global DSAP			  [IEEE]

   These numbers (and others) are assigned by the IEEE Standards Office.
   The address is: IEEE	Standards Office, 345 East 47th	Street,	New
   York, N.Y. 10017, Attn: Vince Condello.  Phone: (212) 705-7092.

   At an ad hoc	special	session	on "IEEE 802 Networks and ARP",	held
   during the TCP Vendors Workshop (August 1986), an approach to a
   consistent way to send DoD-IP datagrams and other IP	related
   protocols (such as the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)) on	802
   networks was	developed, using the SNAP extension (see RFC-1042 [90]).

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992


   Many	of the networks	of all classes are Ethernets (10Mb) or
   Experimental	Ethernets (3Mb).  These	systems	use a message "type"
   field in much the same way the ARPANET uses the "link" field.

   If you need an Ethernet type, contact the Xerox Corporation,	Xerox
   Systems Institute, 475 Oakmead Parkway, Sunnyvale, CA 94086,	Attn:
   Ms. Fonda Pallone, (415) 813-7164.

   The following list is contributed unverified	information from various


      Ethernet		Exp. Ethernet	 Description	      References
      -------------	-------------	-----------	      ----------
      decimal  Hex	decimal	 octal
	 000   0000-05DC   -	   -	IEEE802.3 Length Field	 [XEROX]
	 257   0101-01FF   -	   -	Experimental		 [XEROX]
	 512   0200	   512	 1000	XEROX PUP (see 0A00)   [8,XEROX]
	 513   0201	   -	  -	PUP Addr Trans (see 0A01)[XEROX]
	1536   0600	  1536	 3000	XEROX NS IDP	     [133,XEROX]
	2048   0800	   513	 1001	DOD IP		       [105,JBP]
	2049   0801	   -	  -	X.75 Internet		 [XEROX]
	2050   0802	   -	  -	NBS Internet		 [XEROX]
	2051   0803	   -	  -	ECMA Internet		 [XEROX]
	2052   0804	   -	  -	Chaosnet		 [XEROX]
	2053   0805	   -	  -	X.25 Level 3		 [XEROX]
	2054   0806	   -	  -	ARP			[88,JBP]
	2055   0807	   -	  -	XNS Compatability	 [XEROX]
	2076   081C	   -	  -	Symbolics Private	  [DCP1]
	2184   0888-088A   -	  -	Xyplex			 [XEROX]
	2304   0900	   -	  -	Ungermann-Bass net debugr[XEROX]
	2560   0A00	   -	  -	Xerox IEEE802.3	PUP	 [XEROX]
	2561   0A01	   -	  -	PUP Addr Trans		 [XEROX]
	2989   0BAD	   -	  -	Banyan Systems		 [XEROX]
	4096   1000	   -	  -	Berkeley Trailer nego	 [XEROX]
	4097   1001-100F   -	  -	Berkeley Trailer encap/IP[XEROX]
	5632   1600	   -	  -	Valid Systems		 [XEROX]
       16962   4242	   -	  -	PCS Basic Block	Protocol [XEROX]
       21000   5208	   -	  -	BBN Simnet		 [XEROX]
       24576   6000	   -	  -	DEC Unassigned (Exp.)	 [XEROX]
       24577   6001	   -	  -	DEC MOP	Dump/Load	 [XEROX]
       24578   6002	   -	  -	DEC MOP	Remote Console	 [XEROX]
       24579   6003	   -	  -	DEC DECNET Phase IV Route[XEROX]
       24580   6004	   -	  -	DEC LAT			 [XEROX]
       24581   6005	   -	  -	DEC Diagnostic Protocol	 [XEROX]

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

       24582   6006	   -	  -	DEC Customer Protocol	 [XEROX]
       24583   6007	   -	  -	DEC LAVC, SCA		 [XEROX]
       24584   6008-6009   -	  -	DEC Unassigned		 [XEROX]
       24586   6010-6014   -	  -	3Com Corporation	 [XEROX]
       28672   7000	   -	  -	Ungermann-Bass download	 [XEROX]
       28674   7002	   -	  -	Ungermann-Bass dia/loop	 [XEROX]
       28704   7020-7029   -	  -	LRT			 [XEROX]
       28720   7030	   -	  -	Proteon			 [XEROX]
       28724   7034	   -	  -	Cabletron		 [XEROX]
       32771   8003	   -	  -	Cronus VLN	      [131,DT15]
       32772   8004	   -	  -	Cronus Direct	      [131,DT15]
       32773   8005	   -	  -	HP Probe		 [XEROX]
       32774   8006	   -	  -	Nestar			 [XEROX]
       32776   8008	   -	  -	AT&T			 [XEROX]
       32784   8010	   -	  -	Excelan			 [XEROX]
       32787   8013	   -	  -	SGI diagnostics		   [AXC]
       32788   8014	   -	  -	SGI network games	   [AXC]
       32789   8015	   -	  -	SGI reserved		   [AXC]
       32790   8016	   -	  -	SGI bounce server	   [AXC]
       32793   8019	   -	  -	Apollo Computers	 [XEROX]
       32815   802E	   -	  -	Tymshare		 [XEROX]
       32816   802F	   -	  -	Tigan, Inc.		 [XEROX]
       32821   8035	   -	  -	Reverse	ARP		[48,JXM]
       32822   8036	   -	  -	Aeonic Systems		 [XEROX]
       32824   8038	   -	  -	DEC LANBridge		 [XEROX]
       32825   8039-803C   -	  -	DEC Unassigned		 [XEROX]
       32829   803D	   -	  -	DEC Ethernet Encryption	 [XEROX]
       32830   803E	   -	  -	DEC Unassigned		 [XEROX]
       32831   803F	   -	  -	DEC LAN	Traffic	Monitor	 [XEROX]
       32832   8040-8042   -	  -	DEC Unassigned		 [XEROX]
       32836   8044	   -	  -	Planning Research Corp.	 [XEROX]
       32838   8046	   -	  -	AT&T			 [XEROX]
       32839   8047	   -	  -	AT&T			 [XEROX]
       32841   8049	   -	  -	ExperData		 [XEROX]
       32859   805B	   -	  -	Stanford V Kernel exp.	 [XEROX]
       32860   805C	   -	  -	Stanford V Kernel prod.	 [XEROX]
       32861   805D	   -	  -	Evans &	Sutherland	 [XEROX]
       32864   8060	   -	  -	Little Machines		 [XEROX]
       32866   8062	   -	  -	Counterpoint Computers	 [XEROX]
       32869   8065-8066   -	  -	Univ. of Mass. @ Amherst [XEROX]
       32871   8067	   -	  -	Veeco Integrated Auto.	 [XEROX]
       32872   8068	   -	  -	General	Dynamics	 [XEROX]
       32873   8069	   -	  -	AT&T			 [XEROX]
       32874   806A	   -	  -	Autophon		 [XEROX]
       32876   806C	   -	  -	ComDesign		 [XEROX]
       32877   806D	   -	  -	Computgraphic Corp.	 [XEROX]
       32878   806E-8077   -	  -	Landmark Graphics Corp.	 [XEROX]
       32890   807A	   -	  -	Matra			 [XEROX]

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

       32891   807B	   -	  -	Dansk Data Elektronik	 [XEROX]
       32892   807C	   -	  -	Merit Internodal	   [HWB]
       32893   807D-807F   -	  -	Vitalink Communications	 [XEROX]
       32896   8080	   -	  -	Vitalink TransLAN III	 [XEROX]
       32897   8081-8083   -	  -	Counterpoint Computers	 [XEROX]
       32923   809B	   -	  -	Appletalk		 [XEROX]
       32924   809C-809E   -	  -	Datability		 [XEROX]
       32927   809F	   -	  -	Spider Systems Ltd.	 [XEROX]
       32931   80A3	   -	  -	Nixdorf	Computers	 [XEROX]
       32932   80A4-80B3   -	  -	Siemens	Gammasonics Inc. [XEROX]
       32960   80C0-80C3   -	  -	DCA Data Exchange Cluster[XEROX]
       32966   80C6	   -	  -	Pacer Software		 [XEROX]
       32967   80C7	   -	  -	Applitek Corporation	 [XEROX]
       32968   80C8-80CC   -	  -	Intergraph Corporation	 [XEROX]
       32973   80CD-80CE   -	  -	Harris Corporation	 [XEROX]
       32974   80CF-80D2   -	  -	Taylor Instrument	 [XEROX]
       32979   80D3-80D4   -	  -	Rosemount Corporation	 [XEROX]
       32981   80D5	   -	  -	IBM SNA	Service	on Ether [XEROX]
       32989   80DD	   -	  -	Varian Associates	 [XEROX]
       32990   80DE-80DF   -	  -	Integrated Solutions TRFS[XEROX]
       32992   80E0-80E3   -	  -	Allen-Bradley		 [XEROX]
       32996   80E4-80F0   -	  -	Datability		 [XEROX]
       33010   80F2	   -	  -	Retix			 [XEROX]
       33011   80F3	   -	  -	AppleTalk AARP (Kinetics)[XEROX]
       33012   80F4-80F5   -	  -	Kinetics		 [XEROX]
       33015   80F7	   -	  -	Apollo Computer		 [XEROX]
       33023   80FF-8103   -	  -	Wellfleet Communications [XEROX]
       33031   8107-8109   -	  -	Symbolics Private	 [XEROX]
       33072   8130	   -	  -	Waterloo Microsystems	 [XEROX]
       33073   8131	   -	  -	VG Laboratory Systems	 [XEROX]
       33079   8137-8138   -	  -	Novell,	Inc.		 [XEROX]
       33081   8139-813D   -	  -	KTI			 [XEROX]
       33100   814C	   -	  -	SNMP			  [JKR1]
       36864   9000	   -	  -	Loopback		 [XEROX]
       36865   9001	   -	  -	3Com(Bridge) XNS Sys Mgmt[XEROX]
       36866   9002	   -	  -	3Com(Bridge) TCP-IP Sys	 [XEROX]
       36867   9003	   -	  -	3Com(Bridge) loop detect [XEROX]
       65280   FF00	   -	  -	BBN VITAL-LanBridge cache[XEROX]

   The standard	for transmission of IP datagrams over Ethernets	and
   Experimental	Ethernets is specified in RFC-894 [61] and RFC-895 [91]

   NOTE:  Ethernet 48-bit address blocks are assigned by the IEEE.

   IEEE	Standards Office, 345 East 47th	Street,	New York, N.Y. 10017,
   Attn: Vince Condello.  Phone: (212) 705-7092.

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992


   Ethernet hardware addresses are 48 bits, expressed as 12 hexadecimal
   digits (0-9,	plus A-F, capitalized).	 These 12 hex digits consist of
   the first/left 6 digits (which should match the vendor of the
   Ethernet interface within the station) and the last/right 6 digits
   which specify the interface serial number for that interface	vendor.

   Ethernet addresses might be written unhyphenated (e.g.,
   123456789ABC), or with one hyphen (e.g., 123456-789ABC), but	should
   be written hyphenated by octets (e.g., 12-34-56-78-9A-BC).

   These addresses are physical	station	addresses, not multicast nor
   broadcast, so the second hex	digit (reading from the	left) will be
   even, not odd.

   At present, it is not clear how the IEEE assigns Ethernet block
   addresses.  Whether in blocks of 2**24 or 2**25, and	whether
   multicasts are assigned with	that block or separately.  A portion of
   the vendor block address is reportedly assigned serially, with the
   other portion intentionally assigned	randomly.  If there is a global
   algorithm for which addresses are designated	to be physical (in a
   chipset) versus logical (assigned in	software), or globally-assigned
   versus locally-assigned addresses, some of the known	addresses do not
   follow the scheme (e.g., AA0003; 02xxxx).

   00000C  Cisco
   00000F  NeXT
   000010  Sytek
   00001D  Cabletron
   000020  DIAB	(Data Intdustrier AB)
   000022  Visual Technology
   00002A  TRW
   00005A  S & Koch
   00005E  IANA
   000065  Network General
   00006B  MIPS
   000077  MIPS
   00007A  Ardent
   000089  Cayman Systems  Gatorbox
   000093  Proteon
   00009F  Ameristar Technology
   0000A2  Wellfleet
   0000A3  Network Application Technology
   0000A6  Network General (internal assignment, not for products)
   0000A7  NCD		   X-terminals
   0000A9  Network Systems
   0000AA  Xerox	   Xerox machines

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   0000B3  CIMLinc
   0000B7  Dove		   Fastnet
   0000BC  Allen-Bradley
   0000C0  Western Digital
   0000C6  HP Intelligent Networks Operation (formerly Eon Systems)
   0000C8  Altos
   0000C9  Emulex	   Terminal Servers
   0000D7  Dartmouth College (NED Router)
   0000D8  3Com? Novell?   PS/2
   0000DD  Gould
   0000DE  Unigraph
   0000E2  Acer	Counterpoint
   0000EF  Alantec
   0000FD  High	Level Hardvare (Orion, UK)
   000102  BBN		   BBN internal	usage (not registered)
   001700  Kabel
   00802D  Xylogics, Inc.  Annex terminal servers
   00808C  Frontier Software Development
   0080C2  IEEE	802.1 Committee
   0080D3  Shiva
   00AA00  Intel
   00DD00  Ungermann-Bass
   00DD01  Ungermann-Bass
   020701  Racal InterLan
   020406  BBN		   BBN internal	usage (not registered)
   026086  Satelcom MegaPac (UK)
   02608C  3Com		   IBM PC; Imagen; Valid; Cisco
   02CF1F  CMC		   Masscomp; Silicon Graphics; Prime EXL
   080002  3Com	(Formerly Bridge)
   080003  ACC (Advanced Computer Communications)
   080005  Symbolics	   Symbolics LISP machines
   080008  BBN
   080009  Hewlett-Packard
   08000A  Nestar Systems
   08000B  Unisys
   080011  Tektronix, Inc.
   080014  Excelan	   BBN Butterfly, Masscomp, Silicon Graphics
   080017  NSC
   08001A  Data	General
   08001B  Data	General
   08001E  Apollo
   080020  Sun		   Sun machines
   080022  NBI
   080025  CDC
   080026  Norsk Data (Nord)
   080027  PCS Computer	Systems	GmbH
   080028  TI		   Explorer
   08002B  DEC

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   08002E  Metaphor
   08002F  Prime Computer  Prime 50-Series LHC300
   080036  Intergraph	   CAE stations
   080037  Fujitsu-Xerox
   080038  Bull
   080039  Spider Systems
   080041  DCA Digital Comm. Assoc.
   080045  ????	(maybe Xylogics, but they claim	not to know this number)
   080046  Sony
   080047  Sequent
   080049  Univation
   08004C  Encore
   08004E  BICC
   080056  Stanford University
   080058  ???		   DECsystem-20
   08005A  IBM
   080067  Comdesign
   080068  Ridge
   080069  Silicon Graphics
   08006E  Excelan
   080075  DDE (Danish Data Elektronik A/S)
   08007C  Vitalink	   TransLAN III
   080080  XIOS
   080086  Imagen/QMS
   080087  Xyplex	   terminal servers
   080089  Kinetics	   AppleTalk-Ethernet interface
   08008B  Pyramid
   08008D  XyVision	   XyVision machines
   080090  Retix Inc	   Bridges
   484453  HDS ???
   800010  AT&T
   AA0000  DEC		   obsolete
   AA0001  DEC		   obsolete
   AA0002  DEC		   obsolete
   AA0003  DEC		   Global physical address for some DEC	machines
   AA0004  DEC		   Local logical address for systems running

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992


   Ethernet		   Type
   Address		   Field   Usage

   Multicast Addresses:

   01-00-5E-00-00-00-	   0800	   Internet Multicast (RFC-1112) [43]
   01-00-5E-80-00-00-	   ????	   Internet reserved by	IANA
   01-80-C2-00-00-00	   -802-   Spanning tree (for bridges)
   09-00-02-04-00-01?	   8080?   Vitalink printer
   09-00-02-04-00-02?	   8080?   Vitalink management
   09-00-09-00-00-01	   8005	   HP Probe
   09-00-09-00-00-01	   -802-   HP Probe
   09-00-09-00-00-04	   8005?   HP DTC
   09-00-1E-00-00-00	   8019?   Apollo DOMAIN
   09-00-2B-00-00-00	   6009?   DEC MUMPS?
   09-00-2B-00-00-01	   8039?   DEC DSM/DTP?
   09-00-2B-00-00-02	   803B?   DEC VAXELN?
   09-00-2B-00-00-03	   8038	   DEC Lanbridge Traffic Monitor (LTM)
   09-00-2B-00-00-04	   ????	   DEC MAP End System Hello
   09-00-2B-00-00-05	   ????	   DEC MAP Intermediate	System Hello
   09-00-2B-00-00-06	   803D?   DEC CSMA/CD Encryption?
   09-00-2B-00-00-07	   8040?   DEC NetBios Emulator?
   09-00-2B-00-00-0F	   6004	   DEC Local Area Transport (LAT)
   09-00-2B-00-00-1x	   ????	   DEC Experimental
   09-00-2B-01-00-00	   8038	   DEC LanBridge Copy packets
				   (All	bridges)
   09-00-2B-01-00-01	   8038	   DEC LanBridge Hello packets
				   (All	local bridges)
				   1 packet per	second,	sent by	the
				   designated LanBridge
   09-00-2B-02-00-00	   ????	   DEC DNA Lev.	2 Routing Layer	routers?
   09-00-2B-02-01-00	   803C?   DEC DNA Naming Service Advertisement?
   09-00-2B-02-01-01	   803C?   DEC DNA Naming Service Solicitation?
   09-00-2B-02-01-02	   803E?   DEC DNA Time	Service?
   09-00-2B-03-xx-xx	   ????	   DEC default filtering by bridges?
   09-00-2B-04-00-00	   8041?   DEC Local Area Sys. Transport (LAST)?
   09-00-2B-23-00-00	   803A?   DEC Argonaut	Console?
   09-00-4E-00-00-02?	   8137?   Novell IPX
   09-00-56-00-00-00-	   ????	   Stanford reserved
   09-00-56-FF-00-00-	   805C	   Stanford V Kernel, version 6.0
   09-00-77-00-00-01	   ????	   Retix spanning tree bridges
   09-00-7C-02-00-05	   8080?   Vitalink diagnostics

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   09-00-7C-05-00-01	   8080?   Vitalink gateway?
   0D-1E-15-BA-DD-06	   ????	   HP
   AB-00-00-01-00-00	   6001	   DEC Maintenance Operation Protocol
				   (MOP) Dump/Load Assistance
   AB-00-00-02-00-00	   6002	   DEC Maintenance Operation Protocol
				   (MOP) Remote	Console
				   1 System ID packet every 8-10 minutes,
				   by every:
				   DEC LanBridge
				   DEC DEUNA interface
				   DEC DELUA interface
				   DEC DEQNA interface
				   (in a certain mode)
   AB-00-00-03-00-00	   6003	   DECNET Phase	IV end node Hello
				   packets 1 packet every 15 seconds,
				   sent	by each	DECNET host
   AB-00-00-04-00-00	   6003	   DECNET Phase	IV Router Hello	packets
				   1 packet every 15 seconds, sent by
				   the DECNET router
   AB-00-00-05-00-00	   ????	   Reserved DEC	through
   AB-00-03-00-00-00	   6004	   DEC Local Area Transport (LAT) - old
   AB-00-04-00-xx-xx	   ????	   Reserved DEC	customer private use
   AB-00-04-01-xx-yy	   6007	   DEC Local Area VAX Cluster groups
				   Sys.	Communication Architecture (SCA)
   CF-00-00-00-00-00	   9000	   Ethernet Configuration Test protocol

   Broadcast Address:

   FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF	   0600	   XNS packets,	Hello or gateway search?
				   6 packets every 15 seconds, per XNS
   FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF	   0800	   IP (e.g. RWHOD via UDP) as needed
   FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF	   0804	   CHAOS
   FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF	   0806	   ARP (for IP and CHAOS) as needed
   FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF	   0BAD	   Banyan
   FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF	   1600	   VALID packets, Hello	or gateway
				   1 packets every 30 seconds, per VALID
   FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF	   8035	   Reverse ARP
   FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF	   807C	   Merit Internodal (INP)
   FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF	   809B	   EtherTalk

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992


   Assigned well-known socket numbers

	   Routing Information		   1
	   Echo				   2
	   Router Error			   3
	   Experimental		       40-77

   Assigned internet packet types

	   Routing Information		   1
	   Echo				   2
	   Error			   3
	   Packet Exchange		   4
	   Sequenced Packet		   5
	   PUP				  12
	   DoD IP			  13
	   Experimental		       20-37

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992


   Below are two tables	describing the arrangement of protocol fields or
   type	field assignments so that one could send NS Datagrams on the
   MILNET or Internet Datagrams	on 10Mb	Ethernet, and also protocol and
   type	fields so one could encapsulate	each kind of Datagram in the

	      \	  upper| DoD IP	|  PUP	 | NS IP  |
	 lower \       |	|	 |	  |
		       |  Type	|  Type	 |  Type  |
	 3Mb Ethernet  |  1001	|  1000	 |  3000  |
		       |  octal	|  octal |  octal |
		       |  Type	|  Type	 |  Type  |
	 10 Mb Ethernet|  0800	|  0200	 |  0600  |
		       |   hex	|   hex	 |   hex  |
		       |  Link	|  Link	 |  Link  |
	 MILNET	       |  155	|  152	 |  150	  |
		       | decimal| decimal| decimal|

	      \	  upper| DoD IP	|  PUP	 | NS IP  |
	 lower \       |	|	 |	  |
		       |	|Protocol|Protocol|
	 DoD IP	       |   X	|   12	 |   22	  |
		       |	| decimal| decimal|
		       |	|	 |	  |
	 PUP	       |   ?	|   X	 |   ?	  |
		       |	|	 |	  |
		       |  Type	|  Type	 |	  |
	 NS IP	       |   13	|   12	 |   X	  |
		       | decimal| decimal|	  |

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992


   Below is the	current	list of	PRONET 80 Type Numbers.	 Note: a
   protocol that is on this list does not necessarily mean that	there is
   any implementation of it on ProNET.

   Of these, protocols 1, 14, and 20 are the only ones that have ever
   been	seen in	ARP packets.

   For reference, the header is	(one byte/line):

	   destination hardware	address
	   source hardware address
	   data	link header version (2)
	   data	link header protocol number
	   data	link header reserved (0)
	   data	link header reserved (0)

   Some	protocols have been known to tuck stuff	in the reserved	fields.

   Those who need a protocol number on ProNET-10/80 should contact John
   Shriver (jas@proteon.com).

      1	      IP
      2	      IP with trailing headers
      3	      Address Resolution Protocol
      4	      Proteon HDLC
      5	      VAX Debugging Protocol (MIT)
      10      Novell NetWare (IPX and pre-IPX) (old format,
	      3	byte trailer)
      11      Vianetix
      12      PUP
      13      Watstar protocol (University of Waterloo)
      14      XNS
      15      Diganostics
      16      Echo protocol (link level)
      17      Banyan Vines
      20      DECnet (DEUNA Emulation)
      21      Chaosnet
      23      IEEE 802.2 or ISO	8802/2 Data Link
      24      Reverse Address Resolution Protocol
      29      TokenVIEW-10
      31      AppleTalk	LAP Data Packet
      33      Cornell Boot Server Location Protocol
      34      Novell NetWare IPX (new format, no trailer,
	      new XOR checksum)

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992



   The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) Data Link Layer [146,147,175]
   contains a 16 bit Protocol field to identify	the the	encapsulated
   protocol.  The Protocol field is consistent with the	ISO 3309 (HDLC)
   extension mechanism for Address fields.  All	Protocols MUST be
   assigned such that the least	significant bit	of the most significant
   octet equals	"0", and the least significant bit of the least
   significant octet equals "1".

Assigned PPP DLL Protocol Numbers

   Value (in hex)  Protocol Name

   0001	to 001f	   reserved (transparency inefficient)
   0021		   Internet Protocol
   0023		   OSI Network Layer
   0025		   Xerox NS IDP
   0027		   DECnet Phase	IV
   0029		   Appletalk
   002b		   Novell IPX
   002d		   Van Jacobson	Compressed TCP/IP
   002f		   Van Jacobson	Uncompressed TCP/IP
   0031		   Bridging PDU
   0033		   Stream Protocol (ST-II)
   0035		   Banyan Vines
   0037		   reserved (until 1993)
   00ff		   reserved (compression inefficient)

   0201		   802.1d Hello	Packets
   0231		   Luxcom
   0233		   Sigma Network Systems

   8021		   Internet Protocol Control Protocol
   8023		   OSI Network Layer Control Protocol
   8025		   Xerox NS IDP	Control	Protocol
   8027		   DECnet Phase	IV Control Protocol
   8029		   Appletalk Control Protocol
   802b		   Novell IPX Control Protocol
   802d		   Reserved
   802f		   Reserved
   8031		   Bridging NCP
   8033		   Stream Protocol Control Protocol
   8035		   Banyan Vines	Control	Protocol
   8037		   reserved till 1993
   80ff		   reserved (compression inefficient

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   c021		   Link	Control	Protocol
   c023		   Password Authentication Protocol
   c025		   Link	Quality	Report
   c223		   Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol

   Protocol field values in the	"0---" to "3---" range identify	the
   network-layer protocol of specific datagrams, and values in the "8--
   -" to "b---"	range identify datagrams belonging to the associated
   Network Control Protocol (NCP), if any.

   It is recommended that values in the	"02--" to "1e--" and "--01" to
   "--1f" ranges not be	assigned, as they are compression inefficient.

   Protocol field values in the	"4---" to "7---" range are used	for
   protocols with low volume traffic which have	no associated NCP.

   Protocol field values in the	"c---" to "e---" range identify
   datagrams as	Control	Protocols (such	as LCP).


   The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) Link Control Protocol (LCP) [146]
   and Internet	Protocol Control Protocol (IPCP) [147] contain an 8 bit
   Code	field which identifies the type	of packet.  These Codes	are
   assigned as follows:

   Code	      Packet Type
   ----	      -----------
      1	      Configure-Request
      2	      Configure-Ack
      3	      Configure-Nak
      4	      Configure-Reject
      5	      Terminate-Request
      6	      Terminate-Ack
      7	      Code-Reject
      8	    * Protocol-Reject
      9	    * Echo-Request
     10	    * Echo-Reply
     11	    * Discard-Request
     12	    * RESERVED

   * LCP Only

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992


   The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) Link Control Protocol (LCP)
   specifies a number of Configuration Options [146] which are
   distinguished by an 8 bit Type field.  These	Types are assigned as

   Type	      Configuration Option
   ----	      --------------------
      1	      Maximum-Receive-Unit
      2	      Async-Control-Character-Map
      3	      Authentication-Protocol
      4	      Quality-Protocol
      5	      Magic-Number
      6	      RESERVED
      7	      Protocol-Field-Compression
      8	      Address-and-Control-Field-Compression
      9	      FCS-Alternatives


   The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) Internet Protocol Control Protocol
   (IPCP) specifies a number of	Configuration Options [147] which are
   distinguished by an 8 bit Type field.  These	Types are assigned as

   Type	      Configuration Option
   ----	      --------------------
      1	      IP-Addresses (deprecated)
      2	      IP-Compression-Protocol
      3	      IP-Address


   The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) Extensions	for Bridging specifies a
   number of Configuration Options [176] which are distinguished by an 8
   bit Type field.  These Types	are assigned as	follows:

   Type	      Configuration Option
   ----	      --------------------
      1	      Remote Ring Identification
      2	      Line Identification
      3	      MAC Type Selection
      4	      Tinygram Compression
      5	      LAN Identification

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992


   The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) Extensions	for Bridging [176]
   contains an 8 bit MAC Type field which identifies the MAC
   encapsulated.  These	Types are assigned as follows:

   Type	      MAC
   ----	      -----------
      0	      Reserved
      1	      IEEE 802.3/Ethernet
      2	      IEEE 802.4
      3	      IEEE 802.5
      4	      FDDI

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992


   The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) specified in RFC-826 [88] has
   several parameters.	The assigned values for	these parameters are
   listed here.


   Operation Code (op)

	    1	REQUEST
	    2	REPLY

   Hardware Type (hrd)

      Type   Description				   References
      ----   -----------				   ----------
	1    Ethernet (10Mb)					[JBP]
	2    Experimental Ethernet (3Mb)			[JBP]
	3    Amateur Radio AX.25				[PXK]
	4    Proteon ProNET Token Ring				[JBP]
	5    Chaos						[GXP]
	6    IEEE 802 Networks					[JBP]
	7    ARCNET						[JBP]
	8    Hyperchannel					[JBP]
	9    Lanstar						 [TU]
       10    Autonet Short Address			       [MXB1]
       11    LocalTalk					       [JKR1]
       12    LocalNet (IBM PCNet or SYTEK LocalNET)		[JXM]
       13    Ultra link					       [RXD2]
       14    SMDS					       [GXC1]
       15    Frame Relay					[AGM]
       16    Asynchronous Transmission Mode (ATM)	       [JXB2]

   Protocol Type (pro)

      Use the same codes as listed in the section called "Ethernet
      Numbers of Interest" (all	hardware types use this	code set for the
      protocol type).

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992


   The Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP) specified in RFC-903
   [48]	has the	following operation codes:


   Operation Code (op)

	    3  request Reverse
	    4  reply Reverse



   Operation Code (op)

	    5  DRARP-Request
	    6  DRARP-Reply
	    7  DRARP-Error

   For further information, contact: David Brownell


   The Inverse Address Resolution Protocol (IARP) specified in RFC-1293
   [173] has the following operation codes:


   Operation Code (op)

	    8  InARP-Request
	    9  InARP-Reply

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

			     X.25 TYPE NUMBERS

   CCITT defines the high order	two bits of the	first octet of call user
   data	as follows:

      00 - Used	for other CCITT	recomendations (such as	X.29)
      01 - Reserved for	use by "national" administrative
      10 - Reserved for	use by international administrative authoorities
      11 - Reserved for	arbitrary use between consenting DTEs

      Call User	Data (hex)     Protocol			     Reference
      -------------------      --------			     ---------

      01		       PAD				 [GS2]
      C5		       Blacker front-end descr dev	 [AGM]
      CC		       IP			      [69,AGM]*
      CD		       ISO-IP				 [AGM]
      DD		       Network Monitoring		 [AGM]

      *NOTE: ISO SC6/WG2 approved assignment in	ISO 9577 (January 1990).

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992


One of the Internet Class A Networks is	the international system of
Public Data Networks.  This section lists the mapping between the
Internet Addresses and the Public Data Network Addresses (X.121).


	Internet	   Public Data Net    Description     References
	--------------	 -----------------   -----------      ----------			     Reserved		   [JBP]	 3110-317-00035	00   PURDUE-TN		    [TN]	 3110-608-00027	00   UWISC-TN		    [TN]	 3110-302-00024	00   UDEL-TN		    [TN]	 2342-192-00149	23   UCL-VTEST		    [PK]	 2342-192-00300	23   UCL-TG		    [PK]	 2342-192-00300	25   UK-SATNET		    [PK]	 3110-608-00024	00   UWISC-IBM		  [MS56]	 3110-213-00045	00   RAND-TN		   [MO2]	 2342-192-00300	23   UCL-CS		    [PK]	 3110-617-00025	00   BBN-VAN-GW		  [JD21]	 2405-015-50300	00   CHALMERS		   [UXB]	 3110-713-00165	00   RICE		  [PAM6]	 3110-415-00261	00   DECWRL		  [PAM6]	 3110-408-00051	00   IBM-SJ		  [SXA3]	 2041-117-01000	00   SHAPE		   [JFW]	 2628-153-90075	00   DFVLR4-X25		   [GB7]	 3110-213-00032	00   ISI-VAN-GW		  [JD21]	 2624-522-80900	52   FGAN-SIEMENS-X25	   [GB7]	 2041-170-10000	00   SHAPE-X25		   [JFW]	 5052-737-20000	50   UQNET		   [AXH]	 3020-801-00057	50   DMC-CRC1		   [VXT]	 2624-522-80329	02   FGAN-FGANFFMVAX-X25   [GB7]	 2624-589-00908	01   ECRC-X25		   [PXD]	 2342-905-24242	83   UK-MOD-RSRE	  [JXE2]	 2342-905-24242	82   UK-VAN-RSRE	   [AXM]	 2624-522-80329	05   DFVLRSUN-X25	   [GB7]	 2624-457-11015	90   SELETFMSUN-X25	   [BXD]	 3110-408-00146	00   CDC-SVL		 [RAM57]	 2222-551-04400	00   SUN-CNUCE		  [ABB2]	 2222-551-04500	00   ICNUCEVM-CNUCE	  [ABB2]	 2222-551-04600	00   SPARE-CNUCE	  [ABB2]	 2222-551-04700	00   ICNUCEVX-CNUCE	  [ABB2]	 2222-551-04524	00   CISCO-CNUCE	  [ABB2]	 2342-313-00260	90   SPIDER-GW		  [AD67]	 2342-313-00260	91   SPIDER-EXP		  [AD67]	 2342-225-00101	22   PRAXIS-X25A	   [TXR]	 2342-225-00101	23   PRAXIS-X25B	   [TXR]

Reynolds & Postel				               [Page 72]

RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992	 2403-712-30250	00   DIAB-TABY-GW	   [FXB]	 2403-715-30100	00   DIAB-LKP-GW	   [FXB]	 2401-881-24038	00   DIAB-TABY1-GW	   [FXB]	 2041-170-10060	00   STC		  [TC27]	 2222-551-00652	60   CNUCE		  [TC27]	 2422-510-05900	00   Tollpost-Globe AS	   [OXG]	 2422-670-08900	00   Tollpost-Globe AS	   [OXG]	 2422-516-01000	00   Tollpost-Globe AS	   [OXG]	 2422-450-00800	00   Tollpost-Globe AS	   [OXG]	 2422-610-00200	00   Tollpost-Globe AS	   [OXG]	 2422-310-00300	00   Tollpost-Globe AS	   [OXG]	 2422-470-08800	00   Tollpost-Globe AS	   [OXG]	 2422-210-04600	00   Tollpost-Globe AS	   [OXG]	 2422-130-28900	00   Tollpost-Globe AS	   [OXG]	 2422-310-27200	00   Tollpost-Globe AS	   [OXG]	 2422-250-05800	00   Tollpost-Globe AS	   [OXG]	 2422-634-05900	00   Tollpost-Globe AS	   [OXG]	 2422-670-08800	00   Tollpost-Globe AS	   [OXG]	 2422-430-07400	00   Tollpost-Globe AS	   [OXG]	 2422-674-07800	00   Tollpost-Globe AS	   [OXG]	 2422-230-16900	00   Tollpost-Globe AS	   [OXG]	 2422-518-02900	00   Tollpost-Globe AS	   [OXG]	 2422-370-03100	00   Tollpost-Globe AS	   [OXG]	 2422-516-03400	00   Tollpost-Globe AS	   [OXG]	 2422-616-04400	00   Tollpost-Globe AS	   [OXG]	 2422-650-23500	00   Tollpost-Globe AS	   [OXG]	 2422-330-02500	00   Tollpost-Globe AS	   [OXG]	 2422-350-01900	00   Tollpost-Globe AS	   [OXG]	 2422-410-00700	00   Tollpost-Globe AS	   [OXG]	 2422-539-06200	00   Tollpost-Globe AS	   [OXG]	 2422-630-07200	00   Tollpost-Globe AS	   [OXG]	 2422-470-12300	00   Tollpost-Globe AS	   [OXG]	 2422-470-13000	00   Tollpost-Globe AS	   [OXG]	 2422-170-04600	00   Tollpost-Globe AS	   [OXG]	 2422-516-04300	00   Tollpost-Globe AS	   [OXG]	 2422-530-00700	00   Tollpost-Globe AS	   [OXG]	 2422-650-18800	00   Tollpost-Globe AS	   [OXG]	 2422-450-24500	00   Tollpost-Globe AS	   [OXG]	 2062-243-15631	00   DPT-BXL-DDC	  [LZ15]	 2062-243-15651	00   DPT-BXL-DDC2	  [LZ15]	 3110-312-00431	00   DPT-CHI		  [LZ15]	 3110-512-00135	00   DPT-SAT-ENG	  [LZ15]	 2080-941-90550	00   DPT-PAR		  [LZ15]	 4545-511-30600	00   DPT-PBSC		  [LZ15]	 4545-513-30900	00   DPT-HONGKONG	  [LZ15]	 4872-203-55000	00   UECI-TAIPEI	  [LZ15]	 2624-551-10400	20   DPT-HANOVR		  [LZ15]	 2624-569-00401	99   DPT-FNKFRT		  [LZ15]

Reynolds & Postel				               [Page 73]

RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992	 3110-512-00134	00   DPT-SAT-SUPT	  [LZ15]	 4602-3010-0103	20   DU-X25A		  [JK64]	 4602-3010-0103	21   FDU-X25B		  [JK64]	 2422-150-33700	00   Tollpost-Globe AS	   [OXG]	 2422-271-07100	00   Tollpost-Globe AS	   [OXG]	 2422-516-00100	00   Tollpost-Globe AS	   [OXG]	 2422-650-18800	00   Norsk Informas.	   [OXG]	 2422-250-30400	00   Tollpost-Globe AS	   [OXG]	     Unassigned		   [JBP]			     Reserved		   [JBP]

      The standard for transmission of IP datagrams over the Public Data
      Network is specified in RFC-877 [69].

Reynolds & Postel				               [Page 74]

RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992


The Telnet Protocol has	a number of options that may be	negotiated.
These options are listed here.	"IAB Official Protocol Standards" [62]
provides more detailed information.

   Options  Name					      References
   -------  -----------------------			      ----------
      0	    Binary Transmission				       [110,JBP]
      1	    Echo					       [111,JBP]
      2	    Reconnection					[42,JBP]
      3	    Suppress Go	Ahead				       [114,JBP]
      4	    Approx Message Size	Negotiation		       [133,JBP]
      5	    Status					       [113,JBP]
      6	    Timing Mark					       [115,JBP]
      7	    Remote Controlled Trans and	Echo		       [107,JBP]
      8	    Output Line	Width					[40,JBP]
      9	    Output Page	Size					[41,JBP]
     10	    Output Carriage-Return Disposition			[28,JBP]
     11	    Output Horizontal Tab Stops				[32,JBP]
     12	    Output Horizontal Tab Disposition			[31,JBP]
     13	    Output Formfeed Disposition				[29,JBP]
     14	    Output Vertical Tabstops				[34,JBP]
     15	    Output Vertical Tab	Disposition			[33,JBP]
     16	    Output Linefeed Disposition				[30,JBP]
     17	    Extended ASCII				       [136,JBP]
     18	    Logout						[25,MRC]
     19	    Byte Macro						[35,JBP]
     20	    Data Entry Terminal				    [145,38,JBP]
     22	    SUPDUP					     [26,27,MRC]
     22	    SUPDUP Output					[51,MRC]
     23	    Send Location				       [68,EAK1]
     24	    Terminal Type				      [128,MS56]
     25	    End	of Record				       [103,JBP]
     26	    TACACS User	Identification				 [1,BA4]
     27	    Output Marking				       [125,SXS]
     28	    Terminal Location Number				[84,RN6]
     29	    Telnet 3270	Regime				       [116,JXR]
     30	    X.3	PAD					       [70,SL70]
     31	    Negotiate About Window Size			     [139,DW183]
     32	    Terminal Speed				       [57,CLH3]
     33	    Remote Flow	Control				       [58,CLH3]
     34	    Linemode						[9,DB14]
     35	    X Display Location				       [75,GM23]
     36	    Environment	Option					  [DB14]
     37	    Authentication Option				  [DB14]
     38	    Encryption Option					  [DB14]
    255	    Extended-Options-List			       [109,JBP]

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992


   RFC-822 specifies that Encryption Types for mail may	be assigned.
   There are currently no RFC-822 encryption types assigned.  Please use
   instead the Mail Privacy procedures defined in [71,72,66].

Reynolds & Postel				               [Page 76]

RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992


RFC-1341 [169] specifies that Content Types, Content Subtypes, Character
Sets, Access Types, and	Conversion values for MIME mail	will be	assigned
and listed by the IANA.

   Content Types and Subtypes

   Type		   Subtype	   Description		       Reference
   ----		   -------	   -----------		       ---------
   text		   plain				       [169,NSB]

   multipart	   mixed				       [169,NSB]

   message	   rfc822				       [169,NSB]

   application	   octet-stream				       [169,NSB]

   image	   jpeg					       [169,NSB]

   audio	   basic				       [169,NSB]

   video	   mpeg					       [169,NSB]

   Character Sets

   Type		  Description				       Reference
   ----		  -----------				       ---------
   US-ASCII	  the default character	set		       [169,NSB]
   ISO-8859-1	  see ISO_8859-1:1987 below		       [169,NSB]
   ISO-8859-2	  see ISO_8859-2:1987 below		       [169,NSB]
   ISO-8859-3	  see ISO_8859-3:1988 below		       [169,NSB]
   ISO-8859-4	  see ISO_8859-4:1988 below		       [169,NSB]
   ISO-8859-5	  see ISO_8859-5:1988 below		       [169,NSB]
   ISO-8859-6	  see ISO_8859-6:1987 below		       [169,NSB]
   ISO-8859-7	  see ISO_8859-7:1987 below		       [169,NSB]

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   ISO-8859-8	  see ISO_8859-8:1988 below		       [169,NSB]
   ISO-8859-9	  see ISO_8859-9:1989 below		       [169,NSB]

   Access Types

   Type		  Description				       Reference
   ----		  -----------				       ---------
   FTP							       [169,NSB]
   ANON-FTP						       [169,NSB]
   TFTP							       [169,NSB]
   AFS							       [169,NSB]
   LOCAL-FILE						       [169,NSB]
   MAIL-SERVER						       [169,NSB]

   Conversion Values

   Conversion values or	Content	Transfer Encodings.

   Type		  Description				       Reference
   ----		  -----------				       ---------
   7BIT							       [169,NSB]
   8BIT							       [169,NSB]
   BASE64						       [169,NSB]
   BINARY						       [169,NSB]
   QUOTED-PRINTABLE					       [169,NSB]

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992


   Character Set					       Reference
   -------------					       ---------
   ISO_646.basic:1983					      [170,KXS2]
   INVARIANT						      [170,KXS2]
   ISO_646.irv:1983					      [170,KXS2]
   BS_4730						      [170,KXS2]
   ANSI_X3.4-1968					      [170,KXS2]
   NATS-SEFI						      [170,KXS2]
   NATS-SEFI-ADD					      [170,KXS2]
   NATS-DANO						      [170,KXS2]
   NATS-DANO-ADD					      [170,KXS2]
   SEN_850200_B						      [170,KXS2]
   SEN_850200_C						      [170,KXS2]
   JIS_C6220-1969-jp					      [170,KXS2]
   JIS_C6220-1969-ro					      [170,KXS2]
   IT							      [170,KXS2]
   PT							      [170,KXS2]
   ES							      [170,KXS2]
   greek7-old						      [170,KXS2]
   latin-greek						      [170,KXS2]
   DIN_66003						      [170,KXS2]
   NF_Z_62-010_(1973)					      [170,KXS2]
   Latin-greek-1					      [170,KXS2]
   ISO_5427						      [170,KXS2]
   JIS_C6226-1978					      [170,KXS2]
   BS_viewdata						      [170,KXS2]
   INIS							      [170,KXS2]
   INIS-8						      [170,KXS2]
   INIS-cyrillic					      [170,KXS2]
   ISO_5427:1981					      [170,KXS2]
   ISO_5428:1980					      [170,KXS2]
   GB_1988-80						      [170,KXS2]
   GB_2312-80						      [170,KXS2]
   NS_4551-1						      [170,KXS2]
   NS_4551-2						      [170,KXS2]
   NF_Z_62-010						      [170,KXS2]
   videotex-suppl					      [170,KXS2]
   PT2							      [170,KXS2]
   ES2							      [170,KXS2]
   MSZ_7795.3						      [170,KXS2]
   JIS_C6226-1983					      [170,KXS2]
   greek7						      [170,KXS2]
   ASMO_449						      [170,KXS2]
   iso-ir-90						      [170,KXS2]
   JIS_C6229-1984-a					      [170,KXS2]
   JIS_C6229-1984-b					      [170,KXS2]

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   JIS_C6229-1984-b-add					      [170,KXS2]
   JIS_C6229-1984-hand					      [170,KXS2]
   JIS_C6229-1984-hand-add				      [170,KXS2]
   JIS_C6229-1984-kana					      [170,KXS2]
   ISO_2033-1983					      [170,KXS2]
   ANSI_X3.110-1983					      [170,KXS2]
   ISO_8859-1:1987					      [170,KXS2]
   ISO_8859-2:1987					      [170,KXS2]
   T.61-7bit						      [170,KXS2]
   T.61-8bit						      [170,KXS2]
   ISO_8859-3:1988					      [170,KXS2]
   ISO_8859-4:1988					      [170,KXS2]
   ECMA-cyrillic					      [170,KXS2]
   CSA_Z243.4-1985-1					      [170,KXS2]
   CSA_Z243.4-1985-2					      [170,KXS2]
   CSA_Z243.4-1985-gr					      [170,KXS2]
   ISO_8859-7:1987					      [170,KXS2]
   ISO_8859-6:1987					      [170,KXS2]
   T.101-G2						      [170,KXS2]
   ISO_8859-8:1988					      [170,KXS2]
   CSN_369103						      [170,KXS2]
   JUS_I.B1.002						      [170,KXS2]
   ISO_6937-2-add					      [170,KXS2]
   IEC_P27-1						      [170,KXS2]
   ISO_8859-5:1988					      [170,KXS2]
   JUS_I.B1.003-serb					      [170,KXS2]
   JUS_I.B1.003-mac					      [170,KXS2]
   ISO_8859-9:1989					      [170,KXS2]
   KS_C_5601-1987					      [170,KXS2]
   greek-ccitt						      [170,KXS2]
   NC_NC00-10:81					      [170,KXS2]
   ISO_6937-2-25					      [170,KXS2]
   GOST_19768-74					      [170,KXS2]
   ISO_8859-supp					      [170,KXS2]
   ISO_10367-box					      [170,KXS2]
   latin6						      [170,KXS2]
   latin-lap						      [170,KXS2]
   JIS_X0212-1990					      [170,KXS2]
   DS_2089						      [170,KXS2]
   us-dk						      [170,KXS2]
   dk-us						      [170,KXS2]
   JIS_X0201						      [170,KXS2]
   KSC5636						      [170,KXS2]
   DEC-MCS						      [170,KXS2]
   hp-roman8						      [170,KXS2]
   macintosh						      [170,KXS2]
   IBM037						      [170,KXS2]
   IBM038						      [170,KXS2]

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   IBM273						      [170,KXS2]
   IBM274						      [170,KXS2]
   IBM275						      [170,KXS2]
   IBM277						      [170,KXS2]
   IBM278						      [170,KXS2]
   IBM280						      [170,KXS2]
   IBM281						      [170,KXS2]
   IBM284						      [170,KXS2]
   IBM285						      [170,KXS2]
   IBM290						      [170,KXS2]
   IBM297						      [170,KXS2]
   IBM420						      [170,KXS2]
   IBM423						      [170,KXS2]
   IBM424						      [170,KXS2]
   IBM437						      [170,KXS2]
   IBM500						      [170,KXS2]
   IBM850						      [170,KXS2]
   IBM851						      [170,KXS2]
   IBM852						      [170,KXS2]
   IBM855						      [170,KXS2]
   IBM857						      [170,KXS2]
   IBM860						      [170,KXS2]
   IBM861						      [170,KXS2]
   IBM862						      [170,KXS2]
   IBM863						      [170,KXS2]
   IBM864						      [170,KXS2]
   IBM865						      [170,KXS2]
   IBM868						      [170,KXS2]
   IBM869						      [170,KXS2]
   IBM870						      [170,KXS2]
   IBM871						      [170,KXS2]
   IBM880						      [170,KXS2]
   IBM891						      [170,KXS2]
   IBM903						      [170,KXS2]
   IBM904						      [170,KXS2]
   IBM905						      [170,KXS2]
   IBM918						      [170,KXS2]
   IBM1026						      [170,KXS2]
   EBCDIC-AT-DE						      [170,KXS2]
   EBCDIC-AT-DE-A					      [170,KXS2]
   EBCDIC-CA-FR						      [170,KXS2]
   EBCDIC-DK-NO						      [170,KXS2]
   EBCDIC-DK-NO-A					      [170,KXS2]
   EBCDIC-FI-SE						      [170,KXS2]
   EBCDIC-FI-SE-A					      [170,KXS2]
   EBCDIC-FR						      [170,KXS2]
   EBCDIC-IT						      [170,KXS2]
   EBCDIC-PT						      [170,KXS2]

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   EBCDIC-ES						      [170,KXS2]
   EBCDIC-ES-A						      [170,KXS2]
   EBCDIC-ES-S						      [170,KXS2]
   EBCDIC-UK						      [170,KXS2]
   EBCDIC-US						      [170,KXS2]

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992


   These are the Official Machine Names	as they	appear in the Domain Name
   System HINFO	records	and the	NIC Host Table.	 Their use is described	in
   RFC-952 [53].

   A machine name or CPU type may be up	to 40 characters taken from the
   set of uppercase letters, digits, and the two punctuation characters
   hyphen and slash.  It must start with a letter, and end with	a letter
   or digit.

      ALTO				    DEC-1080
      ALTOS-6800			    DEC-1090
      AMDAHL-V7				    DEC-1090B
      APOLLO				    DEC-1090T
      ATARI-104ST			    DEC-2020T
      ATT-3B1				    DEC-2040
      ATT-3B2				    DEC-2040T
      ATT-3B20				    DEC-2050T
      ATT-7300				    DEC-2060
      BBN-C/60				    DEC-2060T
      BURROUGHS-B/29			    DEC-2065
      BURROUGHS-B/4800			    DEC-FALCON
      BUTTERFLY				    DEC-KS10
      C/30				    DEC-VAX-11730
      C/70				    DORADO
      CADLINC				    DPS8/70M
      CADR				    ELXSI-6400
      CDC-170				    EVEREX-386
      CDC-170/750			    FOONLY-F2
      CDC-173				    FOONLY-F3
      CELERITY-1200			    FOONLY-F4
      CLUB-386				    GOULD
      COMPAQ-386/20			    GOULD-6050
      COMTEN-3690			    GOULD-6080
      CP8040				    GOULD-9050
      CRAY-1				    GOULD-9080
      CRAY-X/MP				    H-316
      CRAY-2				    H-60/68
      CTIWS-117				    H-68
      DANDELION				    H-68/80
      DEC-10				    H-89
      DEC-1050				    HONEYWELL-DPS-6
      DEC-1077				    HONEYWELL-DPS-8/70

Reynolds & Postel				               [Page 83]

RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

      HP3000				    ONYX-Z8000
      HP3000/64				    PDP-11
      IBM-158				    PDP-11/3
      IBM-360/67			    PDP-11/23
      IBM-370/3033			    PDP-11/24
      IBM-3081				    PDP-11/34
      IBM-3084QX			    PDP-11/40
      IBM-3101				    PDP-11/44
      IBM-4331				    PDP-11/45
      IBM-4341				    PDP-11/50
      IBM-4361				    PDP-11/70
      IBM-4381				    PDP-11/73
      IBM-4956				    PE-7/32
      IBM-6152				    PE-3205
      IBM-PC				    PERQ
      IBM-PC/AT				    PLEXUS-P/60
      IBM-PC/RT				    PLI
      IBM-PC/XT				    PLURIBUS
      IBM-SERIES/1			    PRIME-2350
      IMAGEN				    PRIME-2450
      IMAGEN-8/300			    PRIME-2755
      IMSAI				    PRIME-9655
      INTEL-386				    PRIME-9955
      INTEL-IPSC			    PRIME-9950
      IS-1				    PRIME-9650
      IS-68010				    PRIME-9750
      LMI				    PRIME-2250
      LSI-11				    PRIME-750
      LSI-11/2				    PRIME-850
      LSI-11/23				    PRIME-550II
      LSI-11/73				    PYRAMID-90
      M68000				    PYRAMID-90MX
      MAC-II				    PYRAMID-90X
      MASSCOMP				    RIDGE
      MC500				    RIDGE-32
      MC68000				    RIDGE-32C
      MICROPORT				    ROLM-1666
      MICROVAX				    S1-MKIIA
      MICROVAX-I			    SMI
      MV/8000				    SEQUENT-BALANCE-8000
      NAS3-5				    SIEMENS
      NEXT/N1000-316			    SILICON-GRAPHICS-IRIS
      NOW				    SGI-IRIS-2400

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

      SGI-IRIS-2500			    SUN-3/50
      SGI-IRIS-3010			    SUN-3/60
      SGI-IRIS-3020			    SUN-3/75
      SGI-IRIS-3030			    SUN-3/80
      SGI-IRIS-3110			    SUN-3/110
      SGI-IRIS-3115			    SUN-3/140
      SGI-IRIS-3120			    SUN-3/150
      SGI-IRIS-3130			    SUN-3/160
      SGI-IRIS-4D/20			    SUN-3/180
      SGI-IRIS-4D/20G			    SUN-3/200
      SGI-IRIS-4D/25			    SUN-3/260
      SGI-IRIS-4D/25G			    SUN-3/280
      SGI-IRIS-4D/25S			    SUN-3/470
      SGI-IRIS-4D/50			    SUN-3/480
      SGI-IRIS-4D/50G			    SUN-4/60
      SGI-IRIS-4D/50GT			    SUN-4/110
      SGI-IRIS-4D/60			    SUN-4/150
      SGI-IRIS-4D/60G			    SUN-4/200
      SGI-IRIS-4D/60T			    SUN-4/260
      SGI-IRIS-4D/60GT			    SUN-4/280
      SGI-IRIS-4D/70			    SUN-4/330
      SGI-IRIS-4D/70G			    SUN-4/370
      SGI-IRIS-4D/70GT			    SUN-4/390
      SGI-IRIS-4D/80GT			    SUN-50
      SGI-IRIS-4D/80S			    SUN-100
      SGI-IRIS-4D/120GTX		    SUN-120
      SGI-IRIS-4D/120S			    SUN-130
      SGI-IRIS-4D/210GTX		    SUN-150
      SGI-IRIS-4D/210S			    SUN-170
      SGI-IRIS-4D/220GTX		    SUN-386i/250
      SGI-IRIS-4D/220S			    SUN-68000
      SGI-IRIS-4D/240GTX		    SYMBOLICS-3600
      SGI-IRIS-4D/240S			    SYMBOLICS-3670
      SGI-IRIS-4D/280GTX		    SYMMETRIC-375
      SGI-IRIS-4D/280S			    SYMULT
      SGI-IRIS-CS/12			    TANDEM-TXP
      SGI-IRIS-4SERVER-8		    TANDY-6000
      SPERRY-DCP/10			    TEK-6130
      SUN				    TI-EXPLORER
      SUN-2				    TP-4000
      SUN-2/50				    TRS-80
      SUN-2/100				    UNIVAC-1100
      SUN-2/120				    UNIVAC-1100/60
      SUN-2/130				    UNIVAC-1100/62
      SUN-2/140				    UNIVAC-1100/63
      SUN-2/150				    UNIVAC-1100/64
      SUN-2/160				    UNIVAC-1100/70
      SUN-2/170				    UNIVAC-1160

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992


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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

			       SYSTEM NAMES

   These are the Official System Names as they appear in the Domain Name
   System HINFO	records	and the	NIC Host Table.	 Their use is described
   in RFC-952 [53].

   A system name may be	up to 40 characters taken from the set of upper-
   case	letters, digits, and the three punctuation characters hyphen,
   period, and slash.  It must start with a letter, and	end with a
   letter or digit.

   AEGIS		     LISP		       SUN OS 3.5
   APOLLO		     LISPM		       SUN OS 4.0
   AIX/370		     LOCUS		       SWIFT
   AIX-PS/2		     MACOS		       TAC
   BS-2000		     MINOS		       TANDEM
   CEDAR		     MOS		       TENEX
   CGW			     MPE5		       TOPS10
   CHORUS		     MSDOS		       TOPS20
   CHRYSALIS		     MULTICS		       TOS
   CMOS			     MUSIC		       TP3010
   CMS			     MUSIC/SP		       TRSDOS
   COS			     MVS		       ULTRIX
   CPIX			     MVS/SP		       UNIX
   CTOS			     NEXUS		       UNIX-BSD
   CTSS			     NMS		       UNIX-V1AT
   DCN			     NONSTOP		       UNIX-V
   DDNOS		     NOS-2		       UNIX-V.1
   DOMAIN		     NTOS		       UNIX-V.2
   DOS			     OS/DDP		       UNIX-V.3
   EDX			     OS/2		       UNIX-PC
   ELF			     OS4		       UNKNOWN
   EMBOS		     OS86		       UT2D
   EMMOS		     OSX		       V
   EPOS			     PCDOS		       VM
   FOONEX		     PERQ/OS		       VM/370
   FUZZ			     PLI		       VM/CMS
   GCOS			     PSDOS/MIT		       VM/SP
   GPOS			     PRIMOS		       VMS
   HDOS			     RMX/RDOS		       VMS/EUNICE
   IMAGEN		     ROS		       VRTX
   INTERCOM		     RSX11M		       WAITS
   IMPRESS		     RTE-A		       WANG
   INTERLISP		     SATOPS		       WIN32
   IOS			     SCO-XENIX/386	       X11R3
   IRIX			     SCS		       XDE
   ISI-68020		     SIMP		       XENIX
   ITS			     SUN

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992


   These are the Official Protocol Names as they appear	in the Domain
   Name	System WKS records and the NIC Host Table.  Their use is
   described in	RFC-952	[53].

   A protocol or service may be	up to 40 characters taken from the set
   of uppercase	letters, digits, and the punctuation character hyphen.
   It must start with a	letter,	and end	with a letter or digit.

   ARGUS	       - ARGUS Protocol
   ARP		       - Address Resolution Protocol
   AUTH		       - Authentication	Service
   BBN-RCC-MON	       - BBN RCC Monitoring
   BL-IDM	       - Britton Lee Intelligent Database Machine
   BOOTP	       - Bootstrap Protocol
   BOOTPC	       - Bootstrap Protocol Client
   BOOTPS	       - Bootstrap Protocol Server
   BR-SAT-MON	       - Backroom SATNET Monitoring
   CFTP		       - CFTP
   CHAOS	       - CHAOS Protocol
   CHARGEN	       - Character Generator Protocol
   CLOCK	       - DCNET Time Server Protocol
   CMOT		       - Common	Mgmnt Info Ser and Prot	over TCP/IP
   COOKIE-JAR	       - Authentication	Scheme
   CSNET-NS	       - CSNET Mailbox Nameserver Protocol
   DAYTIME	       - Daytime Protocol
   DCN-MEAS	       - DCN Measurement Subsystems Protocol
   DCP		       - Device	Control	Protocol
   DGP		       - Dissimilar Gateway Protocol
   DISCARD	       - Discard Protocol
   DMF-MAIL	       - Digest	Message	Format for Mail
   DOMAIN	       - Domain	Name System
   ECHO		       - Echo Protocol
   EGP		       - Exterior Gateway Protocol
   EHF-MAIL	       - Encoding Header Field for Mail
   EMCON	       - Emission Control Protocol
   EMFIS-CNTL	       - EMFIS Control Service
   EMFIS-DATA	       - EMFIS Data Service
   FINGER	       - Finger	Protocol
   FTP		       - File Transfer Protocol
   FTP-DATA	       - File Transfer Protocol	Data
   GGP		       - Gateway Gateway Protocol
   GRAPHICS	       - Graphics Protocol
   HMP		       - Host Monitoring Protocol

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   HOST2-NS	       - Host2 Name Server
   HOSTNAME	       - Hostname Protocol
   ICMP		       - Internet Control Message Protocol
   IGMP		       - Internet Group	Management Protocol
   IGP		       - Interior Gateway Protocol
   IMAP2	       - Interim Mail Access Protocol version 2
   INGRES-NET	       - INGRES-NET Service
   IP		       - Internet Protocol
   IPCU		       - Internet Packet Core Utility
   IPPC		       - Internet Pluribus Packet Core
   IP-ARC	       - Internet Protocol on ARCNET
   IP-ARPA	       - Internet Protocol on ARPANET
   IP-CMPRS	       - Compressing TCP/IP Headers
   IP-DC	       - Internet Protocol on DC Networks
   IP-DVMRP	       - Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol
   IP-E		       - Internet Protocol on Ethernet Networks
   IP-EE	       - Internet Protocol on Exp. Ethernet Nets
   IP-FDDI	       - Transmission of IP over FDDI
   IP-HC	       - Internet Protocol on Hyperchannnel
   IP-IEEE	       - Internet Protocol on IEEE 802
   IP-IPX	       - Transmission of 802.2 over IPX	Networks
   IP-MTU	       - IP MTU	Discovery Options
   IP-NETBIOS	       - Internet Protocol over	NetBIOS	Networks
   IP-SLIP	       - Transmission of IP over Serial	Lines
   IP-WB	       - Internet Protocol on Wideband Network
   IP-X25	       - Internet Protocol on X.25 Networks
   IRTP		       - Internet Reliable Transaction Protocol
   ISI-GL	       - ISI Graphics Language Protocol
   ISO-TP4	       - ISO Transport Protocol	Class 4
   ISO-TSAP	       - ISO TSAP
   LA-MAINT	       - IMP Logical Address Maintenance
   LARP		       - Locus Address Resoultion Protocol
   LDP		       - Loader	Debugger Protocol
   LEAF-1	       - Leaf-1	Protocol
   LEAF-2	       - Leaf-2	Protocol
   LINK		       - Link Protocol
   LOC-SRV	       - Location Service
   LOGIN	       - Login Host Protocol
   MAIL		       - Format	of Electronic Mail Messages
   MERIT-INP	       - MERIT Internodal Protocol
   METAGRAM	       - Metagram Relay
   MIB		       - Management Information	Base
   MIT-ML-DEV	       - MIT ML	Device
   MFE-NSP	       - MFE Network Services Protocol
   MIT-SUBNET	       - MIT Subnet Support
   MIT-DOV	       - MIT Dover Spooler
   MPM		       - Internet Message Protocol (Multimedia Mail)
   MPM-FLAGS	       - MPM Flags Protocol

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   MPM-SND	       - MPM Send Protocol
   MSG-AUTH	       - MSG Authentication Protocol
   MSG-ICP	       - MSG ICP Protocol
   MUX		       - Multiplexing Protocol
   NAMESERVER	       - Host Name Server
   NETBIOS-DGM	       - NETBIOS Datagram Service
   NETBIOS-NS	       - NETBIOS Name Service
   NETBIOS-SSN	       - NETBIOS Session Service
   NETBLT	       - Bulk Data Transfer Protocol
   NETED	       - Network Standard Text Editor
   NETRJS	       - Remote	Job Service
   NI-FTP	       - NI File Transfer Protocol
   NI-MAIL	       - NI Mail Protocol
   NICNAME	       - Who Is	Protocol
   NFILE	       - A File	Access Protocol
   NNTP		       - Network News Transfer Protocol
   NSW-FE	       - NSW User System Front End
   NTP		       - Network Time Protocol
   NVP-II	       - Network Voice Protocol
   OSPF		       - Open Shortest Path First Interior GW Protocol
   PCMAIL	       - Pcmail	Transport Protocol
   POP2		       - Post Office Protocol -	Version	2
   POP3		       - Post Office Protocol -	Version	3
   PPP		       - Point-to-Point	Protocol
   PRM		       - Packet	Radio Measurement
   PUP		       - PUP Protocol
   PWDGEN	       - Password Generator Protocol
   QUOTE	       - Quote of the Day Protocol
   RARP		       - A Reverse Address Resolution Protocol
   RATP		       - Reliable Asynchronous Transfer	Protocol
   RE-MAIL-CK	       - Remote	Mail Checking Protocol
   RDP		       - Reliable Data Protocol
   RIP		       - Routing Information Protocol
   RJE		       - Remote	Job Entry
   RLP		       - Resource Location Protocol
   RTELNET	       - Remote	Telnet Service
   RVD		       - Remote	Virtual	Disk Protocol
   SAT-EXPAK	       - Satnet	and Backroom EXPAK
   SAT-MON	       - SATNET	Monitoring
   SEP		       - Sequential Exchange Protocol
   SFTP		       - Simple	File Transfer Protocol
   SGMP		       - Simple	Gateway	Monitoring Protocol
   SNMP		       - Simple	Network	Management Protocol
   SMI		       - Structure of Management Information
   SMTP		       - Simple	Mail Transfer Protocol
   SQLSRV	       - SQL Service
   ST		       - Stream	Protocol
   STATSRV	       - Statistics Service

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   SU-MIT-TG	       - SU/MIT	Telnet Gateway Protocol
   SUN-RPC	       - SUN Remote Procedure Call
   SUPDUP	       - SUPDUP	Protocol
   SUR-MEAS	       - Survey	Measurement
   SWIFT-RVF	       - Remote	Virtual	File Protocol
   TACACS-DS	       - TACACS-Database Service
   TACNEWS	       - TAC News
   TCP		       - Transmission Control Protocol
   TCP-ACO	       - TCP Alternate Checksum	Option
   TELNET	       - Telnet	Protocol
   TFTP		       - Trivial File Transfer Protocol
   THINWIRE	       - Thinwire Protocol
   TIME		       - Time Server Protocol
   TP-TCP	       - ISO Transport Service on top of the TCP
   TRUNK-1	       - Trunk-1 Protocol
   TRUNK-2	       - Trunk-2 Protocol
   UCL		       - University College London Protocol
   UDP		       - User Datagram Protocol
   NNTP		       - Network News Transfer Protocol
   USERS	       - Active	Users Protocol
   UUCP-PATH	       - UUCP Path Service
   VIA-FTP	       - VIA Systems-File Transfer Protocol
   VISA		       - VISA Protocol
   VMTP		       - Versatile Message Transaction Protocol
   WB-EXPAK	       - Wideband EXPAK
   WB-MON	       - Wideband Monitoring
   XNET		       - Cross Net Debugger
   XNS-IDP	       - Xerox NS IDP

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992


These are the Official Terminal	Type Names.  Their use is described in
RFC-930	[128].	The maximum length of a	name is	40 characters.

A terminal names may be	up to 40 characters taken from the set of upper-
case letters, digits, and the two punctuation characters hyphen	and
slash.	It must	start with a letter, and end with a letter or digit.

   AED-512				 DATAPOINT-3300
   AMPEX-230				 DEC-GIGI
   ANSI					 DEC-LA36
   ARDS					 DEC-LA38
   CALCOMP-565				 DEC-VT101
   CDC-456				 DEC-VT102
   CDI-1030				 DEC-VT125
   CDI-1203				 DEC-VT131
   C-ITOH-101				 DEC-VT132
   C-ITOH-50				 DEC-VT200
   C-ITOH-80				 DEC-VT220
   CLNZ					 DEC-VT240
   CONCEPT-100				 DEC-VT300
   CONCEPT-104				 DEC-VT320
   CONCEPT-108				 DEC-VT340
   DATA-100				 DEC-VT50
   DATAMEDIA-1520			 DEC-VT55

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   DEC-VT61				 HP-2626
   DEC-VT62				 HP-2626A
   DELTA-DATA-5000			 HP-2626P
   DELTA-DATA-NIH-7000			 HP-2627
   DELTA-TELTERM-2			 HP-2640
   DIABLO-1620				 HP-2640A
   DIABLO-1640				 HP-2640B
   DIGILOG-333				 HP-2645
   DTC-300S				 HP-2645A
   DTC-382				 HP-2648
   EDT-1200				 HP-2648A
   EXECUPORT-4000			 HP-2649
   EXECUPORT-4080			 HP-2649A
   FACIT-TWIST-4440			 IBM-1050
   FREEDOM-100				 IBM-2741
   FREEDOM-110				 IBM-3101
   FREEDOM-200				 IBM-3101-10
   GENERAL-TERMINAL-101			 IBM-3179-2
   GIPSI-TX-M				 IBM-3180-2
   GIPSI-TX-ME				 IBM-3196-A1
   GIPSI-TX-C4				 IBM-3275-2
   GIPSI-TX-C8				 IBM-3276-2
   GSI					 IBM-3276-3
   HAZELTINE-1420			 IBM-3276-4
   HAZELTINE-1500			 IBM-3277-2
   HAZELTINE-1510			 IBM-3278-2
   HAZELTINE-1520			 IBM-3278-3
   HAZELTINE-1552			 IBM-3278-4
   HAZELTINE-2000			 IBM-3278-5
   HITACHI-5601				 IBM-3279-3
   HITACHI-5603				 IBM-3477-FC
   HITACHI-5603E			 IBM-3477-FG
   HITACHI-5603EA			 IBM-5081
   HITACHI-560X				 IBM-5151
   HITACHI-560XE			 IBM-5154
   HITACHI-560XEA			 IBM-5251-11
   HITACHI-560PR			 IBM-5291-1
   HITACHI-HOAP1			 IBM-5292-2
   HITACHI-HOAP2			 IBM-5555-B01
   HITACHI-HOAP3			 IBM-5555-C01
   HITACHI-HOAP4			 IBM-6153
   HP-2392				 IBM-6154
   HP-2621				 IBM-6155
   HP-2621A				 IBM-AED
   HP-2621P				 IBM-3278-2-E
   HP-2623				 IBM-3278-3-E

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   IBM-3278-4-E				 TEC
   IBM-3278-5-E				 TEKTRONIX-4006
   IBM-3279-2-E				 TEKTRONIX-4010
   IBM-3279-3-E				 TEKTRONIX-4012
   INFOTON-100				 TEKTRONIX-4014
   INFOTON-400				 TEKTRONIX-4023
   ISC-8001				 TEKTRONIX-4025
   LSI-ADM-1				 TEKTRONIX-4027
   LSI-ADM-11				 TEKTRONIX-4105
   LSI-ADM-12				 TEKTRONIX-4107
   LSI-ADM-2				 TEKTRONIX-4110
   LSI-ADM-20				 TEKTRONIX-4112
   LSI-ADM-22				 TEKTRONIX-4113
   LSI-ADM-220				 TEKTRONIX-4114
   LSI-ADM-3				 TEKTRONIX-4115
   LSI-ADM-31				 TEKTRONIX-4125
   LSI-ADM-3A				 TEKTRONIX-4404
   LSI-ADM-42				 TELERAY-1061
   LSI-ADM-5				 TELERAY-3700
   MEMOREX-1240				 TELERAY-3800
   NEC-5520				 TELEVIDEO-910
   OMRON-8025AG				 TELEVIDEO-920B
   PERQ					 TELEVIDEO-950
   QUME-101				 TERMINET-1200
   QUME-102				 TERMINET-300
   SOROC				 TI-700
   SOROC-120				 TI-733
   SUN					 TI-743
   SUPERBEE				 TI-745

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992


   [1]	  Anderson, B.,	"TACACS	User Identification Telnet Option",
	  RFC-927, BBN,	December 1984.

   [2]	  BBN, "Specifications for the Interconnection of a Host and an
	  IMP",	Report 1822, Bolt Beranek and Newman, Cambridge,
	  Massachusetts, revised, December 1981.

   [3]	  BBN, "User Manual for	TAC User Database Tool", Bolt Beranek
	  and Newman, September	1984.

   [4]	  Ben-Artzi, Amatzia, "Network Management for TCP/IP Network: An
	  Overview", 3Com, May 1988.

   [5]	  Bennett, C., "A Simple NIFTP-Based Mail System", IEN 169,
	  University College, London, January 1981.

   [6]	  Bhushan, A., "A Report on the	Survey Project", RFC-530,
	  NIC 17375, June 1973.

   [7]	  Bisbey, R., D. Hollingworth, and B. Britt, "Graphics Language
	  (version 2.1)", ISI/TM-80-18,	Information Sciences Institute,
	  July 1980.

   [8]	  Boggs, D., J.	Shoch, E. Taft,	and R. Metcalfe, "PUP: An
	  Internetwork Architecture", XEROX Palo Alto Research Center,
	  CSL-79-10, July 1979;	also in	IEEE Transactions on
	  Communication, Volume	COM-28,	Number 4, April	1980.

   [9]	  Borman, D., Editor, "Telnet Linemode Option",
	  RFC 1116, Cray Research, Inc., August	1989.

   [10]	  Braden, R., "NETRJS Protocol", RFC-740, NIC 42423,
	  Information Sciences Institute, November 1977.

   [11]	  Braden, R., and J. Postel, "Requirements for Internet
	  Gateways", RFC-1009, Obsoletes RFC-985, Information Sciences
	  Institute, June 1987.

   [12]	  Bressler, B.,	"Remote	Job Entry Protocol",  RFC-407,
	  NIC 12112, October 1972.

   [13]	  Bressler, R.,	"Inter-Entity Communication -- An Experiment",
	  RFC-441, NIC 13773, January 1973.

   [14]	  Butler, M., J. Postel, D. Chase, J. Goldberger, and

Reynolds & Postel				               [Page 96]

RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

	  J. K.	Reynolds, "Post	Office Protocol	- Version 2", RFC-937,
	  Information Sciences Institute, February 1985.

   [15]	  Case,	J., M. Fedor, M. Schoffstall, and J. Davin,
	  "A Simple Network Management Protocol", RFC-1157,
	  (Obsoletes RFC-1067, RFC-1098), SNMP Research,
	  Performance Systems International, Performance Systems
	  International, MIT Laboratory	for Computer Science,
	  May 1990.

   [16]	  Cass,	D., and	M. Rose, "ISO Transport	Services on Top	of
	  the TCP", RFC-983, NTRC, April 1986.

   [17]	  Cheriton, D.,	"VMTP: Versatile Message Transaction
	  Protocol Specification", RFC-1045, pgs 103 & 104,
	  Stanford University, February	1988.

   [18]	  Cisco	Systems, "Gateway Server Reference Manual", Manual
	  Revision B, January 10, 1988.

   [19]	  Clark, D., "PCMAIL: A	Distributed Mail System	for Personal
	  Computers", RFC-984, MIT, May	1986.

   [20]	  Clark, D., M.	Lambert, and L.	Zhang, "NETBLT:	A Bulk Data
	  Transfer Protocol", RFC-969, MIT Laboratory for Computer
	  Science, December 1985.

   [21]	  Cohen, D., "On Holy Wars and a Plea for Peace", IEEE Computer
	  Magazine, October 1981.

   [22]	  Cohen, D., "Specifications for the Network Voice Protocol",
	  RFC-741, ISI/RR 7539,	Information Sciences Institute,
	  March	1976.

   [23]	  Cohen, D. and	J. Postel, "Multiplexing Protocol", IEN	90,
	  Information Sciences Institute, May 1979.

   [24]	  COMPASS, "Semi-Annual	Technical Report", CADD-7603-0411,
	  Massachusetts	Computer Associates, 4 March 1976. Also	as,
	  "National Software Works, Status Report No. 1,"
	  RADC-TR-76-276, Volume 1, September 1976. And	COMPASS. "Second
	  Semi-Annual Report," CADD-7608-1611, Massachusetts Computer
	  Associates, August 1976.

   [25]	  Crispin, M., "Telnet Logout Option", Stanford	University-AI,
	  RFC-727, April 1977.

   [26]	  Crispin, M., "Telnet SUPDUP Option", Stanford	University-AI,

Reynolds & Postel				               [Page 97]

RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

	  RFC-736, October 1977.

   [27]	  Crispin, M., "SUPDUP Protocol", RFC-734, NIC 41953,
	  October 1977.

   [28]	  Crocker, D., "Telnet Output Carriage-Return Disposition
	  Option", RFC-652, October 1974.

   [29]	  Crocker, D., "Telnet Output Formfeed Disposition Option",
	  RFC-655, October 1974.

   [30]	  Crocker, D., "Telnet Output Linefeed Disposition", RFC-658,
	  October 1974.

   [31]	  Crocker, D., "Telnet Output Horizontal Tab Disposition
	  Option", RFC-654, October 1974.

   [32]	  Crocker, D., "Telnet Output Horizontal Tabstops Option",
	  RFC-653, October 1974.

   [33]	  Crocker, D., "Telnet Output Vertical Tab Disposition Option",
	  RFC-657, October 1974.

   [34]	  Crocker, D., "Telnet Output Vertical Tabstops	Option",
	  RFC-656, October 1974.

   [35]	  Crocker, D. and R. Gumpertz, "Revised	Telnet Byte Marco
	  Option", RFC-735, November 1977.

   [36]	  Croft, B., and J. Gilmore, "BOOTSTRAP	Protocol (BOOTP)",
	  RFC-951, Stanford and	SUN Microsytems, September 1985.

   [37]	  Davin, J., J.	Case, M. Fedor,	and M. Schoffstall, "A Simple
	  Gateway Monitoring Protocol",	RFC-1028, November 1987.

   [38]	  Day, J., "Telnet Data	Entry Terminal Option",	RFC-732,
	  September 1977.

   [39]	  DCA, "3270 Display System Protocol", #1981-08.

   [40]	  DDN Protocol Handbook, "Telnet Output	Line Width Option",
	  NIC 50005, December 1985.

   [41]	  DDN Protocol Handbook, "Telnet Output	Page Size Option",
	  NIC 50005, December 1985.

   [42]	  DDN Protocol Handbook, "Telnet Reconnection Option",
	  NIC 50005, December 1985.

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   [43]	  Deering, S., "Host Extensions	for IP Multicasting",
	  RFC-1112, Obsoletes RFC-988, RFC-1054, Stanford University,
	  August 1989.

   [44]	  Elvy,	M., and	R. Nedved, "Network Mail Path Service",	RFC-915,
	  Harvard and CMU, July	1986.

   [45]	  Feinler, E., editor, "DDN Protocol Handbook",	Network
	  Information Center, SRI International, December 1985.

   [46]	  Feinler, E., editor, "Internet Protocol Transition Workbook",
	  Network Information Center, SRI International, March 1982.

   [47]	  Feinler, E. and J. Postel, eds., "ARPANET Protocol Handbook",
	  NIC 7104, for	the Defense Communications Agency by SRI
	  International, Menlo Park, California, Revised January 1978.

   [48]	  Finlayson, R., T. Mann, J. Mogul, and	M. Theimer, "A Reverse
	  Address Resolution Protocol",	RFC-903, Stanford University,
	  June 1984.

   [49]	  Forgie, J., "ST - A Proposed Internet	Stream Protocol",
	  IEN 119, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, September 1979.

   [50]	  Forsdick, H.,	"CFTP",	Network	Message, Bolt Beranek and
	  Newman, January 1982.

   [51]	  Greenberg, B., "Telnet SUPDUP-OUTPUT Option",	RFC-749,
	  MIT-Multics, September 1978.

   [52]	  Harrenstien, K., "Name/Finger", RFC-742, NIC 42758,
	  SRI International,  December 1977.

   [53]	  Harrenstien, K., M. Stahl, and E. Feinler, "DOD Internet Host
	  Table	Specification",	RFC-952, Obsoletes RFC-810,
	  October 1985.

   [54]	  Harrenstien, K., V. White, and E. Feinler, "Hostnames	Server",
	  RFC-811, SRI International, March 1982.

   [55]	  Harrenstien, K., and V. White, "Nicname/Whois", RFC-812,
	  SRI International, March 1982.

   [56]	  Haverty, J., "XNET Formats for Internet Protocol Version 4",
	  IEN 158, October 1980.

   [57]	  Hedrick, C., "Telnet Terminal	Speed Option", RFC-1079,
	  Rutgers University, December 1988.

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   [58]	  Hedrick, C., "Telnet Remote Flow Control Option",
	  RFC-1080, Rutgers University,	December 1988.

   [59]	  Hinden, R., "A Host Monitoring Protocol", RFC-869,
	  Bolt Beranek and Newman, December 1983.

   [60]	  Hinden, R., and A. Sheltzer, "The DARPA Internet Gateway",
	  RFC-823, September 1982.

   [61]	  Hornig, C., "A Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams
	  over Ethernet	Networks, RFC-894, Symbolics, April 1984.

   [62]	  Internet Activities Board, J.	Postel,	Editor,	"IAB Official
	  Protocol Standards", RFC-1280, Internet Activities
	  March	1992.

   [63]	  International	Standards Organization,	"ISO Transport Protocol
	  Specification	- ISO DP 8073",	RFC-905, April 1984.

   [64]	  International	Standards Organization,	"Protocol for Providing
	  the Connectionless-Mode Network Services", RFC-926, ISO,
	  December 1984.

   [65]	  Kantor, B., and P. Lapsley, "Network News Transfer Protocol",
	  RFC-977, UC San Diego	& UC Berkeley, February	1986.

   [66]	  Kent,	S., and	J. Linn, "Privacy Enhancement for Internet
	  Electronic Mail: Part	II -- Certificate-Based	Key Management",
	  BBNCC	and DEC, August	1989.

   [67]	  Khanna, A., and A. Malis, "The ARPANET AHIP-E	Host Access
	  Protocol (Enhanced AHIP)", RFC-1005, BBN Communications
	  Corporation, May 1987.

   [68]	  Killian, E., "Telnet Send-Location Option", RFC-779,
	  April	1981.

   [69]	  Korb,	J., "A Standard	for the	Transmission of	IP Datagrams
	  Over Public Data Networks", RFC-877, Purdue University,
	  September 1983.

   [70]	  Levy,	S., and	T. Jacobson, "Telnet X.3 PAD Option", RFC-1053,
	  Minnesota Supercomputer Center, April	1988.

   [71]	  Linn,	J., "Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic
	  Mail:	Part I:	Message	Encipherment and Authentication
	  Procedures", RFC-1113, Obsoletes RFC-989 and RFC-1040, DEC,
	  August 1989.

Reynolds & Postel				              [Page 100]

RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   [72]	  Linn,	J., "Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic
	  Mail:	Part III -- Algorithms,	Modes, and Identifiers",
	  RFC-1115, DEC, August	1989.

   [73]	  Lottor, M., "Simple File Transfer Protocol", RFC-913,	MIT,
	  September 1984.

   [74]	  M/A-COM Government Systems, "Dissimilar Gateway Protocol
	  Specification, Draft Version", Contract no. CS901145,
	  November 16, 1987.

   [75]	  Marcy, G., "Telnet X Display Location	Option", RFC-1096,
	  Carnegie Mellon University, March 1989.

   [76]	  Malis, A., "Logical Addressing Implementation	Specification",
	  BBN Report 5256, pp 31-36, May 1983.

   [77]	  Malkin, G., "KNET/VM Command Message Protocol	Functional
	  Overview", Spartacus,	Inc., January 4, 1988.

   [78]	  Metcalfe, R. M. and D. R. Boggs, "Ethernet: Distributed Packet
	  Switching for	Local Computer Networks", Communications of the
	  ACM, 19 (7), pp 395-402, July	1976.

   [79]	  Miller, T., "Internet	Reliable Transaction Protocol",	RFC-938,
	  ACC, February	1985.

   [80]	  Mills, D., "Network Time Protocol (Version 1), Specification
	  and Implementation", RFC-1059, University of Delaware,
	  July 1988.

   [81]	  Mockapetris, P., "Domain Names - Concepts and
	  Facilities", RFC-1034, Obsoletes RFCs	882, 883, and
	  973, Information Sciences Institute, November	1987.

   [82]	  Mockapetris, P., "Domain Names - Implementation and
	  Specification", RFC-1035, Obsoletes RFCs 882,	883, and
	  973, Information Sciences Institute, November	1987.

   [83]	  Moy, J., "The	OSPF Specification", RFC 1131, Proteon,
	  October 1989.

   [84]	  Nedved, R., "Telnet Terminal Location	Number Option",	RFC-946,
	  Carnegie-Mellon University, May 1985.

   [85]	  NSW Protocol Committee, "MSG:	The Interprocess Communication
	  Facility for the National Software Works", CADD-7612-2411,
	  Massachusetts	Computer Associates, BBN 3237, Bolt Beranek and

Reynolds & Postel				              [Page 101]

RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

	  Newman, Revised December 1976.

   [86]	  Onions, J., and M. Rose, "ISO-TP0 bridge between TCP
	  and X.25", RFC-1086, Nottingham, TWG,	December 1988.

   [87]	  Partridge, C.	and G. Trewitt,	The High-Level Entity Management
	  System (HEMS), RFCs 1021, 1022, 1023,	and 1024, BBN/NNSC,
	  Stanford, October, 1987.

   [88]	  Plummer, D., "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol	or
	  Converting Network Protocol Addresses	to 48-bit Ethernet
	  Addresses for	Transmission on	Ethernet Hardware", RFC-826,
	  MIT-LCS, November 1982.

   [89]	  Postel, J., "Active Users", RFC-866, Information
	  Sciences Institute, May 1983.

   [90]	  Postel, J., and J. Reynolds, "A Standard for the Transmission
	  of IP	Datagrams over IEEE 802	Networks", RFC-1042,
	  USC/Information Sciences Institute, February 1988.

   [91]	  Postel, J., "A Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams
	  over Experimental Ethernet Networks, RFC-895,	Information
	  Sciences Institute, April 1984.

   [92]	  Postel, J., "Character Generator Protocol", RFC-864,
	  Information Sciences Institute, May 1983.

   [93]	  Postel, J., "Daytime Protocol", RFC-867, Information Sciences
	  Institute, May 1983.

   [94]	  Postel, J., "Discard Protocol", RFC-863, Information Sciences
	  Institute, May 1983.

   [95]	  Postel, J., "Echo Protocol", RFC-862,	Information Sciences
	  Institute, May 1983.

   [96]	  Postel, J. and J. Reynolds, "File Transfer Protocol",	RFC-959,
	  Information Sciences Institute, October 1985.

   [97]	  Postel, J., "Internet	Control	Message	Protocol - DARPA
	  Internet Program Protocol Specification", RFC-792,
	  Information Sciences Institute, September 1981.

   [98]	  Postel, J., "Internet	Message	Protocol", RFC-759, IEN	113,
	  Information Sciences Institute, August 1980.

   [99]	  Postel, J., "Name Server", IEN 116, Information Sciences

Reynolds & Postel				              [Page 102]

RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

	  Institute, August 1979.

   [100]  Postel, J., "Quote of	the Day	Protocol", RFC-865,
	  Information Sciences Institute, May 1983.

   [101]  Postel, J., "Remote Telnet Service", RFC-818,
	  Information Sciences Institute, November 1982.

   [102]  Postel, J., "Simple Mail Transfer Protocol", RFC-821,
	  Information Sciences Institute, August 1982.

   [103]  Postel, J., "Telnet End of Record Option", RFC-885,
	  Information Sciences Institute, December 1983.

   [104]  Postel, J., "User Datagram Protocol",	RFC-768
	  Information Sciences Institute, August 1980.

   [105]  Postel, J., ed., "Internet Protocol -	DARPA Internet Program
	  Protocol Specification", RFC-791, Information	Sciences
	  Institute, September 1981.

   [106]  Postel, J., ed., "Transmission Control Protocol - DARPA
	  Internet Program Protocol Specification", RFC-793,
	  Information Sciences Institute, September 1981.

   [107]  Postel, J. and D. Crocker, "Remote Controlled	Transmission and
	  Echoing Telnet Option", RFC-726, March 1977.

   [108]  Postel, J., and K. Harrenstien, "Time	Protocol", RFC-868,
	  Information Sciences Institute, May 1983.

   [109]  Postel, J. and J. Reynolds, "Telnet Extended Options - List
	  Option", RFC-861, Information	Sciences Institute, May	1983.

   [110]  Postel, J. and J. Reynolds, "Telnet Binary Transmission",
	  RFC-856, Information Sciences	Institute, May 1983.

   [111]  Postel, J. and J. Reynolds, "Telnet Echo Option", RFC-857,
	  Information Sciences Institute, May 1983.

   [112]  Postel, J., and J. Reynolds, "Telnet Protocol	Specification",
	  RFC-854, Information Sciences	Institute, May 1983.

   [113]  Postel, J. and J. Reynolds, "Telnet Status Option", RFC-859,
	  Information Sciences Institute, May 1983.

   [114]  Postel, J. and J. Reynolds, "Telnet Suppress Go Ahead	Option",
	  RFC-858, Information Sciences	Institute, May 1983.

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   [115]  Postel, J. and J. Reynolds, "Telnet Timing Mark Option",
	  RFC-860, Information Sciences	Institute, May 1983.

   [116]  Rekhter, J., "Telnet 3270 Regime Option", RFC-1041,
	  IBM, January 1988.

   [117]  Reynolds, J.,	"BOOTP Vendor Information Extensions",
	  RFC 1084, Information	Sciences Institute, December 1988.

   [118]  Reynolds, J. and J. Postel, "Official	Internet Protocols",
	  RFC-1011, USC/Information Sciences Institute,	May 1987.
	  [NOTE: This document is replaced by "IAB Official Protocol
	  Standards" [62].]

   [119]  Romano, S., M. Stahl,	and M. Recker, "Internet Numbers",
	  RFC-1166, SRI-NIC, May 1990.

   [120]  Rose,	M., and	K. McCloghrie, "Structure and Identification of
	  Management Information for TCP/IP-based internets", RFC-1155,
	  Performance Systems International, Hughes LAN	Systems,
	  May 1990.

   [121]  McCloghrie, K., and M. Rose, "Management Information Base for
	  Network Management of	TCP/IP-based internets:	MIB-II",
	  RFC-1213, Hughes LAN Systems,	Performance Systems
	  International, March 1991.

   [122]  Rose,	M., "Post Office Protocol - Version 3",	RFC 1225,
	  PSI, May 1991.

   [123]  Seamonson, L.	J., and	E. C. Rosen, "STUB" Exterior Gateway
	  Protocol", RFC-888, BBN Communications Corporation,
	  January 1984.

   [124]  Shuttleworth,	B., "A Documentary of MFENet, a	National
	  Computer Network", UCRL-52317, Lawrence Livermore Labs,
	  Livermore, California, June 1977.

   [125]  Silverman, S., "Output Marking Telnet	Option", RFC-933, MITRE,
	  January 1985.

   [126]  Sollins, K., "The TFTP Protocol (Revision 2)", RFC-783,
	  MIT/LCS, June	1981.

   [127]  Solomon, M., L. Landweber, and D. Neuhengen, "The CSNET Name
	  Server", Computer Networks, v.6, n.3,	pp. 161-172, July 1982.

   [128]  Solomon, M., and E. Wimmers, "Telnet Terminal	Type Option",

Reynolds & Postel				              [Page 104]

RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

	  RFC-930, Supercedes RFC-884, University of Wisconsin,	Madison,
	  January 1985.

   [129]  Sproull, R., and E. Thomas, "A Networks Graphics Protocol",
	  NIC 24308, August 1974.

   [130]  St. Johns, M., "Authentication Service", RFC-931, TPSC,
	  January 1985.

   [131]  Tappan, D., "The CRONUS Virtual Local	Network", RFC-824,
	  Bolt Beranek and Newman, August 1982.

   [132]  Taylor, J., "ERPC Functional Specification", Version 1.04,
	  HYDRA	Computer Systems, Inc.,	July 1984.

   [133]  "The Ethernet, A Local Area Network: Data Link Layer and
	  Physical Layer Specification", AA-K759B-TK, Digital Equipment
	  Corporation, Maynard,	MA.  Also as:  "The Ethernet - A Local
	  Area Network", Version 1.0, Digital Equipment	Corporation,
	  Intel	Corporation, Xerox Corporation,	September 1980.	 And:
	  "The Ethernet, A Local Area Network: Data Link Layer and
	  Physical Layer Specifications", Digital, Intel and Xerox,
	  November 1982.  And:	XEROX, "The Ethernet, A	Local Area
	  Network: Data	Link Layer and Physical	Layer Specification",
	  X3T51/80-50, Xerox Corporation, Stamford, CT., October 1980.

   [134]  The High Level Protocol Group, "A Network Independent	File
	  Transfer Protocol",  INWG Protocol Note 86, December 1977.

   [135]  Thomas, Bob, "The Interhost Protocol to Support CRONUS/DIAMOND
	  Interprocess Communication", BBN, September 1983.

   [136]  Tovar, "Telnet Extended ASCII	Option", RFC-698, Stanford
	  University-AI, July 1975.

   [137]  Uttal, J., J.	Rothschild, and	C. Kline, "Transparent
	  Integration of UNIX and MS-DOS", Locus Computing Corporation.

   [138]  Velten, D., R. Hinden, and J.	Sax, "Reliable Data Protocol",
	  RFC-908, BBN Communications Corporation, July	1984.

   [139]  Waitzman, D.,	"Telnet	Window Size Option", RFC-1073,
	  BBN STC, October, 1988.

   [140]  Waitzman, D.,	C. Partridge, and S. Deering
	  "Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol",	RFC-1075,
	  BBN STC and Stanford University, November 1988.

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   [141]  Wancho, F., "Password	Generator Protocol",  RFC-972, WSMR,
	  January 1986.

   [142]  Warrier, U., and L. Besaw, "The Common Management
	  Information Services and Protocol over TCP/IP	(CMOT)",
	  RFC-1095, Unisys Corp. and Hewlett-Packard, April 1989.

   [143]  Welch, B., "The Sprite Remote	Procedure Call System",
	  Technical Report, UCB/Computer Science Dept.,	86/302,
	  University of	California at Berkeley,	June 1986.

   [144]  Xerox, "Courier: The Remote Procedure	Protocol", XSIS	038112,
	  December 1981.

   [145]  Yasuda, A., and T. Thompson, "TELNET Data Entry Terminal
	  Option DODIIS	Implementation", RFC 1043, DIA,	February 1988.

   [146]  Simpson, W., "The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) for the
	  Transmission of Multi-Protocol Datagrams Over	Point-to-Point
	  Links", RFC 1331, Daydreamer,	May 1992.

   [147]  McGregor, G.,	"The (PPP) Internet Protocol Control Protocol
	  (IPCP)", RFC 1332, Merit, May	1992.

   [148]  Woodburn, W.,	and D. Mills, "	A Scheme for an	Internet
	  Encapsulation	Protocol: Version 1", RFC 1241,	SAIC,
	  University of	Delaware, July 1991.

   [149]  McCloghrie, K., and M. Rose, "Management Information Base for
	  Network Management of	TCP/IP-based internets", Hughes	LAN
	  Systems,  Performance	Systems	International, May 1990.

   [150]  McCloghrie, K., and M. Rose, "Management Information Base for
	  Network Management of	TCP/IP-based internets:	MIB-II",
	  RFC 1213, Hughes LAN Systems,	 Performance Systems
	  International, March 1991.

   [151]  McCloghrie, K., Editor, "Extensions to the Generic-Interface
	  MIB",	RFC 1229, Hughes LAN Systems, May 1991.

   [152]  Waldbusser, S., Editor, "AppleTalk Management	Information
	  Base", RFC 1243, Carnegie Mellon University, July 1991.

   [153]  Baker, F., and R. Coltun, "OSPF Version 2 Management
	  Information Base", RFC 1253, ACC, Computer Science Center,
	  August 1991.

   [154]  Willis, S, and J. Burruss, "Definitions of Managed Objects

Reynolds & Postel				              [Page 106]

RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

	  for the Border Gateway Protocol (Version 3)",	RFC 1269,
	  Wellfleet Communications Inc., October 1991.

   [155]  Waldbusser, S., "Remote Network Monitoring Management
	  Information Base", RFC 1271, Carnegie	Mellon University,
	  November 1991.

   [156]  Decker, E., Langille,	P., Rijsinghani, A., and K. McCloghrie,
	  "Definitions of Managed Objects for Bridges",	RFC 1286,
	  cisco	Systems, Inc., DEC,  Hughes LAN	Systems, Inc.,
	  December 1991.

   [157]  Cook,	J., Editor, Definitions	of Managed Objects for the
	  Ethernet-like	Interface Types", RFC 1284, Chipcom Corporation,
	  December 1991.

   [158]  McCloghrie, K., and R. Fox, "IEEE 802.4 Token	Bus MIB",
	  RFC 1230, Hughes LAN Systems,	Inc., Synoptics, Inc.,
	  May 1991.

   [159]  McCloghrie, K., Fox, R., and E. Decker, "IEEE	802.5 Token
	  Ring MIB", RFC 1231, Hughes LAN Systems, Inc., Synoptics,
	  Inc.,	cisco Systems, Inc., May 1991.

   [160]  Case,	J., "FDDI Management Information Base",	RFC 1285,
	  SNMP Research, Incorporated, January 1992.

   [161]  Baker, F., and C. Kolb, Editors, "Definitions	of Managed
	  Objects for the DS1 Interface	Type", RFC 1232, ACC,
	  Performance Systems International, Inc., May 1991.

   [162]  Cox, T., and K. Tesink, Editors, "Definitions	of Managed
	  Objects for the DS3 Interface	Type", RFC 1233, Bell
	  Communications Research, May 1991.

   [163]  Reynolds, J.,	"Reassignment of Experimental MIBs to
	  Standard MIBs", RFC 1239, ISI, June 1991.

   [164]  Cox, T., and K. Tesnik, Editors, "Definitions	of Managed
	  Objects for the SIP Interface	Type", RFC 1304, Bell
	  Communications Research, February 1992.

   [165]  Stewart, B., Editor, "Definitions of Managed Objects
	  for Character	Stream Devices", RFC 1316, Xyplex, Inc.,
	  April	1992.

   [166]  Stewart, B., Editor, "Definitions of Managed Objects for
	  RS-232-like Hardware Devices", RFC 1317, Xyplex, Inc.,

Reynolds & Postel				              [Page 107]

RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

	  April	1992.

   [167]  Stewart, B., Editor, "Definitions of Managed Objects
	  for Parallel-printer-like Hardware Devices", RFC 1318,
	  Xyplex, Inc.,	April 1992.

   [168]  Brown, C., Baker, F.,	and C. Carvalho, "Management
	  Information Base for Frame Relay DTEs", RFC 1315,
	  Wellfleet Communications, Inc., Advanced Computer
	  Communications, April	1992.

   [169]  Borenstein, N., and N. Freed,	"MIME (Multipurpose Internet
	  Mail Extensions): Mechanisms for Specifying and Describing
	  the Format of	Internet Message Bodies", RFC 1341, Bellcore,
	  Innosoft, June 1992.

   [170]  Simonsen, K.,	"Character Mnemonics & Character Sets",
	  RFC 1345, Rationel Almen Planlaegning, June 1992.

   [171]  Dorner, S., and P. Resnick, "Remote Mail Checking Protocol",
	  RFC 1339, U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,	June 1992.

   [172]  Everhart, C.,	Mamakos, L., Ullmann, R., and P. Mockapetris,
	  Editors, "New	DNS RR Definitions", RFC 1183, Transarc,
	  University of	Maryland, Prime	Computer, ISI, October 1990.

   [173]  Bradley, T., and C. Brown, "Inverse Address Resolution
	  Protocol", RFC 1293, Wellfleet Communications, Inc.,
	  January 1992.

   [174]  Manning, B. "DNS NSAP	RRs", RFC 1348,	Rice University,
	  July 1992.

   [175]  Simpson, W., "PPP Link Quality Monitoring", RFC 1333,
	  Daydreamer, May 1992.

   [176]  Baker, F., Editor, "Point-to-Point Protocol Extensions for
	  Bridging", RFC 1220, ACC, April 1991.

   [177]  McCloghrie, K., Davin, J., and J. Galvin, "Definitions of
	  Managed Objects for Administration of	SNMP Parties",
	  RFC 1353, Hughes LAN Systems,	Inc., MIT Laboratory for
	  Computer Science, Trusted Information	Systems, Inc.,
	  July 1992.

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992


   [AB20]    Art Berggreen	 ACC	   art@SALT.ACC.COM

   [ABB2]    A.	Blasco Bonito	 CNUCE	   blasco@ICNUCEVM.CNUCE.CNR.IT

   [AD14]    Annette DeSchon	 ISI	   DESCHON@ISI.EDU

   [AGM]     Andy Malis		 BBN	   Malis@BBN.COM

   [AKH5]    Arthur Hartwig	 UQNET

   [ANM2]    April N. Marine	 SRI	   april@nisc.sri.com

   [AW90]    Amanda Walker	 Intercon  AMANDA@INTERCON.COM

   [AXB]     Albert G. Broscius	 UPENN	   broscius@DSL.CIS.UPENN.EDU

   [AXB1]    Amatzia Ben-Artzi		   ---none---

   [AXB2]    Andre Baux		 Bull	   baux@ec.bull.fr

   [AXB3]    Anil Bhavnani	 Kalpana, Inc.	 ---none---

   [AXB4]    Alan Brind		 Cameo Communications, Inc.

   [AXC]     Andrew Cherenson	 SGI	   arc@SGI.COM

   [AXC1]    Anthony Chung	 Sytek

   [AXF]     Annmarie Freitas	 Microcom  ---none---

   [AXH]     Arthur Harvey	DEC	   harvey@gah.enet.dec.com

   [AXK]     Anastasios	Kotsikonas  Boston University

   [AXL]     Alan Lloyd		Datacraft  alan@datacraft.oz

   [AXM]     Alex Martin	Retix	   ---none---

   [AXM1]    Ashok Marwaha	Unisys	   ---none---

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   [AXM2]    Andrew McRae	Megadata Pty Ltd.

   [AXP]     Anil Prasad	WilTel	   wiltel!aprasad@uunet.UU.NET

   [AXP1]    A.	Pele		OST	   ---none---

   [AXS]     Arthur Salazar	Locus	   lcc.arthur@SEAS.UCLA.EDU

   [AXS1]    Andrew Smith	Ascom	   andrew@hasler.ascom.ch

   [AXS2]    Anil Singhal	Frontier   ---none---

   [BA4]     Brian Anderson	 BBN	   baanders@CCQ.BBN.COM

   [BCH2]    Barry Howard	 LLNL	   Howard@NMFECC.LLNL.GOV

   [BCN]     B.	Clifford Neuman	 ISI	   bcn@isi.edu

   [BD70]    Bernd Doleschal	 SEL	   Doleschal@A.ISI.EDU

   [BH144]   Bridget Halsey	 Banyan	   bah@BANYAN.BANYAN.COM

   [BJR2]    Bill Russell	 NYU	   russell@cmcl2.NYU.EDU

   [BK29]    Brian Kantor	 UCSD	   brian@UCSD.EDU

   [BKR]     Brian Reid		 DEC	   reid@DECWRL.DEC.COM

   [BM60]    Bede McCall	 Mitre	   bede@mitre.org

   [BP52]    Brad Parker	 CAYMAN	   brad@cayman.Cayman.COM

   [BS221]   Bob Stewart	 Xyplex	   STEWART@XYPLEX.COM

   [BV15]    Bernie Volz	 PSC	   VOLZ@PROCESS.COM

   [BWB6]    Barry Boehm	 DARPA	   boehm@DARPA.MIL

   [BXA]     Bill Anderson	 MITRE	   wda@MITRE-BEDFORD.ORG

   [BXB]     Brad Benson	 Touch	   ---none---

   [BXD]     Brian Dockter	 Northwest Digital Systems

   [BXE]     Brian A. Ehrmantraut Auspex Systems bae@auspex.com

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   [BXE1]    Brendan Eich	 SGI	   brendan@illyria.wpd.sgi.com

   [BXF]     Bruce Factor	 Artificial Horizons, Inc.

   [BXF1]    Bill Flanagan	 Lotus Development Corp.

   [BXF2]    Bob Friesenhahn	 PUREDATA Research/USA

   [BXG]     Bob Grady		 Tekelec   ---none---

   [BXH]     Brian Horn		 Locus	   ---none---

   [BXH1]    Bill Harrell	 TI	   ---none---

   [BXK]     Bill King		 Allen-Bradley Co.

   [BXK1]    Bill Keatley	 American Airlines ---none---

   [BXK2]    Bruce Kropp	 ADC Kentrox

   [BXL]     Brian Lloyd	 SIRIUS	   ---none---

   [BXL1]    Brian Lloyd	 Telebit   brian@robin.telebit.com

   [BXL2]    Bernard Lemercier	 BIM	   bl@sunbim.be

   [BXM]     RL	"Bob" Morgan	 Stanford University

   [BXM1]    Bob Meierhofer	 Computer Network Technology Corp.

   [BXN]     Bill Norton	 Merit	   wbn@MERIT.EDU

   [BXO]     Brian O'Shea	 Visual	   bos@visual.com

   [BXP]     Brad Parke		 Intecom   ---none---

   [BXP1]    Brian Petry	 Systech Computer Corporation

   [BXR]     Bob Rosenbaum	 WINDATA   ---none---

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   [BXR1]    Bill Rose		 SSD Management, Inc.  --none---

   [BXS]     Bill Simpson	 ACS	   bsimpson@vela.acs.oakland.edu

   [BXS1]    Blair Sanders	 Texas Instruments

   [BXS2]    Bill Schilit	 Xerox PARC  schilit@parc.xerox.com

   [BXT]     Bruce Taber	 Interlan  taber@europa.InterLan.COM

   [BXV]     Bill Versteeg	 NCR	   bvs@NCR.COM

   [BXW]     Brent Welch	 Sprite

   [BXW1]    Bruce Willins	 Raycom	   ---none---

   [BXZ]     Bob Zaniolo	 Reuter	   ---none---


   [CMR]     Craig Rogers	 ISI	   Rogers@ISI.EDU

   [CS1]     Chikong Shue	 Cascade Communications	Corp.

   [CWL]     Charles W.	Lynn, Jr. BBN	   CLYNN@BBN.COM

   [CXA]     Cyrus Azar		  Symplex Communications Corp.

   [CXB]     Caralyn Brown	 Wellfleet

   [CXB1]    Carl Beame		 Beame & Whiteside

   [CXC]     Creighton Chong	 Network Peripherals Inc.

   [CXC1]    Chih-Yi Chen	 Tatung	Co., Ltd.

   [CXC2]    Chuck Chriss	 Trillium Digital Systems

   [CXD]     Chuck Davin	 MIT	   jrd@ptt.lcs.mit.edu

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   [CXD1]    Carl H. Dreyer	 RC International A/S

   [CXD2]    Charles Dulin	 Parallan Computer, Inc. ---none---

   [CXF]     Catherine Foulston	 RICE	   cathyf@rice.edu

   [CXH]     Ching-Fa Hwang	 Proxar	   cfh@proxar.com

   [CXH1]    Claude Huss	 Matsushita Tokyo Research Labs

   [CXI1]    Clyde Iwamoto	 Stratacom cki@strata.com

   [CXL]     Chung Lam		 Fujitsu   ---none---

   [CXL1]    Christopher Leong	 DEC	  leong@kolmod.mlo.dec.com

   [CXM]     Charles Marker II	 MIPS	  marker@MIPS.COM

   [CXM1]    Carl Madison	 Star-Tek, Inc.	 carl@startek.com

   [CXM2]    Carl Marcinik	 Formation, Inc.  ---none---

   [CXM3]    Chuck McManis	 Sun	  Chuck.McManis@Eng.Sun.COM

   [CXR]     Cheryl Krupczak	 NCR

   [CXS]     Craig Scott	 NetWorth, Inc.	 ---none---

   [CXS1]    Chip Standifer	 Technology Dynamics, Inc.

   [CXT]     Christopher Tengi	 Princeton tengi@Princeton.EDU

   [CXT1]    Chris Thomas	 Intel Corporation

   [CXV]     Carl Vanderbeek	 Automated Network Management, Inc.

   [CXW]     Christopher Wheeler UW  cwheeler@cac.washignton.edu

   [CXW1]    Charles Watt	 SecureWare  watt@sware.com

   [DAG4]    David A. Gomberg	 MITRE	   gomberg@GATEWAY.MITRE.ORG

Reynolds & Postel				              [Page 113]

RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   [DB14]    Dave Borman	 Cray	   dab@CRAY.COM

   [DC126]   Dick Cogger	 Cornell   rhx@CORNELLC.CIT.CORNELL.EDU

   [DCP1]    David Plummer	 MIT	   DCP@SCRC-QUABBIN.ARPA

   [DDC1]    David Clark	 MIT	   ddc@LCS.MIT.EDU

   [DG223]   Doug Goodall	 Goodall Software

   [DJK13]   David Kaufman	 DeskTalk  ---none---

   [DLM1]    David Mills	 LINKABIT  Mills@HUEY.UDEL.EDU

   [DM28]    Dennis Morris	 DCA	   Morrisd@IMO-UVAX.DCA.MIL

   [DM280]   Dave Mackie	 NCD	   lupine!djm@UUNET.UU.NET

   [DM354]   Don McWilliam	 UBC	   mcwillm@CC.UBC.CA

   [DP4Q]    Drew Perkins	 InterStream

   [DP666]   Don Provan		 Novell	   donp@xlnvax.novell.com

   [DR48]    Doug Rosenthal	 MCC	   rosenthal@mcc.com

   [DR137]   David Rageth	 Martin	Marietta  DAVE@MMC.COM

   [DRC3]    Dave Cheriton	 STANFORD

   [DT15]    Daniel Tappan	 BBN	   Tappan@BBN.COM

   [DT167]   Dennis Thomas	 Tektronics dennist@tektronix.TEK.COM

   [DW181]   David Wolfe	 SRI	   ctabka@TSCA.ISTC.SRI.COM

   [DW183]   David Waitzman	 BBN	   dwaitzman@BBN.COM

   [DW238]   Dave Windorski	 UWisc

   [DXA]     Dave Atkinson	 Kinmel	Park	---none---

   [DXB]     Dave Buehmann	 Intergraph ingr!daveb@UUNET.UU.NET

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   [DXB1]    Dan Bernstein	 NYU	   brnstnd@stealth.acf.nyu.edu

   [DXB2]    Dennis E. Baasch	 Emerging Technologies,	Inc.

   [DXB3]    David A. Brown	 BICC	   fzbicdb@uk.ac.ucl

   [DXB4]    Donna Beatty	 MICOM Communication Corporation

   [DXC]     Dale Cabell	 NetCom	   ---none---

   [DXC1]    Darren Croke	 Micronics Computers Inc.

   [DXC2]    Dale Cabell	XTree	  cabell@smtp.xtree.com

   [DXD]     Dennis J.W. Dube	 VIA SYSTEMS ---none---

   [DXE]     Douglas Egan	 Nokia	   ---none---

   [DXF]     Dave Feldmeier	 Bellcore  dcf@thumper.bellcore.com

   [DXG]     David Goldberg	 SMI	   sun!dg@UCBARPA.BERKELEY.EDU

   [DXG1]     Don Gibson	  Aston-Tate

   [DXG2]    David B. Gurevich	 DHL Systems

   [DXH]     Donna Hopkins	 US West Advance Technologies

   [DXH1]    Dave Hudson	 Kendall Square	Research (KSR)

   [DXJ]     David Joyner	 NCSU Computing	Center

   [DXK]     Doug Karl		 OSU

   [DXK1]    Dwain Kinghorn	 Microsoft

   [DXK2]    Dror Kessler	 DigiBoard  dror@digibd.com

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   [DXK3]    David E. Kaufman	 Magnalink Communications Corporation

   [DXL]     David Lin		 Zenith	  ---none---

   [DXL1]    Dave LeBlang	 Atria Software	 leglang@atria.com

   [DXM]     Didier Moretti	 Ungermann-Bass	---none---

   [DXM2]    David Mittnacht	 Computer Protocol ---none---

   [DXM3]    Danny Mitzel	 Hughes	   dmitzel@whitney.hac.com

   [DXM4]    Deron Meranda	 Cincinnati Bell Info. Systems,	Inc.

   [DXM5]    Donna McMaster	 SynOptics  mcmaster@synoptics.com

   [DXN]     Danny Nessett	 LLNL Livermore	Computer Center

   [DXP]     Dave Preston	 CMC	   ---none---

   [DXP1]    David Perkins	 Synoptics  dperkins@synoptics.com

   [DXP2]    Dave Presotto	 AT&T	   presotto@reseach.att.com

   [DXR]     Debbie Reed	 Fujikura  ---none---

   [DXR1]    Don Rooney		 ACCTON	   ---none---

   [DXR2]    David Rhein	 HCSD	   davidr@ssd.csd.harris.com

   [DXR3]    David Reed		 MIT-LCS   ---none---

   [DXS]     Dan Shia		 DSET	   dset!shia@uunet.UU.NET

   [DXS1]    Daisy Shen		 IBM	   ---none---

   [DXS2]    Dale Shelton	 Roadnet   ---none---

   [DXS3]    Daniel Steinber	 SUN	   Daniel.Steinberg@Eng.Sun.COM

   [DXS4]    Dirk Smith		 Nu-Mega Technologies, Inc.

   [DXT]     Deepak Taneja	 Banyan

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   [DXT1]    David Taylor	 Empros	Systems	International

   [DXV]     D.	Venkatrangan	 Metrix	   venkat@metrix.com

   [DXW]     Dan Willie		 Codenoll Tech.	Corp.  ---none---

   [DXW1]    Don Weir		 Skyline Technology, Inc.  --none---

   [DY26]    Dennis Yaro	 SUN	   yaro@SUN.COM

   [EAK4]    Earl Killian	 LLL	   EAK@MORDOR.S1.GOV

   [EBM]     Eliot Moss		 MIT	   EBM@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU

   [EP53]    Eric Peterson	 Locus	   lcc.eric@SEAS.UCLA.EDU

   [EXB]     Etienne Baudras-Chardigny	 RCE   ---none---

   [EXC]     Ed	Cain		 DCA	   cain@edn-unix.dca.mil

   [EXC1]    Eric Cooper	 Fore Systems, Inc.  ecc@fore.com

   [EXD]     Eric Decker	 cisco	   cire@cisco.com

   [EXF]     Ed	Fudurich	 Gateway Communications, Inc.

   [EXG]    Errol Ginsberg	 Ridgeback Solutions

   [EXM]     Eldon S. Mast	 Netrix	Systems	Corporation

   [EXO]     Eric Olinger	 Peregrine Systems    eric@peregrine.com

   [EXR]     Eric Rubin		 FiberCom  err@FIBERCOM.COM

   [EXR1]    Efrat Ramati	 Lannet	Co. ---none---

   [EXR2]    Edwards E.	Reed	 Xerox	    ipcontact.cin_ops@xerox.com

   [EXW]     E.	Wald		 DEC	    ewald@via.enet.dec.com

   [EXX]     Eduardo		 ESA

   [FB77]    Fred Baker		 ACC	   fbaker@acc.com

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   [FEIL]			 Unisys

   [FJW]     Frank J. Wancho	 WSMR	   WANCHO@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL

   [FXB1]    Felix Burton	 DIAB	   FB@DIAB.SE

   [FXF]     Farhad Fozdar	 OSCOM International

   [GAL5]    Guillermo A. Loyola IBM	   LOYOLA@IBM.COM

   [GB7]     Gerd Beling	 FGAN	   GBELING@ISI.EDU

   [GEOF]    Geoff Goodfellow	 OSD	   Geoff@FERNWOOD.MPK.CA.US

   [GM23]    Glenn Marcy	 CMU	   Glenn.Marcy@A.CS.CMU.EDU

   [GS2]     Greg Satz		 cisco	   satz@CISCO.COM

   [GS91]    Guy Streeter	 Intergraph guy@guy.bll.ingr.com

   [GS123]   Geof Stone		 NSC	   geof@NETWORK.COM

   [GSM11]   Gary S. Malkin	 Xylogics  GMALKIN@XYLOGICS.COM

   [GXA]     Glen Arp		 Protools  ---none---

   [GXB]     Gerard Berthet	 Independence Technologies

   [GXC]     Greg Chesson	 SGI	   Greg@SGI.COM

   [GXC1]    George Clapp	 Bellcore

   [GXC2]    Gordon C. Galligher	   gorpong@ping.chi.il.us

   [GXD]     Glenn Davis	 Unidata   davis@unidata.ucar.edu

   [GXD1]    Gordon Day		 INDE Electronics  gday@cs.ubc.ca

   [GXG]     Gil Greenbaum	 Unisys	   gcole@nisd.cam.unisys.com

   [GXH]     Graham Hudspith	 INMOS	   gwh@inmos.co.uk

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   [GXH1]    Gary Haney		 Martin	Marietta Energy	Systems

   [GXH2]     Greg Hummel	  Cellular Technical Servuces

   [GXK]     Gunther Kroenert	 Siemens Nixdorf Informationssyteme AG

   [GXL]     Glenn Levitt	 McData	Corporation

   [GXM]     Gerald McBrearty	 IBM	   ---none---

   [GXM1]    Glenn Mansfield	 AIC Systems Laboratories Ltd.

   [GXM2]    Garry McCracken	 TIL Systems, Ltd.   ---none---

   [GXN]     Gunnar Nilsson	 Ericsson  ---none---

   [GXP]     Gill Pratt		 MIT	   gill%mit-ccc@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU

   [GXP1]    Greg Pflaum	 IRIS

   [GXS]     Guenther Schreiner	 LINK

   [GXS1]    George Sandoval	 Fibernet  ---none---

   [GXT]     Glenn Trewitt	 STANFORD  trewitt@AMADEUS.STANFORD.EDU

   [GXT1]    Gene Tsudik	 USC	   tsudik@USC.EDU

   [GXW]     Glenn Waters	 Bell Northern gwaters@BNR.CA

   [GXW1]    Gil Widdowson	 Interphase  ---none---

   [GXW2]    Graham Welling	 Dynatech Communications

   [HCF2]    Harry Forsdick	 BBN	   Forsdick@BBN.COM

   [HS23]    Hokey Stenn	 Plus5	   hokey@PLUS5.COM

   [HWB]     Hans-Werner Braun	 MICHIGAN  HWB@MCR.UMICH.EDU

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   [HXB]     Henk Boetzkes	 Netexp	Research   ---none---

   [HXD]     Hans Jurgen Dorr	 Digital-Kienzle Computersystems

   [HXE]     Hunaid Engineer	 Cray	   hunaid@OPUS.CRAY.COM

   [HXE1]    Hartvig Ekner	 Dowty Network Systems A/S

   [HXF]     Harley Frazee	 T3Plus	   harley@io.t3plus.com

   [HXF1]    Hiroshi Fujii	 ASTEC,	Inc.  fujii@astec.co.jp

   [HXH]     Harald Hoeg	 Tandberg Data A/S

   [HXH1]    Howard C. Herbert	 AES	   ---none---

   [HXH2]    Hidekazu Hagiwara	 Takaoka Electric Mfg. Co., Ltd.

   [HXK]     Henry Kaijak	 Gandalf   ---none---

   [HXK1]    Hiroshi Kume	 Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.

   [HXL]     Henry Lee		 TRW	   henry@trwind.ind.trw.com

   [HXL1]    Hugh Lockhart	 Telecommunication Systems

   [HXM]     Hsiang Ming Ma	 Asante	Technology   ---none---

   [HXN]     Henry P. Nagai	 D-Link	   ---none---

   [HXN1]    Heinz Nisi		 Richard Hirschmann GmbH & Co.

   [HXP]     Hong K. Paik	 Samsung   paik@samsung.com

   [HXS]     Heidi Stettner	 Basis,	Inc.  heidi@mtxinu.COM

   [HXT]     Hugh Thomas	 DEC	   thomas@oils.enet.dec.com

   [HXT1]    Hubert Theissen	 AEG KABEL ---none---

   [HXU]     Hirotaka Usuda	 Hitachi   ---none---

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   [IEEE]    Vince Condello	 IEEE	   ---none---

   [IXD]     Ian Dickinson	 WUCS	   vato@cu.warwick.ac.uk

   [IXD1]    Israel Drori	 LANOPTICS LTD.	Israel

   [IXG]     Ian George		 MegaPAC    ---none---

   [IXH]     Ippei Hayashi	 Fujitsu Limited

   [JAG]     James Gosling	 SUN	   JAG@SUN.COM

   [JB478]   Jonathan Biggar	 Netlabs   jon@netlabs.com

   [JBP]     Jon Postel		 ISI	   Postel@ISI.EDU

   [JBW1]    Joseph Walters, Jr. BBN	   JWalters@BBN.COM

   [JCB1]    John Burruss	 BBN	   JBurruss@VAX.BBN.COM

   [JCM48]   Jeff Mogul		 DEC	   mogul@DECWRL.DEC.COM

   [JD21]    Jonathan Dreyer	 BBN	   Dreyer@CCV.BBN.COM

   [JDC20]   Jeffrey Case	 UTK	   case@UTKUX1.UTK.EDU

   [JFH2]    Jack Haverty	 Oracle	Corporation

   [JFW]     Jon F. Wilkes	 STC	   Wilkes@CCINT1.RSRE.MOD.UK

   [JGH]     Jim Herman		 BBN	   Herman@CCJ.BBN.COM

   [JG423]   John Gawf		 Compatible Systems Corporation

   [JJB25]   John Bowe		 BBN	   jbowe@PINEAPPLE.BBN.COM

   [JPH17]   John Hanley	 Oracle	   jhanley@oracle.com

   [JKR1]    Joyce K. Reynolds	 ISI	   JKRey@ISI.EDU

   [JR35]    Jon Rochlis	 MIT	   jon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU

   [JRL3]    John R. LoVerso	 CCUR	   loverso@westford.ccur.com

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   [JS28]    John A. Shriver	 Proteon   jas@PROTEON.COM

   [JTM4]    John Moy		 Proteon   jmoy@PROTEON.COM

   [JWF]     Jim Forgie		 MIT/LL	   FORGIE@XN.LL.MIT.EDU

   [JXB]     Jeffrey Buffun	 Apollo	   jbuffum@APOLLO.COM

   [JXB1]    John M. Ballard	 Microsoft jballard@microsoft.com

   [JXB2]    John Burnett	 ATM	   ---none---

   [JXC]     John Cook		 Chipcom   cook@chipcom.com

   [JXC1]    Jeff Carton	 American Express Travel Rel. Ser.

   [JXC2]    Joseph Chen	 Symbol	Technology, Inc.  ---none---

   [JXD]     Julie Dmytryk	 Ultra

   [JXD1]    James Davidson	 NGC	   ngc!james@uunet.UU.NET

   [JXE2]    Jeanne Evans	 UKMOD	   JME%RSRE.MOD.UK@CS.UCL.AC.UK

   [JXF]     Josh Fielk		 Optical Data Systems  ---none---

   [JXF1]    Jeff Freeman	 Emulex	   ---none---

   [JXG]     Jerry Geisler	 Boeing	   ---none---

   [JXG1]    Jim Greuel		 HP	   jimg%hpcndpc@hplabs.hp.com

   [JXG2]    Jeremy Greene	 LearningTree taipan!greene@uunet.UU.NET

   [JXG3]    James L. Gula	 Corollary, Inc.  gula@corollary.com

   [JXH]     Jeffrey C.	Honig	 Cornell   jch@gated.cornell.edu

   [JXH1]    Jim Hayes		 Apple	   Hayes@APPLE.COM

   [JXI]     Jon Infante	 ICL	   ---none---

   [JXI1]    John Ioannidis	 Columbia  ji@close.cs.columbia.edu

   [JXK]     Joanna Karwowska	 DGC	   karwowska@dg-rtp.dg.com

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   [JXK1]    Jon Kepecs		 Legato	   kepecs@Legato.COM

   [JXL]     John Light		 GSS	   johnl@gssc.gss.com

   [JXM]     Joseph Murdock	 Network Resources Corporation

   [JXM1]    Jim Miner		 Star Technologies  miner@star.com

   [JXO]     Jack O'Neil	 ENCORE	   ---none---

   [JXO1]    Jerrilynn Okamura	 Ontologic ---none---

   [JXO2]    Jarkko Oikarinen	 Tolsun	   jto@TOLSUN.OULU.FI

   [JXO3]    John Ioannidis	 Columbia  ji@close.cs.columbia.edu

   [JXP]     Joe Pato		 Apollo	   apollo!pato@EDDIE.MIT.EDU

   [JXP1]    Jas Parmar		 Synernetics jas@synnet.com

   [JXP2]    John Pickens	 3Com	   jrp@3Com.com

   [JXR]     Jacob Rekhter	 IBM	   Yakov@IBM.COM

   [JXR1]    Jens T. Rasmussen	 CERN

   [JXR2]    James Rice		 Stanford  RICE@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU

   [JXR3]    Jacques Roth	 Netronix, Inc.	---none---

   [JXS]     Jim Stevens	 Rockwell  Stevens@ISI.EDU

   [JXS1]    John Sancho	 CastleRock ---none---

   [JXS2]    Jon Saperia	 DEC	   saperia@tcpjon.enet.dec.com

   [JXS3]    Jonathan Stone	 Victoria University

   [JXS4]    John K. Scoggin, Jr.  Delmarva Power  scoggin@delmarva.com

   [JXS5]    Jeremy Siegel	 3COM	   jzs@NSD.3Com.COM

   [JXT]     Jim Taylor		 Kodak	   taylor@heart.epps.kodak.com

   [JXT1]    Jimmy Tu		 Digital Link	jimmy@dl.com

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   [JXW]     James Watt		 NNC	   ---none---

   [JXY]     J.	Yoshida		 NKK Corp. ---none---

   [JXZ]     Jon Ziegler	 Artel	   Ziegler@Artel.com

   [KAA]     Ken Adelman	 TGV, Inc. Adelman@TGV.COM

   [KA4]     Karl Auerbach	 Empirical Tools and Technologies

   [KH43]    Kathy Huber	 BBN	   khuber@bbn.com

   [KH157]   Kory Hamzeh	 Fibermux

   [KLH]     Ken Harrenstien	 SRI	   KLH@nisc.sri.com

   [KR35]    Keith Reynolds	 SCO	   keithr@SCO.COM

   [KSL]     Kirk Lougheed	 cisco	   LOUGHEED@MATHOM.CISCO.COM

   [KXA]     Kannan Alagappan	 DEC	   kannan@sejour.enet.dec.comp

   [KXB]     Keith Boyce	Legent	   ---none---

   [KXC]    Ken	Chapman	       Stratus Computer

   [KXD]     Kevin DeVault	 NI	   ---none---

   [KXD1]    Kathryn de	Graaf	 David Systems	degraaf@davidsys.com

   [KXF]     Karl Fox		 MST	   karl@MorningStar.Com

   [KXF1]    Ken Fujimoto	 Tribe Computer	Works  fuji@tribe.com

   [KXG]     Kevin Gage		 Chase Research

   [KXH]     Khalid Hireche	 G2R Inc.  ---none---

   [KXH1]    Keith Hogan	 Penril	   keith%penril@uunet.uu.net

   [KXJ]     Ken Jones		 KonKord   konkord!ksj@uunet.uu.net

   [KXL]     Kim Le		 DATAHOUSE Information Systems Ltd.

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   [KXM]     Kevin Murphy	 DEC	   murphy@sevens.lkg.dec.com

   [KXR]     Ken Ritchie	 SEEL	   ---none---

   [KXS]     Keith Sklower	 Berkeley  sklower@okeeffe.berkeley.edu

   [KXS1]    Kevin Smith	 Telematics International, Inc.

   [KXS2]    Keld Simonsen	 RAP	   Keld.Simonsen@dkuug.dk

   [KXT]     Kaj Tesink		 Bellcore  kaj@nvuxr.cc.bellcore.com

   [KXT1]    Kent Tsuno		 SEI	   tsuno@sumitomo.com

   [KXV]     Ken Virgile	 Sigma Net. Sys. signet!ken@xylogics.COM

   [KXW]     Ken Whitfield	 MCNC	   ken@MCNC.ORG

   [KXW1]    Kathy Weninger	 Network Resources Corporation

   [KZM]     Keith McCloghrie	 HLS	   KZM@HLS.COM

   [LL69]    Lawrence Lebahn	 DIA	   DIA3@PAXRV-NES.NAVY.MIL

   [LLP]     Larry Peterson	 ARIZONA   llp@ARIZONA.EDU

   [LS8]     Louis Steinberg	 Rutgers   lou@ARAMIS.RUTGERS.EDU

   [LXA]     Lorenzo Aguilar	 Taligent  lorenzo@taligent.com

   [LXB]     Larry Burton	 APTEC Computer	Systems

   [LXB1]    Laura Bridge	 Timeplex  laura@uunet.UU.NET

   [LXB2]    Lawrence Brown	 Unisys	   ---none---

   [LXB3]    Larry Barnes	 DEC	   barnes@broke.enet.dec.com

   [LXD]     Larry DeLuca	 AT	   henrik@EDDIE.MIT.EDU

   [LXD1]    Larry Davis	 C. Itoh Electronics   ---none---

   [LXE]     Len Edmondson	 SUN	   len@TOPS.SUN.COM

   [LXF]     Larry Fischer	 DSS	   lfischer@dss.com

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   [LXH]     Leo Hourvitz	 NeXt	   leo@NEXT.COM

   [LXL]     Lennart Lovstrand	 NeXT Computer,	Inc.

   [LXM]     Louis Mamakos	 UMD	   louie@sayshell.umd.edu

   [LXO]     Larry Osterman	 GTE Telecom   larryo@gtetele.com

   [LXP]     Lars Povlsen	 Olicom	A/S  krus@olicom.dk

   [LXS]     Lance Sprung	 SMC	   ---none---

   [LXW]     Lih-Er Wey		 MSU	   WEYLE@msu.edu

   [LZ15]    Lee Ziegenhals	 Datapoint  lcz@sat.datapoint.com

   [MA]	     Mike Accetta	 CMU	   MIKE.ACCETTA@CMU-CS-A.EDU

   [MA108]   Mike Anello	 XDI	   mike@xlnt.com

   [MAR10]   Mark A. Rosenstein	 MIT	   mar@ATHENA.MIT.EDU

   [MB]	     Michael Brescia	 BBN	   Brescia@CCV.BBN.COM

   [MBG]     Michael Greenwald	 SYMBOLICS

   [MCSJ]    Mike StJohns	 TPSC	   stjohns@UMD5.UMD.EDU

   [ME38]    Marc A. Elvy	 Marble	   ELVY@CARRARA.MARBLE.COM

   [MG277]   Martin Gren	 Axis Communications AB	 martin@axis.se

   [MKL]     Mark Lottor	 SRI	   MKL@nisc.sri.com

   [ML109]   Mike Little	 MACOM	   little@MACOM4.ARPA

   [MLS34]   L.	Michael	Sabo	 TMAC	   Sabo@DOCKMASTER.NCSC.MIL

   [MO2]     Michael O'Brien	 AEROSPACE obrien@AEROSPACE.AERO.ORG

   [MRC]     Mark Crispin	 Simtel	   MRC@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL

   [MS9]     Marty Schoffstahl	 Nysernet  schoff@NISC.NYSER.NET

   [MS56]    Marvin Solomon	 WISC	   solomon@CS.WISC.EDU

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   [MTR]     Marshall T. Rose	 PSI	   mrose@PSI.COM

   [MXA]     Mike Asagami	 Toshiba   toshiba@mothra.nts.uci.edu

   [MXB]     Mike Berrow	 Relational Technology	---none---

   [MXB1]    Mike Burrows	 DEC	   burrows@SRC.DEC.COM

   [MXB2]    Mark T. Dauscher	 Sybus Corportation

   [MXB3]    Michael Bell	 Integrated Business Network

   [MXC]     Ming-Perng	Chen	 CCL/ITRI

   [MXC1]    Mark McCahill	 UMN	     mpm@boombox.micro.umn.edu

   [MXC2]    Matt Christiano	 Olivettti

   [MXE]     Mike Erlinger	 Lexel	     mike@lexcel.com

   [MXF]     Mark Fabbi		 Bell Canada markf@gpu.utcs.utoronto.ca

   [MXF1]    Marco Framba	 Olivetti   framba@orc.olivetti.com

   [MXF2]    Martin Forssen	 Chalmers   maf@dtek.chalmers.se

   [MXH]     Matt Harris	 Versitron  ---none---

   [MXH1]    Masahiko Hori	 Mitsubishi Cable Industries, Ltd.

   [MXH2]    Mark Holobach	 Electronic Data Systems

   [MXH3]    Mark Hankin	 Lancert   ---none---

   [MXL]     Mark L. Lambert	 MIT	   markl@PTT.LCS.MIT.EDU

   [MXL1]    Mats Lindstrom	 Diab Data AB  mli@diab.se

   [MXL2]    Mark S. Lewis	 Telebit   mlewis@telebit.com

   [MXN]     Mark Needleman	 UCDLA

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   [MXL2]    Mark Lenney	 Raylan	Corporation  ---none---

   [MXO]     Mike O'Dowd	 EPFL	   odowd@ltisun8.epfl.ch

   [MXO1]    Mike Oswald	 J.I. Case mike@helios.uwsp.edu

   [MXP]     Martin Picard	 Oracle	   ---none---

   [MXP1]    Michael Podhorodecki  Labtam Australia Pty. Ltd.

   [MXR]     Maurice R.	Turcotte RMIS

   [MXS]     Mike Spina		 Prime

   [MXS1]    Martha Steenstrup	 BBN	   MSteenst@BBN.COM

   [MXS2]    Michael Sapich	 CCCBS	   sapich@conware.de

   [MXS3]    Marc Sheldon	 BinTec	   ms@BinTec.DE

   [MXS4]    Marc Sheldon	 EUnet Germany	  ms@Germany.EU.net

   [MXT]     Martyn Thomas	 Insignia Solutions  ---none---

   [MXT1]    Mark Tom		 NET	   marktom@tom.net.com

   [MXW]     Michael Waters	 EON	   ---none---

   [MXZ]     Mauro Zallocco	 Netlink   ---none---

   [NC3]     J.	Noel Chiappa	 MIT	   JNC@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU

   [NT12]    Neil Todd		 IST

   [NXC]     Nick Cuccia	 NASA Ames Research Center

   [NXE]     Nadya K. El-Afandi	 NSC	   nadya@khara.network.com

   [NXH]     Nicola J. Howarth	 ANSA	   njh@ansa.co.uk

   [NXK]     Nagayuki Kojima	 Japan Radio Co.

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   [NXL]     Nik Langrind	 Shiva Corp.  nik@Shiva.COM

   [NXM]     Nob Mizuno		 Matsushita Electric Industrial	Co.,
				 Ltd.	   mizuno@isl.mei.co.jp

   [NXP]     Narendra Popat	 FSD	   ---none---

   [NXR]     Nelluri L.	Reddy	 CDC	   reddy@uc.msc.umn.edu

   [OXC]     Olivier J.	Caleff	 Dassault  caleff@dassault-elec.fr

   [OXF]     Osamu Fujiki	 DCL	   ---none---

   [OXG]     Oyvind Gjerstad	 Tollpost-Globe	AS

   [OXI]     Oft Israel		 Rad	   ---none---

   [OXJ]     Oliver Jones	 PictureTel Corporation	 oj@pictel.com

   [OXK]     Oliver Korfmacher	 netCS Informationstechnik GmbH

   [OXR]     Oscar Rodriguez	 Dupont	   ---none---

   [PAM6]    Paul McNabb	 RICE	   pam@PURDUE.EDU

   [PCW]     C.	Philip Wood	 LANL	   cpw@LANL.GOV

   [PD39]    Pete Delaney	 ECRC

   [PHD1]    Pieter Ditmars	 BBN	   pditmars@BBN.COM

   [PK]	     Peter Kirstein	 UCL	   Kirstein@NSS.CS.UCL.AC.UK

   [PL4]     Phil Lapsley	 BERKELEY  phil@UCBARPA.BERKELEY.EDU

   [PM1]     Paul Mockapetris	 ISI	   PVM@ISI.EDU

   [PXA]     Prakash Ambegaonkar FTC	   ---none---

   [PXA1]    Paul Afshar	 Solarix Systems

   [PXA2]    Paul Andon		 MICROGNOSIS  pandon@micrognosis.co.uk

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   [PXB]     Pat Barron		 Transarc Corporation

   [PXB1]    Pascal Bataille	 GSI	    pascal.bataille@gsi.fr

   [PXC]     Peter Cox		 ENE	    ---none---

   [PXC1]    Patrick Cheng	 TRW	    pcheng@dill.ind.trw.com

   [PXC2]    Paolo Coppo	 CSELT	    coppo@cz8700.cselt.stet.it

   [PXC3]    Paul Chefurka	 PlainTree Systems Inc.

   [PXD]     Peter Delchiappo	 MTrade	UK Ltd.	 ---none---

   [PXE]     Peter S. Easton	 Brixton Systems, Inc.

   [PXF]     Per Futtrup	 SDD (Scandinavian Airlines Data
				 Denmark A/S)	---none---

   [PXG]     Pete Grillo	 Network Innovations

   [PXH]     Per Bech Hansen	 DDE	    pbh@dde.dk

   [PXJ]     Prem Jain		 Crescendo  prem@cres.com

   [PXJ1]    Petri Jokela	 Telecom Finland  ---none---

   [PXK]     Philip Koch	 Dartmouth Philip.Koch@DARTMOUTH.EDU

   [PXK1]    Peter Kumik	 Case Comm. ---none---

   [PXK2]    Professor Kynikos	 Special Consultant  ---none---

   [PXK3]    Paul Krystosek	 DOE Atmospheric Radiation
				 Measurement Project

   [PXL]     Paul Liu		 ADI Systems, Inc.  ---none---

   [PXL1]    Reter de Laval	 SECTRA		  pdl@sectra.se

   [PXM]     Paul Maurer II	 STS	   ---none---

   [PXM1]    Patrick McNamee	 GE	   ---none---

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   [PXO]     Paul O'Donnell	 Basser	   paulod@cs.su.oz.au

   [PXR]     Paul Rodwick	 Metaphor  ---none---

   [PXR1]    Parag Rastogi	 Vitacom Corporation

   [PXS]     Paul Singh		 Intellicom ---none---

   [PXV]     Paul V. Fries	 Alantec    pvf@alantec.com

   [PXY]     Peter C. Yoest	 American Power	Conversion Corp.

   [PXY1]    Paul Hoff		 Norwegian Telecom Research

   [RA11]    Rick Adams		 UUNET	   rick@UUNET.UU.NET

   [RAM57]   Rex Mann		 CDC	   ---none---

   [RAW44]   Robert A. Woodburn	 Sparta	   WOODY@SPARTA.COM

   [RDXS]    R.	Dwight Schettler HP	   rds%hpcndm@HPLABS.HP.COM

   [RH6]     Robert Hinden	 BBN	   Hinden@CCV.BBN.COM

   [RH227]   Ron Holt		 Eyring, Inc.  ron@Eyring.COM

   [RHT]     Robert Thomas	 BBN	   BThomas@F.BBN.COM

   [RM1]     Richard Mak	 Amnet,	Inc.   mak@amnet.COM

   [RN6]     Rudy Nedved	 CMU	   Rudy.Nedved@CMU-CS-A.EDU

   [RP211]   Ragnar Paulson	 TSG	   tsgfred!ragnar@uunet.UU.NET

   [RTB3]    Bob Braden		 ISI	   Braden@ISI.EDU

   [RWS4]    Robert W. Scheifler ARGUS	   RWS@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU

   [RXB]     Ramesh Babu	 Luxcom	   krbabu@btr.com

   [RXB1]    Ron Bhanukitsiri	 DEC	   rbhank@DECVAX.DEC.COM

   [RXB2]    Rich Bantel	 AT&T	   rgb@mtung.att.com

   [RXB3]    Robert Woodburn	 SAIC	   woody@cseic.saic.com

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   [RXB4]    Russ Blaesing	 Open Networks Engineering, Inc.

   [RXC]     Rob Chandhok	 CMU	   chandhok@gnome.cs.cmu.edu

   [RXC1]    Rick Carlos	 TI	   rick.ticipa.csc.ti.com

   [RXC2]    Ray Compton	 DIS Research LTD  rayc@command.com

   [RXD]     Roger Dev		 Cabletron ---none---

   [RXD1]    Ralph Droms	 NRI	   rdroms@NRI.RESTON.VA.US

   [RXD2]    Rajiv Dhingra	 Ultranet  rajiv@ULTRA.COM

   [RXD3]    Rex Davis		 Tandem	   ---none---

   [RXD4]    Rick Downs		 AMP	   ---none---

   [RXD5]    Russell S.	Dietz	 Technically Elite Concepts, Inc.

   [RXE]     Robert R. Elz	 Webster Computer kre@munnari.oz.au

   [RXF]     Richard Fox	 Synoptics rfox@synoptics.com

   [RXH]     Reijane Huai	 Cheyenne  sibal@CSD2.NYU.EDU

   [RXH1]    Russ Housley	 Xerox

   [RXI]     Robin Iddon	 Axon Networks Inc.

   [RXJ]     Ronald Jacoby	 SGI	   rj@SGI.COM

   [RXL]     Rich Lyman		 Lantronix  rich@alecto.gordian.com

   [RXM]     Robert Myhill	 BBN	   Myhill@CCS.BBN.COM

   [RXN]     Rina Nethaniel	 RND	   ---none---

   [RXN1]    Russ Nelson	 Clarkson  nelson@clutx.clarkson.edu

   [RXN2]    R.	Nurnberg	 AEG Electrcom	 ---none---

   [RXR]     Richard Rein	 Pyramid Technology Corp.

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   [RXR1]    R.	K. Nair		 NRL	   nair@itd.nrl.navy.mil

   [RXS]     Ron Strich		 SSDS	   ---none---

   [RXS1]    Reuben Sivan	 Crosscomm crossc!rsivan@uunet.UU.NET

   [RXS2]    Richard Schneider	 Epson Research	Center

   [RXS3]    Richard P.	Stubbs	 Quotron Systems, Inc.

   [RXS4]    Rob Spade		 I.D.E.	Corporation ---none---

   [RXT]     Ron Thornton	 GenRad	   thornton@qm7501.genrad.com

   [RXT1]    Rodney Thayer	 Sable	   ---none---

   [RXU]     Robert Urquhart	 Simon Fraser University

   [RXW]     Russell G.	Wilson	 Hill AFB  rwilson@oodis01.af.mil

   [RXW1]    R.	J. White	 Univ. of Waterloo

   [RXZ]     Rayan Zachariassen	 Toronto   rayan@AI.TORONTO.EDU

   [SAF3]    Stuart A. Friedberg UWISC	   stuart@CS.WISC.EDU

   [SB98]    Stan Barber	 BCM	   SOB@BCM.TMC.EDU

   [SC3]     Steve Casner	 ISI	   Casner@ISI.EDU

   [SGC]     Steve Chipman	 BBN	   Chipman@F.BBN.COM

   [SH284]   Steve Hardcastle-Kille ISODE Consortium  S.Kille@isode.com

   [SHB]     Steven Blumenthal	 BBN	   BLUMENTHAL@VAX.BBN.COM

   [SH37]    Sergio Heker	 JVNC	   heker@JVNCC.CSC.ORG

   [SL70]    Stuart Levy	 UMN	   slevy@UC.MSC.UMN.EDU

   [SMB]     Scott Bellew	 Purdue	   smb@cs.purdue.edu

   [SRN1]    Stephen Northcutt	 NSWC	   SNORTHC@RELAY-NSWC.NAVY.MIL

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   [SS92]    Steve Schoch	 NASA	   SCHOCH@AMES.ARC.NASA.GOV

   [STY]     Shannon Yeh	 Netix	   yeh@netix.com

   [SW159]   Steven Willis	 Wellfleet swillis@WELLFLEET.COM

   [SXA]     Susie Armstrong	 XEROX	   Armstrong.wbst128@XEROX.COM

   [SXA1]    Shamim Ahmed	 OSU

   [SXA2]    Steve Alexander	 ISC	   stevea@i88.isc.com

   [SXA3]    Sten Andler	 IBM	   ---none---

   [SXB]     Steve Briggs	 Compaq	   steveb@se.hou.compaq.com

   [SXB2]    Steve Bush		 GEIS	   sfb@ncoast.org

   [SXC]     Shaw C. Chuang	 University College London

   [SXD]     Steve Deering	 Stanford deering@PECASERO.STANFORD.EDU

   [SXD1]    Steve Dorner	 U. of Illinois	 s-dorner@UIUC.EDU

   [SXE]     Simon Edwards	 Micro Focus UK	 ---none---

   [SXF]     Shoji Fukutomi	 Furukawa Electoric Co.	Ltd.

   [SXH]     Steven Hunter	 LLNL	   hunter@CCC.MFECC.LLNL.GOV

   [SXH1]    Scott Hahn		 Sequent   sdh@sequent.com

   [SXH2]    Scott Holley  Allied Telesis, Inc.

   [SXH3]    Steve Harris	 Republic Telcom Systems, Inc.

   [SXH4]    Simon Hackett	 Internode Systems Pty Ltd

   [SXH5]    Stefan Hedemann	 Hedemann Software Development

   [SXK]     Skip Koppenhaver	 DAC	   stubby!skip@uunet.UU.NET

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   [SXK1]    Stev Knowles	 FTP	   stev@vax.ftp.com

   [SXL]     Sam Lau		 Pirelli/Focom ---none---

   [SXL1]    Stephen Lewis	 Scitec	   ---none---

   [SXL2]    Steve Loring	 L & N Technologies, Ltd.

   [SXL3]    Syd Logan		 AGE Logic  syd@age.com

   [SXM]     Sheri Mayhew	 Develcon

   [SXM1]    Skip Morton	 Netcore, Inc.	 ---none---

   [SXO]     SeeYoung Oh	 Daewoo	Telecom	   oco@scorpio.dwt.co.kr

   [SXP]     Sanand Patel	 Canstar   sanand@HUB.TORONTO.EDU

   [SXP1]    Satish Popat	 Ericsson-Camtec  ---none---

   [SXS]     Steve Silverman	 MITRE	   Blankert@MITRE-GATEWAY.ORG

   [SXS1]    Susie Snitzer	 Britton-Lee ---none---

   [SXS2]    Soren H. Sorensen	 CR SYSTEMS ---none---

   [SXS3]    Steven Sweeney	 Farallon Computing, Inc.  ---none---

   [SXS4]    Simson L. Garfinkel NeXt	   simsong@next.cambridge.ma.us

   [SXW]     Steve Waldbusser	 CMU	   sw01+@andrew.cmu.edu

   [SXW1]    Simon van Winkelen	 SDL	   ---none---

   [SXW2]    Sean Welch		 Xenocom, Inc.	welch@raven.ulowell.edu

   [SXW3]    Steve Willens	 Livingston Enterprises, Inc.

   [TC27]    Thomas Calderwood	 BBN	   TCALDERW@BBN.COM

   [TN]	     Thomas Narten	 Purdue	   narten@PURDUE.EDU

   [TS566]   Timon Sloane	 PeerNet

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   [TU]	     Tom Unger		 UMich	   tom@CITI.UMICH.EDU

   [TXA]     Tad Artis		 Microwave Bypass Systems, Inc.

   [TXA1]    Takahiro Asai	 Hitachi Cable,	Ltd.   ---none---

   [TXB]     Torsten Beyer	 Dr. Materna GmbH  tb@Materna.de

   [TXB1]    Tom Bereiter	 Tiviloi   ---none---

   [TXC]     Tracy Cox		 Bellcore  tacox@sabre.bellcore.com

   [TXD]     "Tundra" Tim Daneliuk  Covia

   [TXH]     Takashi Hagiwara	 Sony	   Hagiwara@Sm.Sony.Co.Jp

   [TXH1]    Tim Howes		 UMich

   [TXJ]     Tim Jones		 Box Hill Systems Corporation

   [TXL]     Tim Berners-Lee	 CERN	   timbl@nxoc01.cern.ch

   [TXM]     Trudy Miller	 ACC	   Trudy@ACC.COM

   [TXM1]    Thomas McGinty	 Codex	   ---none---

   [TXO]     Toshiharu Ohno	 ASCII Corporation  tony-o@ascii.co.jp

   [TXP]     Tony van der Peet	 DSIR Network Group

   [TXR]     Tim Rylance	 Praxis	   praxis!tkr@UUNET.UU.NET

   [TXR1]    Thomas Ruf		 Schneider & Koch   tom@rsp.de

   [TXS]     Ted J. Socolofsky	 Spider	   Teds@SPIDER.CO.UK

   [TXS1]    Toshiharu Sugawara	 NTTC

   [TXS2]    Thomas M. Smith	 GE Aerospace  tmsmith@esc.syr.ge.com

   [TXT]     Ted Tran		 Andrew	Corporation   ---none---

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   [TXT1]    Terrence J. Talbot	 BU	    lexcube!tjt@bu.edu

   [TXV]     Tomas Vocetka	 Compu-Shack

   [TXW]     Toshio Watanabe	 RICOH Co. Ltd.

   [UB3]     Ulf Bilting	 CHALMERS  bilting@PURDUE.EDU

   [UXV]     Umberto Vizcaino	 Bridgeway  ---none---

   [UW2]     Unni Warrier	 Netlabs   unni@NETLABS.COM

   [VJ]	     Van Jacobson	 LBL	   van@CSAM.LBL.GOV

   [VXC]     Vik Chandra	 IBM	   vc@ralvm6.vnet.ibm.com

   [VXD]     Victor Dafoulas	 Wang Labs ---none---

   [VXE]     Vince Enriquez	 Motorola  enriquez@sps.mot.com

   [VXK]     Victor Kazdoba	 Morgan	Stanley	& Co. Inc.

   [VXL]     Vince Liu		 Centrum Communications, Inc.

   [VXS]     Vinod Singh	 Unify	   ---none---

   [VXT]     V.	Taylor		 CANADA	   vktaylor@NCS.DND.CA

   [WDW11]   William D.	Wisner		   wisner@HAYES.FAI.ALASKA.EDU


   [WJS1]    Weldon J. Showalter DCA	   Gamma@MINTAKA.DCA.MIL

   [WLB8]    William L.	Biagi	 Advintech

   [WM3]     William Melohn	 SUN	   Melohn@SUN.COM

   [WXC]     Wesley Craig	 UMICH

   [WXC1]    W.	James Colosky	 Eastman Kodak Company

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RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

   [WXD]     William Dunn	 NetManage, Inc.

   [WXP]     W.J. Parducci & Associates, Inc.  Bill Parducci

   [WXS]     Wayne Schroeder	 SDSC	   schroeder@SDS.SDSC.EDU

   [WXS2]    W.R. Maynard-Smith	 Netcomm, Ltd.	---none---

   [WXT]     Wayne Tackabury	 Pacer Software	wft@pacersoft.com

   [VXW]     Val Wilson		 Spider	   val@spider.co.uk

   [YXA]     Yoshiyuki Akiyama	 NEC

   [YXH]     Yigal Hochberg	 Unifi	   yigal@unifi.com

   [YXK]     Yoav Kluger	 Spartacus ykluger@HAWK.ULOWELL.EDU

   [YXK1]    Yasuhiro Kohata	 NTT DATA  kohata@rd.nttdata.jp

   [YXW]     Y.C. Wang		 Network Application Technology

   [YXW1]    Yasuyoshi Watanabe	 Seiko Instruments, Inc. (SII)

   [XEROX]   Fonda Pallone	 Xerox	   ---none---

   [ZSU]     Zaw-Sing Su	 SRI	   ZSu@TSCA.ISTC.SRI.COM

   [ZXS]     Zohar Seigal	 Gambit	Computer ---none---

Reynolds & Postel				              [Page 138]

RFC 1340		    Assigned Numbers		       July 1992

Security Considerations

   Security issues are not discussed in	this memo.

Authors' Addresses

   Joyce K. Reynolds
   Information Sciences	Institute
   University of Southern California
   4676	Admiralty Way
   Marina del Rey, CA 90292

   Phone: (310)	822-1511


   Jon Postel
   Information Sciences	Institute
   University of Southern California
   4676	Admiralty Way
   Marina del Rey, CA 90292

   Phone: (310)	822-1511


Reynolds & Postel				              [Page 139]


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